Samplitude quo vadis?

Discussion in 'Samplitude' started by au38wzh, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    I'm still in the testing phase and wonder how long MAGIX will support Samplitude.
    There wasn't a big change from Pro X2 to Pro X3, or was it?
    To me it seems that MAGIX is not so interested in Samplitude so much - it's just a feeling I have.
    Asking this because my experience with Logic by EMAGIC wasn't the best. Since then I didn't put money in a new DAW, but I would like to support a dev (COCKOS Reaper seems great for having a long-term-support).

    About testing Samplitude Pro X3 from the sister site:
    What is missing?
    - No multilanguage
    - No birdline skins
    ok, can test it in depth also without it, but smth else missing?
    - Melodyne: we can use the R2R release

    Somehow I hoped Tracer would put his hands on it, but thankful for having the one we have.
  3. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I have a friend who was betatester of Samplitude Pro X2, with a legit copy and legit serial number. An expert in physichs of sound and electronic engineer. He sent 217 errors he found on the new version and never received reply from Magix. And none of those 217 errors were fixed on Pro X2. So I can agree with you. Somehow, Magix seems not being interested in develope a great DAW that can be Samplitude. Maybe Pro X3 will be the last version from Magix. Or Pro X4 in the future, but without fixes or improvements. Pro X5 seems an utopy. Fine to find some new free Vita instruments or the full Independence Pro library (73 GB) but if the program fails when you use it, does it matter all that stuff?

    Obviously, he never used Pro X2 as his DAW and still using Pro X since then. He says is the one version from Samplitude that works fine.
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  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    The best version to date is obviously X3.
    It works fine really, included melodyne (I use R2R studio edition, it works incredibly well), and birdline...well, you have to have samplitude legit for birdline, it's the only thing missing.
    Samplitude X1 is, well....several years old, no one serious with sound is still using this, too many feature, modern features missing, too unstable and yesterday news...No one obviously is still using X1...What a joke. And celtic3342 I've read your many discontent comment.s on the sister site..sorry your friend comments on every release of samplitude since X2....You don't like the daw, fine move on...Go to cubase or whatever...No need to make up stories about experts in physics to justify your hatred. You can be negative about a daw, heck I can be negative about any daw on the market I've tried, none are perfect..;But be honest and actually TRY the software you have a teeth against...So sad to spit on a daw you even haven't opened. So many people do that, on daws, or fxs, it's just sad.
    Magix has actually never been so invested in this daw, and the latest version is the most advance and stable to date.
    I'll make tutorials about all the new features, which are great annd very usefull.
    Since I actually use this daw I can easily do that, no need to ask to an imaginary friend....:wink:
    @au38wzh if you want the multilangage just download and install a multilangage official release from magix site and then apply equinox patch/crack...Some people from the sister site did this to have samplitude in spanish and it works fine....Melodyne works incredibely well and is perfectly integrated (i've made a comment on the sister site about how to proceed to use it at object level, on the latest release of R2R for Melodyne studio, from a few days ago), it's the biggest plus from the update.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2016
  5. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i have been using X3 and even though i don't find anything yet that is vastly different from X2 ( i do not have soundforge etc. in my version) i am perfectly happy with using it. i am still learning, there is so much depth to this i think it's strange to dismiss it so flippantly. "horses for courses" though : ) it runs very fast also.
  6. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    @Talmi, if you don´t mind, and if you mind I don´t, I will still talking about Samplitude in the way I wish.

    Imaginary friend? Do you hear voices in the silence?

    About the rest of your unuseful comments, no comments from me. You don´t deserve the time. If you don´t respect opinions from me I don´t respect opinions from you.

    Peace and a visit to psychiatrist :wink:
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  7. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    now, now Ladies !
  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    X1 was the most stable, I agree, but it's also now outdated. It's a shame but it's the way it is. I don't think anyone can take fully advantage of what the audio world has to offer with X1. X2 was a nightmare at launch time but it is now fully stable and it offers almost everything one could dream of for audio. X3 offers more but hasn't reach stability yet.
  9. AudioDude

    AudioDude Noisemaker

    Oct 27, 2013
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    I'm not a paid Samplitude user. But I'd be frustrated if this was all X3 were to offer me.
  10. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    @AudioDude I get you man, I would be frustrated with most of the daws on the market ! But not really with Samplitude.

    Out of curiosity have you tried X3 (or even X2) ?

    What frustrated you in it ?
  11. AudioDude

    AudioDude Noisemaker

    Oct 27, 2013
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    I mean X3 didn't really upgrade Samplitude rather than add two features above it. It seems small as an update. Doesn't really bring anything on Automation department which is robust compared to other DAWs, IMO. Still has some silly little bugs. Didn't bring any new MIDI features. I feel like it is only a new plugin update.
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  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah it's short, specialy with the price. I just wished they had a better automation system, that is really my big, big critic with this upgrade , it would be a very valuable one if they had just done that which everyone asks for for years...They reworked a lot of points and tbh I didn't get any bugs so far, except a few stuff with Melodyne at the beginning, which is a great addition. the midi departement is one of the strong point of samplitude (although it's not pretty I can agree....), you can always add more stuff, but it's pretty effective on this part. I wish I could lock scales and chords without the need for plugs though, but I'm kind of used to use the plugs I use now, so I'm fine.

    But Daws manufacturers, I could see that again with Cubase9, tend to do more and more small updates, it's a bit disapointing, I agree.
    Fortunately Reaper allows me to keep the spending reasonable, and I hope Samplitude won't do an X4 in six months or so...If it's as slim as this one, i won't upgrade this time.

    thanks for your feed back.
  13. Unirorm

    Unirorm Producer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    How the hell you got used the FX dialog from proX 2 and latter?
    Seriously that was the biggest turn down for me and there is no way to get used to it.
    It was perfect why someone to change that?
  14. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    What do you mean the fx dialog ?
  15. AudioDude

    AudioDude Noisemaker

    Oct 27, 2013
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    As far as I know It's still there. Which one are you talking about?
  16. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    Thanks for all replies so far.
    I'm not sure if I ever will be happy with Samplitude. But I'm trying. The mixing console is very nice and so is the overall feel so far.
    What I don't like:
    - Splitting a Drum-MIDI-File: Coudn't believe that it's not possible to 'Split by Note'... I read Kraznet asked for it, but it never happened..
    - Deleting Tracks: I really can't mark the track and press 'Delete' on the keyboard?
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Cheers @au38wzh , cool you're giving it a shot.
    For your first remark, there might be workarounds, I'll try to think of something, not sure I'll find but I'll try.
    For your second remark, just type y (open the preference menu), in the menu you go to "keyboard/menu" (in "Keyboard menu and shortcuts") and here you can assign any key you want to the action "delete track" (in "track"). Every action you can make in Sam you can assign any shortcut you want, it's completely up to you if you want to reasign them all.
    But I agree it's weird they didn't assign a default shortcut for this one, "delete track", it's one of the first I assign a shortcut to...
    EDIT : And also you can simply hit delete on the track you want to delete in the track manager, you select the track and hit "delete"...It's probably why they didn't do the shortcut in the arrangement window, which is usefull too I don't always go for the track manager, although I should it's docked on the right side of my arrangement windows with the object and marker manager. Using those help a lot, you can dock things or put them anywhere you want on your screen(s).
    Hope that helps :wink:
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  18. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Maybe this is a stupid question, but, does Samplitude have a real pan knob in the mixer for the Stereo tracks?
    I read there's a difference in panning stereo tracks with other DAWs.
  19. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    @Talmi my personal Samplitude troubleshooter - merci beaucoup :wink:
  20. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    De rien mon ami, c'est un plaisir de pouvoir aider :yes: ! (you're welcome my friend, I'm glad I could help)

    No actually I think it's Reaper who had that "issue" (it was just a different way of handling things, not really a problem but it wasn't really on par with what was done elsewhere which can be problematic if you work with other daws or project files from other daws), and now it's not the case anymore, I was hesitant to get reaper until not so long because of that panning thing they had going.

    In samplitude it's all classic, the pan knob in the mixer is a classic pan knob, you can pan your stereo track with it however you want. Where it gets interesting is if you right click on it. there as you can see in the pic below you get access to far more things (invert phase, right and left, narrow or widen the stereo field), you have all the presets you need to make it mono (there is a mono preset you can use, it puts it in mono and retract 6.02 db to keep the volume even, which is how you put a stereo in mono when you take the sound from the sides), wider, stereo to mid side, all that good stuff. If you tracks/stems are originally mono you can keep them that way and join them protool style in a pair of mono track pan each in opposite direction (you join two tracks like this by pushing the little button right below the pan knob in the mixer, on the right of the track number)


    On the master track by default if you right click on the pan knob the advance multiban stereo tool gets open, and it's a very powerfull one. Each band can be widden, monoified, panned however you wish, and there is also a "maximizer" of stereo fader. this tool can be inserted on any track as you can see in the other pick below and be used at your heart content if need be.
    On this side of thing, the panning, Samplitude does thing the classical way and it does it well, I think.

  21. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Thank you so much.
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