Which is the Best Mixing Tutorial?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Banz, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. Banz

    Banz Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Hello, guys.

    If you could recommend one of the greatests mixing tutorials... A game changer for you, which would be?

    One tutorial for style/application would be great!
  3. peacefulburningz

    peacefulburningz Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Bobby Owsinski 101 Mixing Tricks is a good one.
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  4. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    i don't know what kind of music you're producing, mixing and or mastering, but for me
    EchoSoundWorks, Born To Produce mixing skill set, ill factor, is life.
    a lot of people talk about dancemusicproduction.com, i bought the theory tutorial, it was good but some of the theory terms and accent made me loose interest. though, understanding the theory and terms now from college, i can look back and say, he knows his stuff and it was worth the money. the 1st three have some good free vids available on youtube and i can only vouch for the quality of the 1st two as having very good paid info. check the sister site if your funds are low, as most are this time of year... Mix bus tv is pretty good too!
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
  5. stefodis

    stefodis Producer

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Matt Weiss's "Mixing with Eq", and even better: "Mixing with Compression". In-depth, clever way of teaching (black screen when he changes the different parameters, so your ears aren't tricked by the knobs visual's movements, and you have to pay attention to what matters : the sound).

    agreed on this one too!!!:yes:
  6. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    The only good tutorial is 'Practice'.
    I read the Mixing handbook by Owsinski (and his 101 tips are also good), some other tutorials here and there but in the end knowing stuff has nothing to do with doing stuff. You have to find out what your approach is (beginning with a few tracks and add the rest vs. everything up from the beginning e.g.), you have to find out what you really want from a mix and then how to achieve this.

    You can buy all the best gear and plugins, get all the tutorials and read/watch them - you've got no idea what you're doing until you actuallly mix.

    That being said: I really can recommend the book by Owsinski as it really helps you not think "well kick drums always have to be at -5db, cut and boost here, compressor set to blahblah...and that's it". The interviews really are the best thing in there (I hope they are still in there in the latest edition?...:D ).

    Aunt Edith: One thing that a good tutorial should do: explain the gear. What does a comp do and why do you want that. What does an EQ do, why are there so many, what you really want an EQ to do? And so on. Especially on YouTube are a lot ot "tutorials" that don't explain anything so you learn absolutely nothing.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
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  7. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    from my experience you want to find 1 guy that "speaks to you" - one that "you get" - since there are a whole lot of people talking and trying to teach us about mixing. lot of them focus on the "how to" and they dont get into the "why"

    so if you exposure yourself to alot of different "how to do" that can be very different to each other it may end up confusing you even more, since you do not know where they are coming from.

    to me it boils down to the philosophy beind "it" - that will make everything more clear to you in your mind and you can reach your goals better/faster.

    also one doesnt really learn anything from watching any tutorial untill you actually start practicing it and you learn from your owne mistakes.:wink:
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  8. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I'd seriously recommend "The Recording Revolution - REthink Mixing". Graham Cochrane walks you through a mix in layman's terms. This video has been an eye opener for me. You can check all his free videos on youtube too.
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  9. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    here's a link. I learned a lot from this place. I like the "5 minutes to a better mix" series. http://therecordingrevolution.com/
  10. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    THENATAN Guest

    clickbait Guys Are Everywhere!
    Stay Away From Online Learning.
  12. Manta

    Manta Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    Can't recommend one, they al have there good/bad.

    I like the recording revolution, bobby owsinski, puremix (fab dupont), lynda tutorials..
  13. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I really liked the Marc Mozart stuff, he had a good article on vocal processing chains, and compression. He's got a book available called "Your Mix Sucks".
  14. herasdalizzard

    herasdalizzard Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    MixbusTV youtube channel :like:
  15. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Find, Buy & read/watch the following:
    Audio Mixing Master Class - PDF with audio clips
    Fundamentals of Mixing - Youtube
    Mixing With Mike - Youtube
    Power Compression Course Class - Youtube
    Sound Engineering Explained - PDF
    Plugin of the Week - Youtube (tutorials about every modern plugin)
    Idiot's Guides Mixing Music - PDF
    Mixing Audio Concepts, Practices - PDF
    Audio Production and Critical Listening - PDF
    Introduction To Digital Signal Processing - Computer Musically Speaking - PDF
    iZotope Mixing Guide Principles Tips Techniques - PDF from their website
    lavry whitepaper the optimal samplerate for quality audio - PDF
    Michael Paul Stavrou Mixing with your mind - PDF
    ms processing 10 advanced tips - PDF from waves
    Music Production Essentials - PDF
    Mixing Engineer's Handbook, 3rd ed., The - Owsinski - PDF
    Complete Audio Mastering - PDF
    GTPS Ultimate Guide Collection eBook
    WickieMedia's audio engineering and production - Youtube tutorials.

    I dont expect you to read them all like i did lol, but at least three should suffice, tbh i learned alot or little from each book that took me over 5 years to read, most times i had to re-read to gain a better perspective of what was said but overall i spent my free time wisely. hearing accurately is critical to your success, but not understanding what you are is hearing is just as important.
    I Strongly recommend that when you read something interesting make note of it, or open your DAW and recreate it and save as a template, this will save you hours, days & years.
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  16. kokorico

    kokorico Platinum Record

    Oct 15, 2017
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    Disney World
    And don't forget that there are several steps before mixing a song. The creation of the song, arrangement, recording and production, quality of the musicians. If one of these steps is poorly controlled, the mixer's work can become infernal. You have to get your mind used to recognizing a good production, a good recording, good musicians. And you can say, there I have a very good starting point for mixing or there it's really badly produced or poorly recorded. What can I do to bring this to life? It is a daily work of your mind and your technical knowledge and knowledge of the art of music. Each path is different.
  17. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    lol what brought this back to life??

    cool thread tho :chilling:
  18. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I wonder if I haven't read Guide Mixing Idiot's Music.. [​IMG]
  19. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    The Best Books on Audio Engineering
    Getting startedThe Home Studio Owner Library
    Source: https://en.audiofanzine.com/homestudio/editorial/articles/the-best-books-on-audio.html

    Roey Izhaki - Mixing Audio : Concepts, Practices and Tools
    This book deals with the creative and technical aspects of mixing at the same time. It covers the basics and more advanced procedures, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. With more than 300 illustrations and a DVD that includes no less than 2000 audio examples, the reader can grasp better certain concepts and tips. The last section of the book is dedicated to four very comprehensive case studies with full mixes in order to put in practice what the reader has learned throughout the book. Available for about $35.

    Mike Senior — Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio
    Written by the author of Sound on Sound's Studio SOS and Mix Rescue columns, this book is specially aimed at home studio owners, who do not necessarily own top-notch gear, but still want to learn some useful techniques and tips that can help them improve their productions. It covers everything from EQ to compression, as well as arrangement and editing of elements. The author shows us how to avoid plenty of traps, gives good advice in terms of plug-ins (commercial and free) and resorts to the advice of other well-known sound engineers (Maserati, Lord-Alge…) as well as to the existing literature on the subject: he doesn't hesitate to cite Owsinski or Stavrou, which gives the book an air of a sort of compilation. Around $26.

    Bob Katz — Mastering Audio : The Art and the Science
    If you are interested in mastering, you must take a look at the book of the master himself: Bob Katz. The book is not only addressed at professionals, it is accessible to students and amateurs who want to learn a bit more about this essential stage called mastering. The author covers the basics, as well as different techniques, dithering, jitter, clocks, calibration, acoustics, and even multichannel mastering. Everything is spiced with practical advice and anecdotes. A very good complement if you already have some books on mixing! Around $26.

    Curtis Roads — The Computer Music Tutorial
    Even if a bit more expensive than the rest (around $38), this book is an inescapable reference when it comes to digital audio. The book takes on synthesis and signal processing, both in theory and practice. Along its different chapters we can find information on topics such as mixing, filters, spatialization, MIDI, and sampling, as well as different synthesis techniques (granular, additive, etc.). A must-have.

    Bobby Owsinski — Mixing engineer's Handbooks
    We owe Bobby Owsinski a whole series of "Handbooks" dedicated to mixing, mastering and sound recording in general, but also focused on specific instruments like drums and guitar. The books are a bit old, but there are new editions with updates regarding current issues (compression, streaming…). The books are quite comprehensive and their price is reasonable enough (around $22).

    Mixerman — Zen and the Art of Mixing
    The author of the hilarious "Daily adventures of Mixerman" decided to approach mixing in a very original way, compared to other more technical works on the subject. Which is the reason why we don't recommend the book to absolute beginners, but rather to those of you who want to extend your knowledge or have a different view on mixing. Mixerman takes on different topics, explains all the different workflow stages in detail and gives tips based on his experience. Very affordable ($14).

    Michael Stavrou — Mixing with your mind
    Mike Stavrou is not only an engineer with lots of experience (Siouxie, McCartney, T-Rex, Pretenders, etc.), he is also an educator without parallel. He is also one who likes to think outside the box when talking about studio monitors, how to set a compressor or how to capture sound. In fact, his book "Mixing with your mind," which is only available for purchase on his website, is a perfect counterpoint to more academic works. If you want to do some soul searching or approach issues arising in a sound studio from a different angle, take up this book. You will find no other like it ─ it could have been written by Lao Tzu if he had been interested in audio. Available for around $76.

    Glen Ballou - Handbook for Sound Engineers
    This book aims to be all-encompassing (1550 pages!) and covers all classic topics regarding sound, whether in a studio, live, or for cinema and theater productions. It is addressed mainly to experienced readers who have some foundations on electronics, considering that it can be very scientific. Around $69.

    Tim Crich — Recording Tips for Engineers
    This manual addresses all the questions that a beginner might have when recording a band, but it doesn't limit its scope to that. The author, who has worked with the likes of David Bowie and U2, also shares his experience regarding mixing and mastering, including his approach to EQing and compression. The book is written in a very concise way and allows the reader to find easily what he is looking for. Less than $28.
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  20. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    The international mixing bestseller!
    – the Mixing Bestseller.

    Since it’s release, the eBook YOUR MIX SUCKS has become an international bestseller that now helps tens of thousands of people around the world to improve their mixes in 10 easy to apply chapters.
    YOUR MIX SUCKS is THE complete methodology for the entire mixing process from preparation to delivery.
    In addition to the technical and artistical side of things, the book also deals with the people aspects of mixing audio, from networking to dealing with client feedback.
    The book is part of a complete system that also includes our MIX TEMPLE DAW-Templates and exclusive and personal mastering and consulting-service MASTER FEEDBACK. All of these help songwriters, producers and audio engineers to get stunning results out of their productions.

  21. petepx

    petepx Kapellmeister

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I don't believe in short cookbooks or list of tricks to understand mixing in a gamechanging way. I consider them more like bonus to add to serious skills.
    Workshops are great as well, but seeing people pushing knobs and moving their mouse to accomplish a mix will never give you the basic theory to do yours. It's an extended version of the cookbook/tricks approach, but contextualized and longer.
    If you want to learn and get all the fundamentals, I would recommend Daniel Wyatt courses (or any other serious course that goes from basics to details).
    He's a great teacher and got the right pedagogy to inject into your brain and your heart the right knowledge in a bright and unforgettable way.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2018
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