IK sonik synth; ulimate soundbank x- treme fx, ultra focus not working on win 7 ??????????ß

Discussion in 'PC' started by pjotr41, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    i have problem with this three vst ::: IK sonik synth; ulimate soundbank x- treme fx, ultra focus ??????????ß

    do they not work on win7 64 bit ??

    they dont find the library
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Pjotr41,

    Firstly, I can't tell you exactly if they can or cannot run properly under Win7 (64bit) because I'm working exclusively under Win XP Pro SP3 (x86 - 32bit).

    By cons, for the 2 'Ultimate Sound Bank VSTi' & Libraries, I have perhaps a solution to your trouble.
    First, you must to create/make a 'shortcut' of these 'proprietary format' Libraries (1 shortcut by Library, of course !) within their own locations. When done, simply 'Cut & Paste' the created 'shortcuts' to their respective VSTi Folders (one in the 'X-TremeFX' VSTi Folder and the other in the 'UltraFocus' VSTi Folder). They must absolutely be placed along their respective VSTi.
    Next time you'll launch one of the two VSTi, it should normally find its own Library thanks to the created 'shortcut'.

    Just let me know if it works (or not !) for you... *yes*

    About the 'IK Multimedia Sonik Synth', normally you don't have to make the same previous process (creation of 'shortcut') to get its Library to load and work properly. You must to have the choice to set the location of the Library in the 'Preferences' Menu, but this is valid only for Win XP Pro (32bit) as I don't have and I never used it under Win7 (64bit).

    Hope it help ! :wink:
  4. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    ok i will try this

    i know that they work on win xp, I have used manny vst about 80, everything work, only this three not
  5. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    what do you mean with shortcut, i have renamed the two library names from x treme fx, then cut and paste it

    the plugin show " an error occured "
  6. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Pjotr41,

    *no* :dont:

    You misunderstood my comments... You DON'T have to rename (or even move) the original 'Ultimate Sound Bank' Libraries IN ANY WAY or they can become unusable... as it seems is the case now.

    Below, you'll find snapshots that I done for you to understand how I proceed to create a 'Shortcut':

    First, select the desired file (upper red arrow), in your case either the 'X-TremeFX' or the 'UltraFocus' Library, then click on the 'right button' of your mouse that will open the scrolling menu where you must to choose 'Create Shortcut'. Then click and you'll get a 'Shortcut' of the desired Library as follows :

    Here you have your created 'Shortcut' along with the original Library. In your case, it must me named 'Shortcut to X-TremeFX... or Shortcut to UltraFocus...'. You can easily recognize a 'Shorcut' of a file by its small arrow on the left corner of its icon (left red arrow).

    This is this 'Shorcut to...' file that you must then 'Cut & Paste' to the respective VSTi Folder of each of your 'Ultimate Sound Bank' Plugins. You don't have to move or even rename the original Library in any way or the recently created 'Shortcut' will not more be valid and you will to create one once again !

    So, follow exactly the above instructions and all should working fine...
    By cons, before to start this process, be sure that your original Libraries have returned to their original state, I mean that they have their correct original names and right (or desired) locations.
    If for some reasons you're unable to return the Libraries to their original state, you must then to reinstall them first, then start the process of creating a 'Shorcut' for each one (the above instructions).

    Hope this time all will be fine for you... :wink:
  7. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    x- treme fx, Ultra focus does not pass AU validation in Logic! but as incompatible it should work!
  8. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    x treme fx & ultra focus are working now

    i have installed to the x treme fx & ultra focus directory
    create shortcut from the library
    cut & paste to the vst directory

    and seems to be working :wink: thx for the tip, how have you found this solution :wow:

    but what are the library files on sonik synth
  9. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    lol, after all it dont works, it has open the vst´s two times and now the same problem, he dont found the library and " error occured ", this method dont work

    no sonik synth; x- treme fx, ultra focus ; nice to know
  10. paradigm

    paradigm Newbie

    Jun 8, 2012
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    I took the Sample files and folders of sonik synth and have them running in Sampletank, so that works for me, Hope that helps.

  11. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    could be wor´k , i know that sample tank reads sonik synht format :wink:
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