Cubase 9 is here.

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Von_Steyr, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    cubase is playing catch up with ableton, S1, and protools because it started in the 80s as a pure midi sequencer and only later it became a true DAW, you can't expect it to make you a coffee, cubase is still first and foremost a midi sequencer but if you don't like it try Nuendo which is born to compete with protools as is a true DAW from top to bottom.

    S1 was intended to be an easy DAW for non-technical musicians, while it looks to be a good product it was never meant to be a competitor to cubase or protools, i could do everything i need with S1 but why bother ? and also, what's gonna happen when Presonus goes bankrupt or i can't migrate my old files ? with Steinberg you know there's always some sort of retro-compatibility, with niche products like S1 or Reaper you're on your own.
  2. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    I'm not sure what S1 was "intended" to be but as far as the workflow and some of the features it holds it's own with some of the top D.A.W.s out.But again,i haven't used it much.And i seriously doubt,Presonus will go bankrupt anytime soon,especially with the amount of users and hardware they offer.Sure,they're just starting out on the hardware side but the integration between their mixer and S1 seems to be a really nice combo.Besides,if FL Studio is still around,Reaper and S1 will be here for a long time
  3. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    there's nothing wrong in S1, i could use it as i could still use cubase 5, most of what the modern DAWs do nowadays is already too much for most of my needs.

    but S1 was designed with the clear goal of being easy, intuitive, simple, you can't expect that suddenly it becomes the new cubase or the new protools, it's a product fitting his market niche and that's where it belongs.

    same for presonus hardware, mostly semi-pro stuff, not bad, good pricing, but never been notorious for super pro gear, perfect for home studios and beginners, just like IK multimedia or M-Audio.

    so, claiming that S1 is almost on par with cubase, sorry that's not gonna happen anytime soon, but it doesnt mean you cant do good things with S1, if you're good you can make great things with everything as long as you've 24 tracks of VST instruments and a bunch of VST FX.

    said that, you will be stuck forever using a niche product and this is always a big risk, there's a good reason people stick with cubase or photoshop or MS Office.

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    WHAAAAT? :rofl:
    Actually S1 was designed as "PT\Cubes killer". And it does it well. Sorry, but looks like you never open this program.
    For now Cubase much worse then S1 in any way. I worked in ALive, Cubase, FL, Riper(this one good, but creepy and in some cases too primitive) and Bitwig. S1 beat all of them in most cases.

    Guys, never listen this delitant again. Try for yourself and read manuals/watch the video etc. :shalom:
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  5. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    Easy isn't necessarily a bad thing.The goal is to get your idea down as quickly as possible and if people can do that within S1,how can that be a bad thing?I mean,i hear about how bad pro tools is all the time,and how much people dislike it but i LOVE it.And it suits my workflow.No need to jump from D.A.W to D.A.W just because of a few new bells and whistles,especially when you don't use them.But i used to feel the same way about S1 until i saw Teddy Riley use it.That changed my mind.
  6. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    look i know S1 was done by former steinberg coders but it's focus has always been to target creatives and to be a less technical option than cubase, since you insist i will give it another try but whats the point ? if i ever switch to a new DAW i must have a tangible benefit, i dont care changing daw to the same things i do with cubase already.

    S1 makes sense for new users, not for cubase freaks.
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  7. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Excuse me if I'm wrong but I believe they were making hardware for a long time before they started making software. My friend had their Eureka Chanel in 05. I had a tube pre, comp16 and eq3 (all made by PreSonus) in my bass guitar rig in 09. I remember when Studio One first came out, all the buzz about it and that it was a big thing about PreSonus getting into software / DAW market. How a company that knows about hardware and audio is making a DAW. I don't remember exactly when but they actually used that as a sales tactic.
    I don't use either Cubase or S1. I use Ableton to come up with ideas and sketch it out, but when it comes to real recording and comping, I move the project to Reaper
  8. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    TBH I (still) don't see any reason to leave Studio One for Cubase.
  9. BoogieMonster

    BoogieMonster Member

    Oct 15, 2013
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    Very important question: Did they add the option to disable that annoying purple loop ribbon on the timeline strip with this update?
  10. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Really, what's different? I didn't notice anything from the screenshots except the lower zone and transport. Unless that's what you mean.

    Myself, when I jumped ship from Studio One I was happy to be rid of the mini mixer in favor of a real one. It always felt cramped and claustrophobic to me. At least Cubase lets you expand it horizontally, still has the real mix console and offers different views for inserts, sends, etc. Some people were complaining that everything is not on the same panel. That was precisely my problem in S1. Too much too close together and not clear enough for me to quickly see what is where. If and when I upgrade I'll just assign a shortcut to tab through the lower zone panels and everything will be great. I've heard you can't do routing from it though.

    One thing that concerns me a little is people are saying the F3 command lets you switch between mix console and lower zone. What if I just want to switch between mix console and arranger? Hopefully the switching only occurs if Lower Zone was open when you hit F3.

    Yeah the "what bugs were fixed" thread was closed almost immediately. They knew to shut that one down before it turned into a massacre.

    All told though, I just don't understand why people are so upset. You made reasonable points but lots of people on the Steinberg forums are on a rampage. Whether or not their very most favoritest feature request was added, I still wouldn't want to be working in Studio One or Samplitude right now. Nice DAWs but Cubase is far better IMO. I always assumed this is just the nature of creative work... i.e. Not happy with your music? Blame your DAW, etc.
  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Hey mate don`t fight the trolls, there is a ignore button.
  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Fuck, are people here even into music production or the latest fashion trends?All this bitching....
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  13. HeklaCF63

    HeklaCF63 Guest

    You can full screen all edit windows in S1 Including the mixer....
  14. BoogieMonster

    BoogieMonster Member

    Oct 15, 2013
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    :D Mate, I'm producing on a daily basis for tv etc. and that ribbon prevents easy locator manipulation and gets really annoying if u are used to use the locators all the time.

    Aside being the latest fashion, that purple ribbon is the most annoying update ever(because there's no option to disable it) if you ask me.

    Other than that, the "new" things they integrated should have been added many years ago. Cubase is a very strong product but Steinberg tends to lose focus on what tneeds to be improved. IMHO.
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  15. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah I'm aware. Just wasn't a big on docking and undocking all the time so I mostly kept it docked to the bottom except when I was done with everything but mixing. Even when I expanded the mixer I always felt like it took me kind of a long time to find my way around it. The flat UI is very stylish and when I switched to Cubase I definitely felt a bit like I'd taken a step backward in time UI-wise, but before long I realized it was just much, much easier for me to locate what I needed. Most or all of the things I now think are superior about Cubase were discovered completely by accident. The real reason I switched from S1 was because it just wasn't cooperating with my computer. Massive cpu overuse. I was a little bummed really, but in the end everything worked out for the better.

    If anyone thinks I'm wrong for feeling this way, feel free to keep it to yourself or not tag me in your comment. I'm not interested DAW wars.
  16. HeklaCF63

    HeklaCF63 Guest

    No Daw wars here and whatever works for you. Just pointing out that S1 has this and your post came across that it was missing.
  17. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    from the Steinberg forums most of the complaints seem to be regarding the Inserts being still limited to 8 FX and the new Plugin Sentinel banning ancient plugins, with jBridge working randomly.

    now, should you stick with 32bit and jBridge in 2016 ? i say no, and what's the problem keeping old cubase versions in your hard drive in case you need to load/port older stuff ? i've a laptop with Cubase SX 3 for that and also an Atari emulator i used to port .ALL files into SX running on VMware.

    unlimited Inserts chain ? no because it would be Bad Practice, learn to mix properly and you won't need more than a few FX per instrument, if you need more use a chain or Send your track into another track and it gives you another empty slot of FX, i'm totally with steinberg on this, cubase is a serious app, people in need of audio masturbation should better move to ableton.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
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  18. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I've used both, but I'd choose s1 every day. The UI is well organized, managing plugins is incredibly fast (especially doing it in batches) and plugins themselves are well organized (so are channel presets, and plugin presets as well), the amount of drag and drop features is really vast and multi instrument+custom fx chains (with splitters that also work as freq splitters) are also really handy for sound designers like me. Oh, and s1 has custom macros too, but presonus doesn't really encourage the use of these.
    But I reckon it's just about preferences, on the contrary of what you experienced I don't feel like the ui is static, in fact if it was steinberg wouldn't have taken the idea of studio one's mixer/edit windows to make its "lower zone". What works for me doesn't have to work for you, and vice versa :)
  19. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    no need to use macros, the feature's always been there: audio tracks, instrument tracks, sends, busses and vca channels.
  20. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Or they simply don't have any reason to change daw. They got used to it since they've always used them, and changing daw is not even a possibility, especially when they have a lot of interfaces already set up to work with it.
    If cubase works for them why would they have to change to something else? Cubase is a really solid daw, after all, even if it doesn't mean others aren't.
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