Cubase 9 is here.

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Von_Steyr, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    i Just Up Graded From Cubase 5 To 8.5 Just Last Week Thats Crazy i Did Not Even Know About a Free Update to Cubase 9 if you get Cubase 8.5 Nice I Hope It Is Stable
  2. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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  3. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Reaper is not a rip off of Cubase at all. I jump ship from Cubase got sick and tired of the bugs not getting fix and the freaking slow as response. Also adding more crap than you really need, Crappy ass latency.

    Reaper is a pure joy and lighting fast. and there support is outstanding. So before you starting saying ever other DAW is rip off of Cubase you really need to learn what you should expect out of a DAW. Or maybe you are just a totally Newbie to computers and DAW's.

    And before you say I don't know what I am talking about I do IT for over 30 Years. My PC is a 4790 k. Cubase is crap on it, Reaper fly's.
    So let's not discuss how I can make Cubase go faster on my PC when everything except the DAW is the same.

    I kept my life better and less complicated I jump to Reaper I hate to say it. Steinberg will not get another dime from me.
    If fact they owe me a total Refund of $399.
  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Lol I'm really happy with Cubase but it's a little ridiculous to say all these other DAWs are just Cubase ripoffs. Live and Cubase have practically nothing in common. I use both, and for me they are both the best for their respective purposes

    btw I'm sure Reaper is great and it seems lots of people have the same complaint about Steinberg failing to fix certain bugs for a long time etc (nothing I've encountered tho FWIW) but saying Cubase has crappy latency sounds crazy to me. When I was working in Studio One I literally needed an interface with direct monitoring because the monitoring latency was so bad. In Cubase I can run 15-30 plufgins and still keep my latency settings at at minimum latency & 64 samples. I mean, of course Reaper is faster... the whole program is like a few dozen megabytes. Cubase has a lot of nifty features and is perfectly stable and reliable for me.

    Actually if I were going to make just one point it's that putting down other DAWs because you like yours is stupid. That goes for the pro and anti Cubase crowd.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
  5. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    All DAW have there good and bad.

    I have no clue on why cubase is so heavy on latency on my PC. Support was useless in resolving this. It was so bad i could not record my guitar live in Cubase.
    I did try Reaper demo and it fixed the issues for me. So I purchased the full on after about 4 months of getting used to it.
    That is why I move to Reaper.

    The midi editor was better in Cubase Reaper has gotten better in that area.
  6. Einander

    Einander Noisemaker

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I agree that music belongs to Windows. But seriously, you guys need more professional tools than Cubase :D

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I think you know nothing about S1.:dont:
    Cubase is real shit compared to S1 (except midi editor, but it's not problem). And what the "real power" you talk about? I know a lot of ppl (pro w-out any doubt) which go into S1 from Cubase(PT/Live and so on) and they said it was best decision it their music life(I'm one of them).:disco:
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  8. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Since Cakewalk 1.0 was released in 1987 and Cubase 1.0 in 1989, I believe the ripoff here with Sonar is the other way round... :guru:
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  9. monk_mingus

    monk_mingus Member

    Nov 19, 2016
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    I am on cubase 7.5. Updating to 9 (once is released) would be more expensive than upgrading to 8.5 now and benefit with free 9 upgrade?
  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Oh geee, let me think about it....damn, you`ve just changed my mind.
    Selling my Cubase....anybody? 50 bucks? Please i want to be a professional and Cubase is hindering my growth.:dunno:
  11. LALALA

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Actually it's good idea. :hillbilly:
    BTW overpriced of Cocobase it's another bad fact about it. :disco:
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
  12. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    In the early 80s I started with music trackers on C64, then moved to Pro-Tracker on Amiga, Notator and Pro-24 on Atari, Cubase on Atari ...
    All i can say is the technology we're using now is more than 30 yrs old if we talk about MIDI tracking, the game changer is the VST integration and audio manipulation.

    I'm not experiencing "crappy ass latency" on Cubase, that was the case many years ago with the early Cubase SX versions running on low-end hardware maybe.

    Reaper is obviously well engineered and made to be slim and responsive, believe me i tried it a few times but i still can't see any major benefit compared to Cubase, performance is not an issue in my setup, Reaper's GUI is hideous even using skins, let's give it 2-3 years to improve.

    As for your PC, first of all you should check where is the bottleneck, cpu ? hdd ? memory ? an SSD will certainly help in any case.
    I don't see big differences between Reaper and Cubase where VST FX are involved, if your cpu is too slow you must upgrade to a 6th-gen core i7 or learn to deal with it, do you really need 100 channels in one song ?

    I'm not a fan of Steinberg at all, i'm a fan of Cubase and its philosophy, no other audio apps are still leading the market since the 80s and there are good reasons for it, first of all regarding how cubase manages the MIDI tracks .. i know today it's all about audio but music is still made of MIDI first and foremost, Reaper is still behind both Cubase and ProTools and i don't think they've any plan to disrupt the market anytime soon, and performance is not the key issue for anyone running a decent setup.
  13. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    In 1986/87 we had Creator, Notator, Pro-24, and Cubase, in 1987 with Cubase being the first to have a GUI where you could drag & drop tracks and channels, anyone else had the usual cumbersome interface which was just an evolution of the music-trackers on C64/amiga/ST.

    I can't remember anyone using Cakewalk in the 80s, anyone was on Pro-24 or Cubase, with Cubase being the absolute killer-app, used in every studio, Atari, Mac, and later on Windows.

    If that matters, lots of bands were still hooked up with expensive CV-Gate analog sequencers !
    Phil Collins was raving about the Yamaha QY-10, a total piece of shit by today's standards.

    Most of people barely used MIDI at all, it was taken for granted that you had to play live and record on a 24-tracks tape, the computer revolution was not yet embraced by the mainstream, many were happy with the built-in sequencer in their master keyboards.

    So, Cubase started a whole revolution and suddenly any other sequencer had to catch up.
    The problem we have now is that Steinberg has been sold twice and Yamaha is not giving a shit, it's sad but eventually i'll be forced to move to greener pastures one day.
  14. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    Cubase leading the market? Have you seen the daw-polls across the interwebz? Cubase isn't even on top 5.
    I'd like to know exactly what it is that you can do in Cubase that I cannot do in Reaper. Or in any other popular DAW for that matter. Be objective.
  15. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    I'm afraid this discussion is already a thing of the past as Apple is less and less investing on OSX and desktop apps.
    They dominated the DTP and multimedia market in the 90s but just because of Microsoft digging its own grave.
    I'm surprised so many musicians are still stuck with that piece of shit after getting scammed and milked over and over by Apple.
  16. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    the real power of cubase is the MIDI editor and the whole interface.
    people doing music with loops and tricks of course they will prefer Ableton or easier DAWs.

    there's almost nothing cubase can't do, but nobody has the time to read the F-ing manual it seems.
    take all the options for midi-loops and chords for instance, or the arpeggiator .. very few cubase users heard about it.
    smart quantize, automation, and much more, nothing to envy from other DAWs.

    yeah, it's a bit intimidating to new users but so is Photoshop or AutoCad and any other serious app.
    but again, there are not many shortcuts in music, using loops will force you to live in a very small perimeter, your song will sound flat and boring if that's what you like, for anything else you gotta play real notes using MIDI and that's where cubase wins.

    S1 and any other "easy DAWs" pretend to make your life easy but in fact this means taking lots of shortcuts in your workflow thus limiting a lot your potential, again if that's what you like then go with S1 but sooner or later you'll get stuck and realize S1 cant' do this or that.

    i think many S1 fanboys coming from cubase were never using cubase the right way, there's a lot of people with strange tastes in how to make a proper workflow, typically expecting their DAW to do things it wasn't designed for.

    so, good riddance and let them move to S1, just let me say in each new version of S1 they will keep adding shit as their users will ask for all the missing features you can already find in cubase.

    moral of the story : you want to make music, you must learn the tools of the trade, it may take months or years, up to you, but there are no shortcuts, no magic DAWs that makes music for you in a few clicks.

    any modern DAW can make good things AS LONG as you know its internals very well, stick with your favourite DAW and real manuals and tutorials, results will come.
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  17. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    any modern DAW with a graphical drag & drop GUI for tracks and channels is a ripoff of the orignial Cubase 1.0 on atari (1987)

    nobody is forcing them to steal the concept over and over for 30 yrs but nothing alternative had come out so far.

    Ableton : panels instead of windows ? so what ... anyone else is doing it, i remember even a few music trackers on Amiga with a similar GUi.

    i might be boring and sounding like an old fart but the success of Ableton is all because of marketing hype, DJs, and people using loops and tricks.

    if that matters serious composers use Finale or Sibelius, which you probably never heard of.
  18. Mixdowner

    Mixdowner Kapellmeister

    Nov 25, 2016
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    MIDI editing, and consistency over 30 years.
    it's a product you can trust and you can invest your time and money.

    i don't know about you guys but when i compose a song i do all the tracks in MIDI including the drums, so for me MIDI editing is essential, it's the very reason i'm using a sequencer as the audio part could be done in many other ways AFTER the whole midi editing/composing.

    i'm aware cubase is becoming unpopular but we all know the reason is that it's not been cracked since Cubase 5 !

    Reaper's MIDI editing is absolutely awful for my tastes, of course i'm sure it's a great DAW for audio but not all of us think about composing in terms of audio tracks, MIDI is still king.

    most of my songs I'm using 7-8 tracks of omnisphere, 5-6 tracks of drums with kontakt or BFD, and 1-2 kontakt libraries, no loops, no samples packs.
    i don't have to touch the audio until i start mixing and making FX-chains.

    sure, i could mix everything with Pro Tools or Reaper but i can't get reach that stage without doing everything on cubase first.

    if for you guys a DAW is just a digital multi-track and multi-FX i wonder if you're making music of what ? what the fuck is this hype about audio ? 24 audio tracks should be way more than enough for a normal song, if you don't then your workflow is bloated.

    dont expect a DAW to run your 500 wav tracks at once and complain about cubase, YOU are the problem, not cubase.
  19. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
  20. LALALA

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    No. As I said - you know nothing about S1. You must reading manual yourself. And there is no "fanboy". We speak about tools. No more, no less. I always read manuals and think about how I can use in work every possibilities. S1 have only one "problem" - midi editor. But it's not a big problem: 1)it's good enough for 99% cases and 2)S1 always have good update, so they can fix it in near future. S1 not "simple DAW", it's just have better workflow, better organization.
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