Help needed in Acoustic Room Treatment and setting up home-studio

Discussion in 'Studio' started by AviatOfficial, Dec 2, 2016.


Which will be the best room acoustically for the home-setup? [room dimensions below]

  1. Room 1

    1 vote(s)
  2. Room 2

    3 vote(s)
  1. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Hello everyone!

    I want to set up my home studio with some acoustic room treatment and I really need your help and assistance.
    I'm ready to invest small amount of my pocket money/savings into acoustic treatment, bass traps etc

    I have two rooms in my house where I can possibly set up the studio.
    Currently I have my PC in 'room 1' in the corner which is really getting congested for me and the corner is acoustically wrong I guess.
    This is my current setup-

    I'm into Dance/House Music, Ambient and Cinematic Music Production.

    My specifications and gear -
    PC [i5 6600k, 16 GB DDR4 RAM, Nvidia GTX 960, Windows x64]
    Ableton Live
    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen)
    Audio-Technica ATH-M70x
    Casio CTK-860IN

    Going to buy JBL LSR305 (or LSR308) in some upcoming months once I save money for them.
    Do suggest whether I should go for 305s or 308s? :yes:

    Room 1-

    Room 2-

    I'm ready to move the desk in this room little ahead so that to keep the monitor speakers 10-12 inches away from the behind wall.

    I have mentioned all the dimensions in centimeters along with with my setup specifications.
    I can provide the room snaps if that is necessary :wink:

    Currently I'm reading these two guides but I need more suggestions.
    Please do provide more guides/sound theory behind acoustics and essential tips for the setup and your personal favorite things and essentials in your studio :cheers:

    Thanks very much in advance. This is the best community I have found which really guides and help each other. I hope the post is not too big :disco: :bow:
  3. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Room 2 but things might get messy.
    For either room i'd go with the 305 as they are 5 inch and go with a sub later on AFTER you treat your room.
    Start with Bass trap in all corners then ad refletction panel on each side of you and on the ceiling right on top of you.
    Also, as a rule of thumb, your Monitors need to be placed at least at 2 feet from each wall in a perfect angle triangle to your seating position.
    So youll have to do a lot more then 10-12 inch from the wall or youll have atroceous resonance.

    If you have other question feel free to ask
  4. The post isn't too big, not to big at all.

    I am no expert, but I would choose room #2 and put the bed by the window with the headboard against the wall opposite the entranceway, as energetically it's better not to be in the path of a door and best to be facing it. If you have any building skills at all don't buy foam acoustic panels, fabricate your own from fiberglass insulation. Much, much less expensive and depending how thick you make them, will deal with a wider range of frequencies. The bass traps in the corners is where you will especially save big time. I'm quite sure others will join the conversation. Until later....
  5. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    +1 for room 2, down by the window end.
  6. Oh, and put the desk that you are working on the wall that has the entranceway. The room in perspective of your monitors will be more wider than deep. The first reflection points (talked about I am sure in both of the links you are referencing) are most important for tackling problems while monitoring at louder levels (85db plus). The window looks to be in that line, maybe. In that case you might build a panel that you could take away from the window when not working to let the light come into the room. I had the same issue years back. It worked like a charm.
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  7. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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  8. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Thanks for the reply :)
    Yea I guess Room 2 is a good choice!
  9. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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  10. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Thanks for the reply :)
    Yea I guess Room 2 and 305s are good choice!

    Yess I'm going to maintain the equilateral triangle position for better imaging.
    What should be the height of the speakers? Same as my ear level or more than that?

    Should I add absorb/reflection panels on each side of me or or side of speakers?
    I saw some videos explaining to add reflection panels behind the both speakers and in side of each speakers and bass traps in the corner of the rooms.
  11. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Thanks for the reply :)
    Yea I guess Room 2 is a good choice!

    I don't have any building skills. I will try to find some good deals online. Which brand or how should I buy the panels and bass traps?
  12. Adamdog to the rescue. I totally forgot about your thread and your room. I had the classic facepalm when you posted. Are you friends with Underdog by any chance, I'd love his autograph! You two have lots in common.
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  13. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    now that you know the real me, I beg you please, keep it for you!
    I m under cover...
  14. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    I will mostly use the depth-side advantage of the room. I will shift the bed a little downside and shift the desk towards the front approx 60 cms away from the wall.

    And I will keep the both speakers 60 cms away from each side of the wall. This will maintain equal distances from back and side of the speakers.
    Will that be good?
  15. AviatOfficial

    AviatOfficial Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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  16. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Both are not ideal. However nothing in life is perfect. I would go with room #2. As much 703-705 broadband traps as you can build/afford. At least 4-6" thick. Don't forget to cover the ceiling. Use Pink fluffy at least 34" super chunks on your floor to ceiling corners. Pink fluffy has a lower gas flow resistivity rating making it better for trapping lower frequencies. No need for diffusion in a room that size. Make sure you measure your rooms freq response from multiple listening positions before and after. As for speaker placement try using The link below to calculate. With all this said. Nothing is perfect, and ultimately it's a crap shoot in rooms not constructed for audio.

    Look up Ethan Winer and Rob Gervais on Gearslutz/YouTube. Both are insanely knowledgeable. On a personal tip, the installation of a ceiling cloud above the mix position is something I would stress not to leave out. Covering your first reflections is paramount and angling your desk roughly 15 degrees plays a large part in reducing reflections off of the desk. Understand that rectangular rooms have 12 corners, not just 4 where two walls meet each other. So besides wall-wall corners, bass traps are equally effective in the corners at the tops of walls where they join the ceiling and at the bottoms of walls where they meet the floor. Cheers!!
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
  17. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Reflection pannel aka diffuser ( Not basstrap ):


    A&B reflection should be your main concern and you can have a very specific spot on your walls with someone holding a mirror at the height of your head on the wall until you see the speakers. Mark each zone with a X with a Pen on the wall.
    Also, a nice thing about diffusers is that if youre a bit creative, they can be very pretty and decorative in your room......they dont need to look like shit. There's a lot of different models and ideas on the net ...just google it.

    And yes, the monitors should be at the height of your ears sitting on acoustic foam and supported by some very densely made material ( no cardboard box or empty wooden box) to limit the resonnance to a minimum. Also, keep your monitors in a Vertical position....JBL305 are made to stand verticaly....not horizontaly.

    And Yes, Bass trap goes in each corner covering the total height of the corner if possible.....If not, 8 little bass trap for each corners would be best this...


    The later reflection panel can be added at zone C and on top of your head the same way you used a mirror for each side ( until you see the monitors in the mirror )

    Here's an image of exactly where (the red spot ) the bass resonate in a rectangle room :


    Also, when you build your DIY bass trap, make sure to choose insulation of at least 2 inch thick ( 4 or even 8 is better ) and a density of at least 4 pcf....sometime 8 pcf could be better depending on how thick you build them.
    Here's a good reference for frequency absorbtion efficiency per material :

    If you have any other question, feel free to ask. I'll try to help you the best I can.

    Happy freq hunting !
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
  18. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    very good examples
    keep in mind that early reflections points must be treated as mid highs, so no basstraps but mid highs pyramidal panels or, better, deflectors. or both.

    in the scheme above, the basstraps are not as musch as required.
    I follow an old deustch system, called LEIDE system.
    I ve learned it from an ex Hansa Tonstudio guy.
    half room is heavily treated (behind the speakers) half is more reflective

    ok the basic principles are: reflecting wooden floor and absorbing ceiling, especially over the desk
    never more than 40% of overall surfaces trated with acoustic pyramidal foam
    basstraps in the following scheme:

    wall behind the speakers
    from the left corner, Deep Bass trap (60 cm), ac. foam (60 cm), high bass trap, 60 cm, foam, DB trap
    you don t have all that space, for you it would be DB, foam, DB trap

    the Deep Bass trap point to around 70 Hz broadband
    the High Bass trap around 200 Hz
    pyramidal acoustic foam starts from 125 Hz but actually it s more focused on mid highs

    on every corner 2 basstraps, Db and Hb, never 2 of the same kind
    on early reflection points, around 1 mt of acoustic foam or deflectors

    ah the traps, and any panel, must go from the floor to the ceiling.
    usually the Db and Hb are 240x60x10 (or 5 for Hb) cm
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
  19. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    @Moogerfooger : I use Ethan Winer's projects for my wooden traps, the links are in my thread
    the cheap cardboard ones are a less expensive version

    ok, some pic
    this one to explain the scheme I was talking about:


    some cheap home made deflector:


    very easy, a box, some rockwool or fyberglass inside, polysterol, foam
    see the below panel without foam on
  20. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    rear corner, door-trap : IMG_2319.JPG
  21. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    it is also very important to avoid parallel and regular walls and surfaces.
    symmetrically irregular zones would be the best

    a perfect cube is the worst for audio listening
    it will give many ringings and standing waves
    a sphere would be the best but... u know...

    irregular deflecting panels:


    even 2-3 cm will do
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