Rebuilding MASSIVE database resets Stars and colour!!

Discussion in 'PC' started by google, Jun 1, 2012.


Did you see an error message warning you that this would happen when you rebuild the database?

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  1. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
    Likes Received:
    just found out today

    Rebuilding MASSIVE database -- resets Stars *** and colour!!

    NI stuff sucks arse - I'm glad i don't pay for it.

    This guys has a work around

  3. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I totally agree...!!!

    NI has the worst preset viewer of all VST-Developers around.
    It's slow..., it's hanging all the time and slows down your search.

    That is for all their products the same.

    Years ago they had for each product a separate preset-format.
    Then some funnybrain decided to make them more unified and gave to all products
    the same ending ! .ksd was the result !
    I knew then, that this is a bad decision and leads to you not knowing which preset belongs to which product.

    Years later, they try to correct this mistake and leave the people almost alone
    correcting this mistake by them self. Batch converter works, but fukkn slow !

    Now this...! Ooouuhhmm...
    Luck I give a f... to authors and those things written in the presets.
    But if I'd payed for this, I would be pissed...

    Only Reaktor is somehow O.K. speed wise but has the worst preset management I ever have seen.
    It's pure bullshidd and not worth to pay for...!!!
    Snap-shot format is absolute idiotic and complicated.
    You have to pay attention to so many things, that you'll loose many good sounds at the beginning
    before you check what to do to save them properly.

    I see a need for a better preset format for Reaktor too, but they won't do any,
    because it would cause a lot problems to the existing program.
    Reaktor 6 will have a different format I think.
    But again with a batch converter for the older formats...LOL !!!
  4. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
    Likes Received:
    yeah i feel a bit bad overwriting authors name with "***" "*****" but it keeps the star rating after the rebuild database

    spending the day re staring some fave sounds

    Why couldn't they keep this info after rebuild
    Why doesn't it give any warning that one button press can reset all your settings
    NI= Not Intuitive

    now if i click author it sorts stared to the top

    I keep all presets in separate folders as per the pack they came in

    some one said the genuine version doesn't have any slow down on preset/browser surfing, is that true?
  5. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I wouldn't believe that...

    I think it's getting worse the more sounds you have in your preset folder.

    This whole stupid database scanning and building is also one stupid, idiotic and totally unnecessary thing
    that only NI can come up with ! This is the main reason why it's slow !!!
    Reaktor has not this data base rebuild thing and isn't slowing down.

    After looooong rebuilding, it still isn't faster browsing anything.
    So why this practice ? What is the purpose then ?
    Is it really necessary to build a database when the program can simply read the preset folder,
    which is by far more then simple and fast enough for all other developers ?!

    NI sucks a lot on this...!
  6. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
    Likes Received:

    NI suck

    but sometimes after deleting and rebuilding my folder seem to load quickly like any other normal program

    not 30 seconds like NI crappy delay
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