AMD to announce Zen on December 13!

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Von_Steyr, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    As you ignore recent history with your blind K Mart mentality, I'll say that nobody stays on top without competition, as all of us old men understand full and well.

    FWIW, you know nothing about AMD's past thus your words hold no value here and are just a blind rant full of confirmation bias for a strange Intel love affair you enjoy ranting about.

    Your simple refusal to step back and see the true nature of what myself and others are saying about the competition between AMD and Intel display your cognitive dissonance in full view for us all to see.

    Learn to read please, I said above I love my 5820K. I also never changed the subject, just replied to your attacking my age, experience & professionalism, with a suggestion that you socialize yourself and travel the world a bit to broaden you narrow minded corporate controlled mindset you seem hell bent on spewing in an AMD Zen thread. You came in here with your ignorant biased opinions and changed the subject, as this is about the AMD Zen December 13th release, but I'm betting you can not coherently even grasp that fact, lol. As a free thinking individual, I can't be converted to anything, I'm not a blind Intel or AMD corporate robot. I simply choose the best tool for the job at hand at the time. Also, caring about someone else switching to a company you support simply confirms your confirmation bias mindset.

    I said I currently have 3 rigs, 2 are AMD and one is Intel. All 3 were chosen as the best tool at the time, for me and my work.

    I've never screamed AMD or Intel being superior, and you are the only one in this thread selling out anything. You sold out your logic, as you are the only brandboy fanboy bringing a one sided mentality here. Logically, to sellout, you must first buy into (blindly believe) something, as you have done with Intel. I simply use the best tool, no matter the manufacture, I've bought into no corporate propaganda, thus can not sellout. I've personally owned 3 Atari, 1 Commodore, 1 Apple, 5 AMD and 3 Intel computers.

    You have forgotten, or never been taught, that the basic principal of a Laissez faire market is competition. AMD is the only reason you have your i7's today, AMD and Intel pushed each other for 2 decades, and we as consumers are the better for it. Without AMD's competition Intel have slowed the market while pricing their CPU's above traditional market ranges. We all need AMD to bring Intel back into a competitive market and push the technology forward. We as consumers all benefit from the competition, just as AMD and Gforce are still pushing the GFX market, bringing us all better options in all price ranges with our graphics cards.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2016
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  2. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I've been really looking forward to this announcement for months now. Is it tooo late or is their any chance that Apple might incorporate Zen's architecture into their newest Desktops or Macbook pro? I definitely want my next build to be able to dual boot ;)
  3. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Apple has been all Intel since they switched to x86 CPU's, and I don't see any logical reason for them going AMD at any point in the near future.
  4. jvne

    jvne Kapellmeister

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Great news !
  5. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    I'm excited about it.
  6. Ronbell

    Ronbell Member

    Nov 22, 2016
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  7. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    wow.... i'm not a total idiot, but i am obviously a bit naive!
    i mean i know of sega vs nintendo, pc vs mac, iphone vs the other ones, xbox vs playstation, etc.
    these are all squabbles i can understand, but i honestly had no idea that people got so wound up about which brand of processor other people use!
    do people fight about crucial or corsair ram sticks like this?
    i hope not.
    silly stupid oyters out... :)
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2016
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  8. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Intel's CEO after @Von_Steyr post on AudioSex :)

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  9. danfuerthdan

    danfuerthdan Newbie

    Nov 20, 2016
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    One of the worst things that has happened to the computer industry was the Icrap that infested the computer industry by forcing companies to not focus on Desktop power. We are in 2016!!! 3 ghz was done almost 7 years ago!!.
    What a joke, when we want power we use a fuckin Desktop not a stupid ass Iphone . I know systems personally by friends who run gaming machines that are running at 5 ghz every day. I simply can not understand how we fell behind CPU power and computing power and focused on core shit. Who gives a shit about Cores!! Give us the CPU power that AMD and Intel make for Industrial companies and stop selling us 10 year technology. it's the same shit with virtual Drum kits. Look at the price points for kits with memory for our own samples it is simply a joke. The cheapest kit with an earth staggering insane 1 MB is the Yamaha DTX502 Module. Yes that is correct 1 fuckin MB LOL.
    But the problem is Companies do not want to step on each others toes, so they are all in on it.
    If alesis came out with a Kit and module that had an SD card slot to load your samples for under $1000, Yamaha's and Roland's Monopoly would be dead overnight. As no one would by their $5000 kits just to have some memory that is beyond moronic compared to the fuckin 80's.

    It's all a Monopoly and if you think that AMD is not owned by Intel LOL look at the Shareholders and Holding's Incs that own AMD!!!

    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Got to love those announcements of announcements! Maybe they should consider announcing the announcement that's there to announce the announcement next time! We sure don't want the public to miss out on any announcements, so better safe than sorry! :facepalm:
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  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

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  12. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    I almost forgot, you can never debate with a 5 year old, as all they understand is how to repeat the same nonsense over and over again, lol.

    For the record, I am a multi-platinum professional musical Engineer. I've tech-ed Mac and PC's studios for over 15 years. I've personally built or taught others how to build, over 50 PC's for music use. So I have a valid pro opinion on this subject. As I said before, I do not own any AMD or Intel stock and I do not work for either, so I don't care about either company personally. I do love when AMD is competitive with Intel, as we all get better cheaper tools for our work and the computer industry advances faster, again better for the end users.

    As I always do, I'm simply going to find the best tool for the task at hand and purchase it regardless of the brand. So I will seriously look at Zen when I need a new build and purchase the best tool for my work. If AMD is competitive I may take a 10 year approach to the AM4 path, if not I'll see what the Intel market has out, pretty easy to understand, even for you.
  13. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Absolutely false.....
    This is too easy to prove false too, lol, as you lack basic logic is your statements.

    This can't be 100% true, as it is an opinion, and opinions are never 100% correct.

    Fact is AMD has beaten Intel at times, thus making your statement not 100% correct.

    You may have written "I doubt they will ever beat Intel again", but that would still be an opinion, which can't be 100% correct, and impossible to know as it is still a prediction about a future none of us know about.... again not able to be 100% correct.

    As you have never bought an AMD computer you have zero real world experience with this statement, thus it is something you read or heard. Regurgitating somebody else's opinion pretending it to be true does not make it 100% correct, lol.

    In reality you don't actually know what makes AMD attractive, as you find them unattractive and attack those that do, again easily proving you can't be 100% correct here.

    As I wrote earlier, AMD sticks with their formats allowing a user an 8 year upgrade path, sometimes longer, thus not only saving money but resources and not forcing a new computer to be wasted, thus not polluting the planet. Many AMD users skip Intel because of this too, for them this is "the thing".

    So as I've given another very valid reason many AMD users skipped Intel, you can not be 100% correct on this also.

    We shall see what AMD will do, as nobody yet knows for sure what the prices will be, and as you don't know the actual prices, you CAN'T be 100% correct on this either.

    Last edited: Dec 1, 2016
  14. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    You people don't understand, do you? I do not want to give away secrets, especially not of my friends, but I have to shine some light on this; the OP does not like corporations (and therefor america) and he feels amd is less american and corporative than intel; for two reasons; 1 - they have development centers in Germany, 2 - since they are now the underdogs in this story people pity them and they simply don't feel them as a primitive corporation. The real problem is that americans hold monopoly on cpus and therefor the OP has no choice - he would love to use European cpu, but he's stuck with choosing the lesser evil... As we all are unfortunately.
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  15. Batoumba

    Batoumba Producer

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I hope so my friend.Just a month ago i cleaned out , changed the thermal paste, and rebuilt an Athlon 64 i had many years ago, i think i built it in 2005 or 06. 2gb of ddr2 ram.Installed the 32bit versions of Windows XP/Windows 7 Ultimate/and the latest Windows 10 2nd anniversary update that came a little after August and made 3 AcronisBootCD image files so i can quickly switch around OS. Only thing i actually upgraded was that i used a WD 10,000rpm Velociraptor hdd i had lying around for the OS. I was amazed at how well everything was running. Windows 10 was running even faster than Windows 7 but i finally sticked to Windows 7. Cubase and Ableton and FLstudio where running fine with a bunch of plugins loaded in each project, of course i was using an old external m-audio fw interface i had for asio drivers.Firefox browsing and realtime streaming & movie watching was seamless. I always use Battlefield games to sort of benchmark any pc i build. Battlefield Bad company 2 was running perfect all settings in advanced set to high except for shading i kept that to low because of some directx issue. Multiplayer gaming with it ,fine with no lag.So a decent all purpose & music production pc with Windows 10 Pro too if i wanted on an 10-12 year old rig.

    Lack of good competition for iNTEL since the AMD Phenom x4 965BE its seems to me has left computer power in the last 5 years almost static. I mean even the latest i7's dont seem to offer that much more than the 2011-2012 cpu's of the time.Which i believe if there was competition we would today have double and triple the cpu power we have now . Typical megacorp tactics to slowly suck consumers sweet $$$ unless there is competition where there you see both better tech advancements released to the public and in a decent pricerange.The i7 4790k last time i checked 2-3 months ago was sold more expensive than what it was for like 2years ago from what tha pcpartpicker graph showed lol.I dont think stuff like that will continue happening if AMD Zen comes out tommorow at that presentation and totally wrecks the today line of i7's.It will be for the better for all of us.Well except a couple of Intels CEO's and stockholders but then again who gives a fuck if your 115million bucks savings turns into 112million.Nobody's gonna starve because of it.
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  16. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    I've owned 5 desktop PC's in my life, all AMD. First it was just trying to find the best price/performance ratio, now it has become kind of a habit. Started with the K6 II, then two Athlons, X4 and then my current FX machine. Only with this FX machine I've had second thoughts that maybe I should have gone with Intel. But then again at the time I bought it, it was very competitive price wise (not counting power consumption costs), beating similarly priced Intel chips in multicore tasks. But the problem has been that for the past few years now, AMD just hasn't been able to offer a path to Intel-like performance. My CPU is starting to be a huge bottleneck especially when gaming.

    All indicators are pointing that Zen will deliver that performance at a reasonable price. Unfortunately I doubt it will give AMD the edge over Intel like it had for years and years during the the Athon-era, at least not in long term.
  17. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Listening to people go back and forth about CPU brands reminds me of listening to rednecks arguing about Ford vs Chevy. I agree with @WillTheWeirdo on this one. Brand doesn't mean much at all, you have to select the best tool for yourself at the time. If you let brand determine what's best, then you are, in effect, limiting your choices.
    I remember when I got my first Amiga and let a friend who had a 8086 see a boot demo on it. :guru:
    Currently I produce on an AMD machine with plans in the near future to upgrade to an Intel machine. Why? Computing power that is available to me right now.
  18. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
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  19. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I don't think I can find justifiable reason to drop 3rd gen in favour of Kaby/Zen.
    They can probably offer a bit better performance and a bit better efficiency. That's it.
    Nothing to justify the MSRP.
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