Waves plugins - Is this a good deal?

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by phloopy, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Is this a good bundle? Have only tested Scheps 73:

    -eq (Scheps 73)
    -compressor ( H-comp)
    -reverb (TrueVerb)
    -transient processer (Trans-X)

    Would you pay: 115 US?
  3. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Scheps 73 only. Anyway keep your money safe for something better (read carefully the Waves policy about update plan)
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  4. The Koala

    The Koala Ultrasonic

    May 13, 2014
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    H-comp is pretty good too ! But the question should be : what do you need ? ;)
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  5. Regz

    Regz Producer

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Can't tell, sorry..
    I wouldn't pay, there are a lot of cool/better stuff out there.....
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  6. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I have nothing against you or the question. But I can't help thinking the question is somewhat odd. Anyone here who wants it, know they can get it for free just next door.

    I guess the only people here that can answer you truthfully are the few rich people with a conscience. Which would amount to one or two, maybe three.
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  7. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    The Scheps 73 is quite nice indeed. Has a warm, fat, full type of sound.
    Works well on a few things. You'll get some good use from that. H-Comp compressor is fairly basic but not bad again. T
    here a few other compressors I'd pick over that but it's ok.
    Waves often selling H-Comp cheap for around thirty dollars or so.
    The Tru-verb is the one they gave away last year. Is again a pretty basic reverb. Is not bad I guess. You can mess with frequency response and again is ok.
    Personally I don't like any waves reverb's at all with possibly the exception of the Abbey Road Plates with they also selling of cheaper at the moment. That's a pretty cool reverb.
    Multi-band transient is pretty good but again wouldn't be my first choice but it will do a good job in the right hands.
    Is like with all plugins if u work it right it can work really wonders. Good for shaping Kick and shaping percussion amongst other things.
    Personally for me 115 just is a little too much I reckon all-though like written above the scheps is pretty cool and for all four it not a bad price at all.

    Personally with Waves i've found the cheapest way is to wait for sale times like this and then try and upgrade to a bundle. I could have picked up say CLA or Manny bundle for like 30 dollars today and would have been getting 4 pretty decent plugins for 30 dollars.
    That's pretty dirt cheap imo. Didn't need them though. Use the 10 percent off vouchers that always floating about and you can pick up some great plugins dirt cheap compared with many around that simply not as good.
    You need to avaoid the ones uyou don't need that.

    @farao that's a pretty narrow minded opinion I reckon. I'm not meaning to be at all insulting at all but I'm pretty sure there's more that 2 or 3 people floatin round these parts etc that use these plugins in a semi professional or professional manner where they need reliability amongst other things and buy their with very good reasoning.
    It's also got nothing to do with being rich or having a conscience or any of that. 90 or 100 dollars for 4 or 5 pretty decent plugins is not really a lot at all imo.

    Like I said 10-20 dollars a plugin don't really make u rich :dunno:

    Compare it to some of the stuff out there and your gonna pay one hell of a lot more than 100 dollars.
    Also, just because you can get something for free don't mean you "should" or have to because it's their.
    I'm no Waves fanboy by any means either and think some of their stuff is ridiculously overpriced. Their subscription scheme is absolutely stupid also and ridiculously priced imo.
    However they do have the occasional plugin in their range that is top notch and sometimes you can pick them up dirt cheap.
    It's also not about conscience either. I've nothing whatsoever against people using cracked software or even using it long term when they have zero cash.
    I'd rather they had the ability to make music, use decent plugs etc than have no opportunity.
    However why on earth do you consider it odd just because some people choose to to buy stuff even tho a "cracked" version available???
    Where do you think the "Teams" get supplied from. Someone gotta pay for it I guess coz it not all stolen and that.
    Like I said no offence but personally I think such classifying everyone under one grand collective scheme is a little bit odd but each to their own and that.
    U know how it is if everyone had that attitude etc, pretty soon there wouldn't be much at all floating about etc blah blah blah.

    However whatever u choose to do is cool and that's great but don't necessarily classify it as being "ODD" that some people choose to buy bit's of stuff and try & support even when there a whatever version anywhere.
    JMO bro and no offence intended at all :mates::bow:
  8. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    No offence taken. That was a long post, though. Almost broke the scroll wheel of my mouse.