1983? No way....

Discussion in 'Music' started by Von_Steyr, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    This production sounds way ahead of time.I could swear its from 87/88.
    It could still kill in the clubs today.
    Also, it saddens me very much that only shit gets promoted today.
    Brothers in USA need to step up their game and ditch the shitty modern low value TMZ promoted RAP and RNB and go back to production with balls and real instruments.
    We need a musical revolution.No more, enough is enough, we need to dictate the changes, we are the change!
    What a sound!:shalom:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2016
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  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    What are they? Edible or inedible stuff?
    Unfortunately I've not seen such things in my books.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2016
  4. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    I agree. Rap was even better than it is now when they'd steal shit like this, beef it up, and rap about something more ethical or political. They forced hungry black artists to where the only way they'd offer a piece of the pie is if they were willing to sellout and exploit themselves and the black population in a degrading fashion. In recent times when the nation noticed black folks starting to speak out of the box again.. the emergency signal went off and Trump was elected literally due to the overwhelming desire to see the non-white population pushed back into a shell.
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  5. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Ah...the goood ooold 80s! :break:
  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I think musically they were inventing and were in the center of the evolution of sound together with the white musicians.
    I think music and politics are two different things and is less about skin color and more about what you bring to the table.
    Groove dont care about color.Musicanship dont care about color.You either got game or dont.
    I think black people were amazingly well represented in the music biz.
    i believe there is still talent in USA, its just not being promoted.
    You have these sites like TMZ that glorify these stupid no talent fucks, makes me angry for all the opportunities quality black(or white) bands and musicians dont get and its a struggle within the circle, its not about politics, its about sell outs and idiots taking over our craft.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2016
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  7. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    My problem is not color at all. I even love black people in the p**n movies more than the bleached ones.

    The problem is your mentioned words do not count as music. Just some rhymed baloney, devaluing the real concept of music.
  8. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Black music in America has always been a reflection of the political state and/or agenda. What happened in politics decade after decade influenced the lyrics in the songs. I am black in America. And all mainstream rap music revealed over the last decade is that we were losing the battle for civil rights = silenced. Anyone who thinks I'm wrong can watch the direction American rap music goes over the next 2 years.. it's about to get like Public Enemy and EPMD all over again.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2016
  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    There were waves of bands in each decade that would support your theory but all in all it was not driven by politics, i dont think so.
    I think people are color blind when it comes to music, its a universal language, from your ears to your soul.
  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Foster, go easy on LSD bro!

  11. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    In harsh political times black people didn't lose their ability to love and their desire to party together. The political narrative within that is also clear if you look. Black people have always bonded closer together in love and celebration during harsh political times. So songs that aren't directly referring to politics are still political in the sense it's an era black people don't feel so comfortable disrespecting the men and women lyrically because the political state has black people "more together".
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2016
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  12. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Correct.. in fact over the last decade they've been selling out. What they're selling out to.. IS politics. Got me reminiscing on this EPMD joint here..
  13. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    ^^^ so much better than the shit you get nowadays ^^^

    @dbmuzik :wink:
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  14. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    there will never be such great music as from the 80s and 90s ever again, Hollywood ruined that, by killing the greatest talent example billy squire
    back stabed and booted, jani lane of warrant back stabbed and booted lead to his death and so much more crap they did
  15. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Hey buddy. Four words for you. Jimmy Jam/ Terry Lewis
  16. 30hz

    30hz Producer

    Apr 27, 2013
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    this is the rmx, it's from late 80's , one of the first project of fat boy slim( i think)
  17. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Some of the productions back then from "Solar" etc is just amazing.. not to mention some of the bands like Fatback band, General Cain and so on.. And my point is that since many of them were just amazing musicians that mastered their instuments. Today 90% cant even play but they can handle their daws and make wierd sounds etc.. but in the end its not enought to keep me interested. Okej im a rock guy but its amazing how much i miss some real good funk and soul from late 70 to 80th.. Mtume, come on.. nothing has even come close to their albums.. amazing..
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  18. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Most music for the most part is either about drugs, fucking, or politics, there are exceptions but the majority of the catalogue from its inception is pretty much focused on those topics. Same as poetry, those are things people can empathize with, you can put yourself in someone else's shoes... and sometimes even the most catch pop tune is actually a diatribe on social topics. I can count off at least 5 from the last 5 years that were rather big hits and extremely political, but for the most part nobody got it or cared, even-though it was obvious.

    Just because one can not always suss out the meaning in a piece of music that is political doesn't change the fact that it is what it is. This is isn't a stage for digging into that though. There are cycles, we are right now in about the same place as in the 50s or late 70s.... Perry Como, Lief Garret, the Shondelles, ect... we have a lot of stuff that is catchy and doesn't mean much... but there is sometimes songs with really strong and violent messages but like always it kind of blows most people, who just catch the bom-bap and not the thread of logic.

    Like the Song... not sure what makes it ahead of its time production wise though, seems pretty well done but well fixed in its contemporary element.
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  19. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    The music industry is dead ... at least compared to how it was about seventeen years ago. The labels aren't looking for new talent, as they can barely afford the ten or so major acts they're currently promoting, and they're no longer taking risks on innovative new genres like they did back when they had millions to gamble on them. There's tons of self-produced music around, but no national or global platform to promote them on the way bands and performers were promoted back then, so you have to resort to digging through maybe millions of YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp and iTunes pages to find them. It would be like walking into a giant record store with millions of records you've never heard of or have gotten any sort of airplay and wondering which ones are good.
  20. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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  21. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I'm pretty sure this is just a generation thing. Whatever decade you lived your youth in, that will be counted the best music experience, when you're older. Was so with my parents generation (rock'n'roll, the devil's music), is so with my generation (80's synth wave wtf) and will be so with coming generations.

    The only common thread will always be the masters of classical orchestral music. Nobody that listens once to Mozart,Beethoven,Händel, Bach, E.T.A Hoffmann, Vivaldi etc. will deny the beauty of their music. They stand the time, when Twist, Rock'n'Roll, New Wave or Trance are long forgotten.
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