Cubase 9 out now

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by alboz, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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  2. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    blah blah blah ?

    if AudioUtopia cracks Cubase 9 i can guarantee you the hordes of haters will jump ship to Cubase overnight and without looking back, 99% of the topics discussed here would be about cubase, the forum could even change name to CubaSex.

    and all this because cubase is not yet cracked and people cry about saving a few bucks.

    i would rather point my hate toward protools, that's an overpriced bloated app, not cubase, cubase is cheap and tasty, what the fuck do you want more for 500 bucks ? even MS Office costs more.
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  3. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    In fact, the lower zone has been in Logic Pro like forever that's where the idea comes from as copied by Studio One and many others and now implemented at last in Cubase. I bought Cubase Elements 6 to try it and upgraded up to version 8 and I think that track comping should have been included in version 9.

    No, you have to pay more that 300.$ to get what is included basically in many light version of other DAW. Shitty Steinberg.

    The biggest problem I have with Cubase is that with every update you loose compatibility with a lot of previous system, well on Mac anyway, forcing you to upgrade your computer and system and that is pretty insane.

    I know some will say get a PC but for me it has been Mac since the beginning of computers. Now you need minimum ElCapitan OSX 10.11 and pretty soon it will be osSierra 10.12 and so Cubase for me is out the window. They are stupidly and progressively loosing their mac customers moving to other platform like Studio One, Reaper etc.. but it looks like they don't even care.
  4. lovebeats

    lovebeats Ultrasonic

    Nov 14, 2015
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    the big question, is all warez plguins working on cubase 9

    i remember when i was using cubase 6.5 orginally, only 50% of warez plugins work
  5. Rockefeller31395

    Rockefeller31395 Member

    Nov 22, 2016
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    I feel cheated.

    Until now, if you had Cubase Artist (6, 6.5, 7, 7.5 or 8) and you wanted to upgrade to Pro 8.5, you had to pay 249 €. Now it costs 329 €, unless you have Artist 9. I read to Guillermo Navarrete say that prices have not changed. LIE. Don't insult the intelligence of your customers.

    I have Cubase Artist 8, and I demand a free bugs DAW if I pay for it. Because of that, I was waiting to Pro 9. I said myself 'If they correct it at last, I pay the upgrade'. But they didn't.

    I wished a Pro 9 version with fixed issues and REALLY NEW features (in Steinberg forums there are a lot of great ideas that you disregard). I woke up last Wednesday with more of the same: trivial new features and an insane price. I'm not going to pay a shit for this deception, and less that price.

    I know that I'm just a number, but you have already lost a costumer. :wink:
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Personally, i will upgrade but i have a feeling they are not meeting the same sales numbers as they did with 8 and 8.5, just a feeling.
    You are right, if you dont feel its worth it, dont buy it, its the only way to make a company, any company listen to its customers.
  7. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Yeap, vote with your wallet. No need to support a company you're dissatisfied with.

    I already upgraded, the lower zone and mixer history will improve my workflow. Would be happier if it was 50 bucks tho...
  8. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Isn't Reaper full version like 60 bucks?
    Steinberg is still milking the cash cow... :rofl:
  9. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Out of curiosity - open question to you non-Cubase guys. What does it cost to update your DAW to the next version? Cue the brain trusts that come in to brag about the price of Reaper for the 21st time today. Part of why it's cheap is because much of the DAW (the plugin manager, and most of the menus for instance) and several of the plugins don't have an interface and it comes with no content at all, no instruments, and so on.

    That's no comment on the quality of the workflow or the power of the DAW. I'm sure it's great. But the next guy who comes at me with this "haha wonder why your DAW is so much more expensive" is going to get impaled.

    Anyway, I'm asking because Cubase is WAY cheaper than Live. Live is like $250-300 to update from one version to the next. They also add more stuff per version and give free .5 updates, but the difference is significant.
  10. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Samplitude for the upgrade (300$) is way more expensive then Cubase. It's unjustified, I couldn't agree more. But it's my fav, so...:(
    Reaper on the other hand...well you know the policy, I won't insist.:rofl:
    I use Ableton but I can't and won't buy it because, I already have two daws legit that I use more (I make loops of all kind in Ableton, it's probably one of the best for that, but that's it, I don't produce nor mix in it), and I think they are really pushing it (pun not intended) in term of price.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
  11. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    because Ableton positioned itself in the hipster/DJ/teen niche rather than big studios with cash $$$.
    and their awful "christmas tree" GUI doesn't help, it looks gay and hipsters love it.

    Reaper;s GUI instead is for real men, rough, boxy, looking like an app running on Win95, and with claims of being as good as pro tools.
    Problem is, it's not exactly selling like hot cakes and they keep making discounts and promotions to stay afloat.

    see the difference, steinberg treating us like shit and upping the price while reaper/S1/ableton are desperately begging for money, let me say these DAWs had no reason to exist in the first place, they knew at best they could scrape 5-10% of the market with low-cost cheapies and taht's exactly what they got.

    now, FXs are totally another story but the DAW market isn't going to change anytime soon.
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  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Reaper always has the same price. No discount. 60$ if you don't make money, 225$ if you do. You should at least know the Daws you're dissing, I personaly tried cubase for a long time before realizing it wasn't at all for me and going in other directions. Well, actually I didn't like it at all, but I know if you say that to a Cubase fan, he has trouble dealing with it.
    Cubase on the other hand has to do discount. Probably sales problems, but how could I know, I don't work for Cubase sales department...

    Oh :rofl:, could I see the charts where you saw that Cubase has 90% of the market of Daws, because that right there is by far one of the most funny joke I have read in a while.:rofl:
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
  13. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    lol you put in words the strange feeling everytime I see someone using Live. It also doesn't help when they open their mouths... Live users are the new FL users lololol

    You know what would be really cool? If Steinberg gave us one Portico vst of choice when upgrading to a new version! That would make a lot of people happy.
  14. derivative

    derivative Guest

    Here´s the official Cubase 9 Customer Feedback. I already expressed my opinion ;) 99 € to upgrade from 8.5 to 9. Thanks, but no thanks. Not going to pay for features that should have been there in the first place.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2016
  15. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I understand that this is an argument for a first buy. You pay € 600 and not only get a DAW but also 90 audio/midi effects and 8 instruments.

    But why should that be a factor when updating? Why should you pay again for the instruments you already paid for?
    One Reaper licence (forget about the price please to follow my logic) from version 5.0 is valid up until version 6.99, so you only need to buy a new license every two major numbers. For Cubase that would mean you bought version 8 and get all updates free until version 10 comes out. I wouldn't talk this small, as it is a serious factor to consider. Most of us will make music until we die, so the costs for updates are an important issue.

    That doesn't mean one or the other DAW is better or more user-friendly or whatever else arguments we can always read. I'm just talking about the money value over the whole time of your music career, not only a one time buy.
  16. type2002n

    type2002n Kapellmeister

    Apr 5, 2012
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    I just love the presentation video's title:
    CUBASE 9
    And we normally thought that Cubase9 would be a more incomplete version of Cubase8.
    These Steinberg guys must be genii. Period. Or comma. Or semicolon. Or...
  17. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Here's most of the people in this thread in a nutshell:
    "I believe my DAW is a reflection of me as a musician/person".

    Insecure behavior tbh. Anybody that takes time out of their day trumpeting the virtues of their DAW and belittling another... insecure IMO. Like it's more an issue of identity for you. Especially since the difference between DAWs, in terms of what can be done with them, is paper thin these days. And much of what one lacks can be compensated for with plugins.

    That... is a really fucking good point. I never thought about that.

    Aaaaand... I'm outta here.
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  18. 1337fcknwo

    1337fcknwo Noisemaker

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I received Grace Period Update for 30€!! :D I bought an update from Pro 8 to 8.5 in July 2016 when they had their Summer Sale. I paid 30€ for this update, but didn't activated yet cause' I knew there'd be an upgrade to Pro 9 by the end of 2016.
    Now I only paid 30€ for a upgrade from Cubase Pro 8 to Pro 9.

    Pro 8 was great (User of Cubase 5 / 5.5 for many years until release date of Pro 8 end 2014)!
    But I do like the new things I saw like DAW own Sampler and Mixer Undo and Little Zone down in the main window.

    Did not installed it yet, but I will! What do you guys think about it?
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  19. macaca

    macaca Noisemaker

    Nov 29, 2016
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    Besides the zone thing and mixer undo, like others have said, it's a little disappointing. The sampler seems ok, but I already use groove agent as a sampler. I guess I'll have to try it out.

    Some pretty basic stuff has still not been addressed though. The same few things that Steinberg has been flooded with for a few versions now. I guess they don't want to release it all at once? Now would have been a good time to do it, as to me, it seems like a fairly weak upgrade, especially given the $100+ price tag.
  20. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    hahaha and they usually pair OSX + Ableton of course, hipster DAW + hipster laptop.

    now, i know Ableton supports skins and other hacks but what the fuck were they smoking when they designed the GUI ?
    at first i thought it was a toy-DAW for beginners, couldnt understand what the fuss was all about, it's surprising that now it's among the market leaders.
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