[Deep House]Trevor Gordon - Tonka (Original)

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Trevor Gordon, Nov 18, 2016.

  1. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Had a break for a while. Pretty busy last few weeks, but managed to get some work done last couple weeks. I'm focusing on a classic house feel mixed with a modern feel. Bringing the 90's into the 2000's and whoola! For the most part, this is midi. All the drums were programmed using 909's, 808's, a 707 and some good old effects to give them punch! It's a little different from what I usually make.

    This track is based mainly on rhythm, groove,stabs and chords.....certainly pertaining to classic house. I completely ignored melody in this one, trying to go for the Homework sound I'm aiming for. Well, without further ado-enjoy!

  2. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    For me. Way to much drums. I found it really fatiguing to listen to. There's almost a cannoning effect going on, and I can't get into the groove. I would find if difficult to dance to.
    Just a thought here, and I know it's not important for a mix for DJs, but for the sake of listeners on soundcloud's ears, headphones and speakers, could you put a fade in at the beginning, to give people a chance to adjust the volume before it kicks in fully.
  3. I had to do a search for your "Homework sound" as I had no clue. And now that I am a "Homework" historian I can say without a doubt and with full authority, that yes, you have most definitely hit the mark, Mr. Gordon!
  4. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Different strokes for different folks I guess. I'm happy with the results. It was intended to have a lot of swing and not present a simplified house beat. Kind of a Revolution 909 swing. Thanks :like:
  5. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    I listen house music since the 90s so I know a thing or two on this topic. Too much swing - have you tried to actually dance to your track? You may get away with this level of swing for smaller percussive elements and positioned sparsely throught the track but for a rim hit like that is overkill. Plus, there's no drum variation over the progress of the track... like the same (arguably annoying) loop repeating over and over.

    Then you introduce that heavy ride in the first minute of your track. In house music (and techno for that matter - and even rock) the ride as "in your face" as it is presented in your track delivers the highest energy in the song. You can't possibly go higher from there so starting with a ride you can only go at the same energy level or lower which from a listener point of view is "dissapointing". At the same time your track is not "deep" because of that heavy ride. *Key word here for ride is "heavy". There are sytrategies to introduce a filtered ride but here is not the case.

    You see, house music is about nuances (and what music isn't?), drums must "groove" with the bass and interplay together. You're not in the ballpark but with a little work you can do it.

    When you say Revolution 909 you reffer to this one? This track is pushing you from behind to dance. Seriously, did you tried to dance to your track - even when played at the same bpm as R909?
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