Cubase 9 out now

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by alboz, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    the price has never been a factor in choosing the DAW, first of all because i've always used cracked DAWs until recently.
    i will stick with cubase till the end, they will have to take to another daw kicking and screaming ...
  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Not really related to what I wrote...Of course I respect your choice of Daw, we all love the daw(s) we pick, Cubase or not, "industry standart" or not. But I was asking out of curiosity where you found the numbers that you claim for the uber market domination of Cubase that you describe. I know it was probably the case a bit during the nineties, but today the daw market...It has changed a lot and the players you are talking about have a lot of success. :wink:.
    But we all love ours daws of course and cubase is still one of the good one, albeit a cash machine.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2016
  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I think I´ll hold on to my v8.5 a little longer.

    Thanks for the reviews :like:
  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Cubase 10 is supposed to be pretty revolutionary, upper and middle zone included.
  5. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Actually they lost 2 customers. I was one also. I think more have jumped ship also.
  6. kostovas

    kostovas Kapellmeister

    Sep 15, 2013
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    Make that 3.....
  7. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    well, realistically Cubase has probably just a 5-10% market share among the bedroom producers, but it's probably 20-30% among Pro Audio users and Studios.

    overall Ableton is clearly dominating the market in the low-end but who cares ? it all started because Steinberg got sold to Yamaha and lost its edge for a long time, in plus nobody cracked the last 4 versions of cubase and this killed its user-base in the low-end spectrum.

    it doesn't mean much as far as we're concerned, do you think Diva is outselling Spire or Serum for instance ? oh noo, but ..
  8. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Im waiting for Cubase 11:disco:
  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You're the only one who talked about sales number - and apparently not the right ones - I don't think it says much indeed. And saying that Ableton dominates in the low end, it's not very nice to Ableton users and probably completely inaccurate too.
    Diva and Serum are two completely different beasts, both indispensable in my arsenal. But I don't use nor need Cubase, there is nothing this daw does that others daws can't do one way or the other, I don't really get your point.
  10. Rockefeller31395

    Rockefeller31395 Member

    Nov 22, 2016
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    I'm glad to see other people like me. I think it's one of the best DAW's in the market, but they take their followers for fools. Sometimes I think that Steinberg has not costumers but militants who pay their upgrades even if they don't bring nothing new.

    As I said, I feel cheated.
  11. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    It s a little funny to read all theese post.. People are jumping the cubase ship etc.. and im pretty sure most of them havnt even use cubase in years. In the other thread i make some point and both my first impression and then the second one. Im also a a paying customer for S1 that has some advantages but so has Cubase.

    But as said its so damn funny to read theese threads just funny that its always the same Reaper guys (maybe the work for Cockos Marketing department). Midi-man that is all over the place saying how splendid Repaer is. Dont matter if someone post saying the his mum made a cake im pretty sure MM will be there saying, Well Reaper can to that, or it can after the last update since they listen to their users. And if someone wanna jump the ship casue of a upgrade then i have to say that MIxdowner (even though he write things that has no bearing what so ever) is right, it pretty stupid. Could also mean that either they havnt really used it and only trolling or they have read something somewhere that they bite on without really knowing anything about it. I think it has alot to do with jealousy and disapoinment of not beeing able to get what they really want. Not saying its cubase just saying that why even take the time to post degrading comments about a other DAW or any other software. And that is a big diffrence between that and speaking their mind/giving a heads up.

    To me there are two things that is importent. My DAWs need to be solid and have things that works. That i know that my hours i spend in it will not be useless in maybe one or two years. One of the porblems and why Cubase hasnt done some of the things (like unlimited fx/sends etc) is that they still working on a solution so old project from 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 still can be opened without any faults. There aint many daws that hasnt even been around that long and still its not possible to open older project files in them. As said. Studio One is my second DAW and i really like some of the tings it can do. It has a workflow that is fast and easy whem im a a playfull mood working with samples etc. And for your fashion guys it also looks pretty nice. For Cubase as my workhorse it is for all reasons i have for working with music. And working my way. Comin from only working with hardware tis just what feel mostly at home for me. Add to that that i feel safe cause i know that the company that created the VST standard always have something up their sleave to impåorve this DAW. Sure i may not get all that i want. Ive also been wating for some things for about two years. But jumpin it cause of that is just not that clever. Unless you have ulimited time to start from scratch in a new DAW ofc.

    And time is to me very imporent. So i think i wrote way to much since i know the DAW battle will continue with childish comments about this or that. So its even sad to see that one of they guys that is on the same boat as me (cubase) speaks in a way that is totaly out of it. Please respect each other and what they prefer. Sure i jumping on Midiman and hes fellow reaper marketing guys (it will not help i may add) but that is just becasue their comments have no bearing at all. Other that its cheap and has alot of updates.. ALOT..

    Have a splendid Weeknd Guys and keep making music n matter what you prefer to use.. in the end that is what counts..

  12. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Wouldn't It be amazing if this thread was made by AudioUTOPIA? Think about it.:bleh::bleh:
  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I don't know man. I get what you say but I feel you misread both threads about Cubase 9, or at least there are a lot of post you obviously chose to ignore.
    I personnaly answered because it was asked of Cubase users who wanted to know what other daws cost as far as updates go so I answered regarding the many dawsI use Samplitude, Reaper and Ableton (what's wrong with that?), second cubase users always come on other daws reviews to say they have the best daw, they just can't seem to help it, and it's normal it's an open music forum where we like to talk and compare, why not ? But finally the only agressives people here for me aren't the Reaper users (and not marketing departement, good joke budy) but people defending cubase saying that other daws shouldn't exist, making up sales number or saying that cubase is the only daw in the "pro" studios (hum protools ? Samplitude ? Ableton?). This attitude is just plain dumb and agressive and is bound to create backslash. So yeah, some people should check their attitude, you are right buddy, but who ?
    That's what I saw here.
    Let all get along, right, that's what you said in another one of your post ? :wink:
    And btw again you haven't read well all those threads there are actually a lot of Cubase users who come and say they wont upgrade because it's just too short..;You think they are hidden reaper agents ??
    It's just a discussion and in such discussion people have different pov. No big deal. I guess I would go as far as to say it's why we come here, talk and discuss our choices in the music area. In short a music forum, not a cubase forum.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2016
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  14. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Fired up S1 with the latest updates and all to do some remixing of a song i did in S1 a few months ago.Seems like they have addressed the cpu performance because it runs smoother yet still hits the wall faster than cubendo.
    I can actually work faster in cubendo, i always look for the native EQ in S1 and then remember i have to load an EQ for each track which is time and cpu consuming.
    As Cav said, it just feels claustrophobic also had a shut down error, glad it was backed up by S1.
    Cool daw, i just prefer the workflow of cubendo i dont have to think about certain limitations.
    Use whatever you need to finish your stuff, this is not a rant, just an opinion in the end its a tool and only the results matter.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2016
  15. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Totaly agree with you.. but i dont have a clue on why you feel jump on. I wasnt even talking about whats the best DAWs oor anything like that. I dont even mind. And if you are able to understand what im trying to say (bad english) then i guess we are on the same plane here. I was even one of them who was seriously disapointed about this upgrade at first. I clearly pointed that out. Why i mentioned the Reaper gang is that (as i wrote) no matter whats new up updated even if its my mums cake or studio one there is always some comment about Reaper can do this or that. Its not inoformative at all. And if we are personal i thik your post about prices etc was just plain good and has not mentioned anything about that. Good post.. so i really dont get it why you even care to write or wonder about your own post.

    So as said.. im totaly agree with you and everyone else that instead of talking shit about other DAWs could turn things around and instead say,, oh.. great can S1 do that now, ohh thats just an awesome feature in a DAW i wish "whatever we now use" had that to.. Ive learnt alot on this forum during me years here. And it normaly comes from creative post about solution or walk throughs on how to manage things. I dont learn Jack shit from these DAW wars. So again, even if its a Cubase, S1 or Reaper guys banging their chest over their DAWs i just think its silly but i could not keep myself from telling i was wrong in my first impression in the upgrade. And last, if you care to read what i actually wrote im sure you will see that i really dont like what Mixdowner is saying on some post since they have no real connection to reality..

    Anyhow.. good luck in creating whatever it you do, the rest of you aswell.. and if i can help anyone with anything, just ask and i do my best.

  16. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Cheers @Vaijj , we feel the same way about the daw war, I agree it always goes too far.
    i think that we can on one hand objectified the assets of daws - Cubase has most of the indispensable features a professional daw needs and it develops them very well, S1 very complete too and great workflow, Ableton has unique features that allows both real creative boost and also a great workflow, Samplitude more close to cubase but quircky with a bit of a twist, Reaper also a workhorse but highly adaptable one of the best for the CPU and with the necessity to use scripts if you want the advanced features other daws have in their menu right otb, etc, I don't mention every daws but others are great, Logic, ProTools, etc - but then on the other hand there is what we need to use (rarely everything in a daw) what we like our interface to look like, matters of workflow, and for that it all comes down to personnal taste. Never an ultimate daw here and the arguments from there can be endless.
    So people saying : this the only valid, solid daw - beyond the obvious that there are at least 5 daws that are massively present in a lot of studios not just one - the ultimate one, the industry standard, the only one a professional should use, well those people are missing the big picture because at the end of the day we all have access to at least half a dozen possible top notch choices and the only thing that makes the balance slightly moves one way or the other is just that : our taste. No objectivity here, ultimately it's our personnal conception of how music should be done with our tool that makes us go one way or the other. Well and for me I'm convinced that there is some kind of magic going on in Samplitude because this thing most definitely sounds better than the others....Oupss....:rofl:I did it again...I'm joking of course. :bleh:.
  17. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Yea, fact is opinions are opinions and in the world of music production only the result matters.No one asks which daw you used when people listen to your stuff.
  18. gzilla

    gzilla Ultrasonic

    Aug 30, 2015
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    If upgrade cost is the concern, just give a chance to look at Sonar now.
    And you may be live in peace because I'm not often see people drag Sonar to daw wars lol.
  19. HeklaCF63

    HeklaCF63 Guest

    Love them cubase EQ's and channel strip just ready to go. S1 needs this and a new sampler. GA4 is increblibe in my opinion
  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Fact is S1 is welcomed competition and im glad its with us, i wonder if Steinberg would have implemented certain ideas that fast if S1 wasnt around, probably not.
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