Searching for hangdrum patterns

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by jack, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    really like the sound of this instrument(s). :grooves: :bow:

    As far as i found out hangdrum have a fix scale. You get it with very different scales, but also with common scales. From tone to tone there are different steps. Example for (harmonic - mostly i prefer the natural) D-Minor: A D F G A A# C# D

    Watched some videos - one hand often hits the deepest note (which is third note of the d minor chord) and the 2nd (root note) and 3rd note (which is second note of the d minor chord) and the other hand hits the other notes.

    This is just for practise, you can play:

    3 x d minor
    2 x A# dur (1st and 2nd Inversion) same with a# minor :bow:
    2 x g minor (2nd Inversion) same with g diminished chord
    2 x g sus2 (2nd Inversion)
    2 x C#+ ? - don't know how you call it (1st Inversion is F+)

    But mostly the only hit only two notes at same time. I think it s often a mixture between (repeating some sequences) and add some melody notes!?

    So do you know common patterns for and or how to play the handgdrum?

    Haha now that i have wrote down all that .... what do i see, she is playing an upgraded version - however may it less limited but everything else is the same. As this was dry text - enjoy this (even if it's cuted :sad:):

  3. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I want one. Probably like steel pan drums. Get them in any tuning/scale you want.
  4. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    I want one too and her as my personal teacher. :bow:

    Yes most of them (different developers) you get in differnt scales - nowadays (which was new to me) you get the "original" hang drum only in one scale.

    Not sure think she is playing space drum - in next video this should be a hangdrum - bad quality but nice tune

    Seems mostly there are limited to 7/8 notes (in circle) + 1 note (top) called Ding; the resonance - called Gu - can be tuned down to one octave.

    I have picked up some of this fix scales and played with them. But first i'm not got pianoplayer second even if i would be - i think - it's hard to bring that "drum feeling" to keys. :blues:

    Hehe that reminds me on a guy (on youtube) how smashed his keys "playing drums", he made a real good job but it looked some kind of strange and i thought he might better buy a drum kit. *yes*

    However i will try to learn more about that instrument and how to play it.

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