Please Help Me Decide

Discussion in 'Software' started by superliquidsunshine, Nov 13, 2016.



Poll closed Nov 14, 2016.
  1. Verbsuit $200

  2. Everything Bundle $179/yearly

  3. The Thing Not Listed

  1. @Herr Durr .. at this point so late in the game there is not much left of refreshments, some chips dust and what is left of the cake on the knife that cut it up into tiny little pieces, one bottle of warm Heineken as the ice has all but melted, but your certainly welcome to it. Bring aspirin.
  2. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I'm perpetually late, damn it! But Happy Belated Birthday, none the less.
    My vote is for Acustica too. I say Sand because I want it so bad myself!
    I like the Slate stuff, but have been reluctant to use it everywhere. After reading the comment about aliasing build up, I wonder how that would affect me working in 44.1 KHz right now. But Acustica? I'd use that EVERYWHERE, lol.
  3. @digitaldragon .. All the food is gone, @Herr Durr just chugged down the last of the beer and left with some little hottie Japanese woman who showed up here by mistake, but if you do come on up maybe you can help me carry the empties to the recycling bin and drive Von_Steyr home who I just found asleep on the floor behind the couch. See ya in a minute.
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  4. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Sometimes lots of things can make us lost.
    The most important plugin always will be compressor. Delays and reverbs can sound good even with free stuff if you use lots of aux channels.
    For VSTI I vote something from UHE, probably in 5 years you will still receive free updates for a value product.
    For FX (depending of the kind of your processing power) something from Klanghelm or Acoustica.
    But for software in general I can suggest VEP pro 6, and get all the goods from OSX and Win together (eve with old computers).
    Happy birthday, hugs from Brazil and keep the nice person you are!
  5. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Happy BDay!
  6. Obrigado pelos desejos de aniversário.

    Ahoy midi-man, thanks a bunch!
  7. Well, thank you all, the party was a success, everybody seemed to have had a good time and
    I guess that we all survived our hangovers and those inherent dangers of getting home after a wild night partying as the sun once more begins to rise. Special thanks to @Von_Steyr for stepping into the DJ booth after @famouslut accidently kicked David Guetta in the nuts after he whispered something into slut's ear (maybe she'll tell us what he said, maybe she won't). I had told him not come, and now I guess he won't be into the foreseeable future...or beyond. You are both heros.

    In the end I side-stepped Slate and Co. all together and opted for the super smart @virusg idea of supporting a very cool dev, one Quinto Sardo of SKnote as his stuff is absolute top shelf as well as being incredibly, incredibly cost effective. I went for the STA-limit, Disto and Strip, and with the hundred left over will fork it over to what to me at time present might very well be the coolest 99buck emulation we have to mess with, Synapse Audio's new and incredible Legend soft synthesizer.

    I will hopefully add one more post when I have some time, that of a tune I will compose using the new toys I was able to get for this, my 57th year birthday extravaganza. Thanks again for the sweet birthday wishes as well as all the great gift ideas. Love you guys!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2016
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  8. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @superliquidsunshine, please give some feedback on the STA-limit. I assume that's the STA Leveler?
  9. It will be at least until the weekend is past that I will be able to check it out. I have not as yet downloaded anything. My sister is coming in from Prague to watch my daughter compete this weekend in her ice skating competition and we will only purchase/download the software after Julia arrives in town. It is the STA-Limit ( I think it will be awesome from the few reviews that I saw. I am particularly excited to use it mono micing my acoustic guitars, for as I mentioned somewhere around this joint that I want to record my older singer/songwriter songs. This will become a really handy tool to both help spread out the guitar and impart some tube harmonics while helping to keep a lid on the dynamics. I also might finally install that L.R. Baggs Anthem ST pickup system into my Martin D15 M that I have been procrastinating on for almost a year. That will give me what is hopefully that sweet stereo spread that I hear in my head. The guitar has begun to open up and the neck is a bunch smoother after playing it for exactly a year now come the 24th of this month. It just keeps getting better and better. The bottom end is incredible. Equally incredible is the fact that I have not yet jammed with anybody playing acoustic with it. It will be mind boggling when I finally do. The spectrum of sound ushered forth when paired with the right other guitar will be mind blowing. Boggling, blowing...bbbbbbbaby!
  10. AwDee.0

    AwDee.0 Kapellmeister

    Jul 5, 2015
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    Sknote reverbs are pretty good valhalla price with a great sound!!!
  11. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    It's that STA-Limit one that perked my ears up... Please give some feedback on that one.
  12. I definitely will give you feedback. The SKnotd Disto is pretty much a known entity as well as the Strip offering (I nabbed it for the eq which sounds pretty good if I need a boost as well as a first comp for a few different sources, the expander for drum effects ), but the STA-Limit is also the one that is making me salivate in anticipation. I would love to have this,, but if not, the SKnote offering will just have to suffice until I can have the "real" thing. I dream, therefore I am.[​IMG]
  13. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I've seen that the TimP has been developing some Nebula presets for the STA. I wonder how they'll stack up against an algorithmic/modeling plug like the SKNote one. Been keeping my eye open for a good plugin version of this until I hit the lottery to get a real one.
  14. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Mistake? I just told her to give a freebie to the oldest, drunkest geezer =) Miko has such poor judgment. Also eyesight. Also, saki is no longer my second favorite liquid :( pass the aspirin...

    Accident? Guess it was. I thought it was Steve Duda! Have u heard that guy DJ? I did everyone's ears a favor. Although, thinking about it, Guetta doesn't really make much of an improvement...

    Anyway, sounds like you dodged another bullet w/ ur plugin choices, SLS!
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