Major midi record and volume issues in Reaper!Help!

Discussion in 'Reaper' started by big-t247, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. big-t247

    big-t247 Noisemaker

    Nov 2, 2013
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    I'm having problems with reaper not working properly in windows 7 and windows 10.
    Ok now let's start with windows 7 reaper 4.76 whas working all fine until v5 came out.
    When i opend my projects in v5 and playing them back everything ok.
    But when i stop playback the midi note sustain freezes on 1 channel
    And doesen't stop until i take action and doesen't stop by pressing stop again.
    There's a few things i found to make it stop by removing the track and undo remove.
    Or by hitting the home button on the reaper transport controlls.
    I found by hitting the mute or solo button on/off quick but not always.
    Or rapidly hit the spacebar twice on a spot where no midi is playing in the pattern.

    Reaper midi note sustain stuck v5.28:

    But have to repeat this process every time this is driving me nuts.
    And it's not a specific channel this is different in every project.
    So i whas forces to go back to 4.76 and so i did for a while.
    Until i reinstalled my windows with windows 7 extreme ice.
    But this OS wasen't as good as i thought or been reading it would be.
    It kept freezing on windows reboot logo and haden't installed that much yet.
    So i decided to give windows 10 pro a try and so i did, installed reaper v5.
    The midi sustain freeze problem still remains.
    But now i got another annoying problem on top off that when playing back.
    I get these volume dips so it plays like about 20sec dips then normal again plays 50sec dip and so on.
    It happends random as you can see in the video.

    Reaper Volume Dip v5.28:

    You can hear the dips at 0:12 and 0:58.

    Also tested this with a new project 1 channel same problem.
    Checked the cpu, memory, ssd and hdd stats no sudden peaks or such.
    Tryed playing a wave file full track everything is ok and no volume dips so it's shure is a midi issue.
    Tested different sound cards asio non asio no mather witch one issue remains the same.
    When i record armed track i hear the kick one time this only happends with the metronome pre-count is switched on.

    Reaper record note freeze metronome on v5.28:

    This only happends in reaper v5.00 till v5.28 ,other daw's no problems.
    I also noticed that some plugins loading and closing slower that in windows 7.
    Tested on fresh windows 7 and windows 10 with only the drivers and Reaper installed.
    This is not a OS issue it's reaper i've test Cubase,Ableton,Studio One trails and NI Maschine zero problems there.
    Removed all memory and tested with one 4gb memory in a different slot problem still occured.
    I tryed so many things and i'm about to leave reaper cause it's leaving me no other choice.
    So i thought before giving up write this for some help cause i realy would like to use reaper..
    And having to transfer all my projects to studio one 3 is going to be to much time consuming.
    I like studio one 3 minus a few little things that could be different and added to the options and work flow.
    Help me please peeps :-( .

    Tested with all the sound sources below with and without asio4all.


    Digidesign Mbox2 (drivers up to date)
    Sound Blaster Recon3d Pcie (drivers up to date)
    Yamaha Steinberg Fw Asio (drivers up to date)
    Asus motherboard onboard audio switched off.
    Hardware devices:

    Yamaha Motif XS7
    NI Maschine

    Chassis : Desktop
    Mainboard : ASUS P8Z77-V DELUXE
    BIOS : AMI (OEM) 2104 08/13/2013
    Total Memory : 16GB DIMM DDR3

    Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (4C 8T 3.91GHz, 3.9GHz IMC, 4x 256kB L2, 8MB L3)
    Socket/Slot : FC LGA1155

    Memory Controller : ASUS Core (Ivy Bridge) DRAM Controller 100MHz, 2x 8GB DIMM DDR3 1.33GHz 128-bit

    Memory Module(s)
    Memory Module : Corsair CML4GX3M1X1600C7 4GB DIMM DDR3 PC3-12800U DDR3-1600 (9-9-9-25 4-33-10-5)
    Memory Module : Corsair CML4GX3M1X1600C7 4GB DIMM DDR3 PC3-12800U DDR3-1600 (9-9-9-25 4-33-10-5)
    Memory Module : Corsair CML4GX3M1X1600C7 4GB DIMM DDR3 PC3-12800U DDR3-1600 (9-9-9-25 4-33-10-5)
    Memory Module : Corsair CML4GX3M1X1600C7 4GB DIMM DDR3 PC3-12800U DDR3-1600 (9-9-9-25 4-33-10-5)

    Video System
    Monitor/Panel : LG ULTRAWIDE
    (3440x1440, 34.1" )
    Monitor/Panel : SAMSUNG
    (1920x1080, 48.5" )
    Video Adapter : AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (28CU 1792SP SM5.1 800MHz/850MHz, 16kB L2, 3GB DDR5 5GHz 384-bit, PCIe 3.00 x16)
    Video Adapter : AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (28CU 1792SP SM5.1 800MHz/850MHz, 16kB L2, 3GB DDR5 5GHz 384-bit, PCIe 3.00 x16)

    Graphics Processor
    OpenCL GP Processor : AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (1792SP 28C 800MHz/850MHz, 16kB L2, 3GB DDR5 5GHz 384-bit)
    Compute Shader Processor : AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (1792SP 28C 800MHz/850MHz, 16kB L2, 3GB DDR5 5GHz 384-bit)
    OpenGL Processor : AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (1792SP 28C 800MHz/850MHz, 16kB L2, 3GB DDR5 5GHz 384-bit)
    OpenGL Processor : AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (1792SP 28C 800MHz/850MHz, 16kB L2, 3GB DDR5 5GHz 384-bit)

    Storage Devices
    Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series (256GB, SATA600, SSD, SED) : 238GB (C: )
    WDC WD30EZRX-00MMMB0 (3TB, SATA600, 3.5") : 3TB (D: )
    WDC WD7500BPKX-75HPJT0 (750.2GB, SATA600, 2.5", 7200rpm, 16MB Cache) : 699GB (S: )
    HL-DT-ST DVDROM DH16NS30 (SATA150, DVD+-R, CD-R) : N/A (F: )
    PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-218L (SATA150, DVD+-RW, CD-RW) : N/A (G : )

    Logical Storage Devices
    Hard Disk (C: ) : 238GB (NTFS, 4kB) @ Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series (256GB, SATA600, SSD, SED)
    BT Audio Drive (D: ) : 3TB (NTFS, 4kB) @ WDC WD30EZRX-00MMMB0 (3TB, SATA600, 3.5")
    Kontakt Drive (S: ) : 699GB (NTFS, 4kB) @ WDC WD7500BPKX-75HPJT0 (750.2GB, SATA600, 2.5", 7200rpm, 16MB Cache)
    Optical Drive (F: ) : N/A @ HL-DT-ST DVDROM DH16NS30 (SATA150, DVD+-R, CD-R)
    Optical Drive (G: ) : N/A @ PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-218L (SATA150, DVD+-RW, CD-RW)

    LPC Hub Controller 1 : ASUS Panther Point LPC Controller
    Audio Device : ASUS Tahiti XT HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 7970 Series]
    Audio Codec : ATI (AMD) HDMI Audio
    Audio Device : Creative Labs SB Recon3D
    Disk Controller : ASUS Panther Point 6 port SATA AHCI Controller
    Disk Controller : ASUS Asmedia 106x SATA Controller
    Disk Controller : ASUS 88SE9128 PCIe SATA 6 Gb/s RAID controller with HyperDuo
    USB Controller 1 : ASUS Panther Point USB xHCI Host Controller
    USB Controller 2 : ASUS Panther Point USB Enhanced Host Controller #2
    USB Controller 3 : ASUS Panther Point USB Enhanced Host Controller #1
    USB Controller 4 : ASUS ASMedia XHCI Controller
    USB Controller 5 : ASUS ASMedia XHCI Controller
    USB Controller 6 : NEC USB OpenHCI Controller
    USB Controller 7 : NEC USB 2.0 EHCI Controller
    FireWire/1394 Controller 1 : TI TSB43AB23 1394a-2000 OHCI PHY/link-layer Controller
    SMBus/i2c Controller 1 : Intel ICH SMBus

    Printers and Faxes
    Printer : Send to Microsoft OneNote 16 Driver (1200x1200, Colour)
    Printer : Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4 (600x600, Colour)
    Printer : Microsoft Print To PDF (600x600, Colour)
    Fax : Microsoft Shared Fax Driver (200x200)

    Media Player : WDC WD75 00BPKX-75HPJT0 (698.63GB)

    Network Services
    Network Adapter : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller (Ethernet, 1Gbps)
    Network Adapter : Intel(R) 82579V Gigabit Network Connection (Ethernet)

    Operating System
    Windows System : Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 10.00.10586
    Platform Compliance : x64

    Edit: Youtube videos are in public status now my bad..
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Why don't you want to report to Cockos.
    Once I registered, created thread, then I saw my requested feature implemented in next release, it was 5.25
    Cockos are known for the users' requests implementation, not as others software developers.
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  4. Alex Philipp

    Alex Philipp Platinum Record

    Jan 30, 2015
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    This is well known to me bug. And I noticed it happened when you hit space bar to stop while sustained midi plays of some VSTIs. BTW I'm on Mac. I actually wrote about it on their forum, with no any dev attention to this. So check in preferences 'send note off on stop'. And there is same action.
  5. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Totally agree. I reported a bug that a note was not showing with a 0 velocity. They fixed it in the next release. There support is hands down the best I have seen..
  6. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    Total agree with you.
    Cockos support is simply the best imho.
    Justin and Schwa (Reaper developers) are very active in the Reaper forum.
    One of the reasons Reaper is my favo DAW number 1.
    Also the Reaper community is really friendly and supporting everyone who has a question / issue.
    Many people there have helped me bigtime.
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  7. big-t247

    big-t247 Noisemaker

    Nov 2, 2013
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    mild pump milk

    Yes i also posted it there and i updated the thread a little thx for your help.
  8. big-t247

    big-t247 Noisemaker

    Nov 2, 2013
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    Alex Philipp

    So your on mac that's new for me thx for letting me know.
    Yes i already did that in options ,audio,midi devices:

    Disabled reset by: checkbox one by one and tested if bug whas gone.
    Disabled in buffering that had to do with midi.
    Disabled in playback same as above

    Thx for your reply m8 :)
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
  9. big-t247

    big-t247 Noisemaker

    Nov 2, 2013
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    Yes i love Reaper to it's most flexible daw there is i realy want them to fix this.
  10. big-t247

    big-t247 Noisemaker

    Nov 2, 2013
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    Thx for your reply vanhaze indeed i love reaper and i know they listen to there community,that's a good thing for all of us.
    So let's hope they can fix this issue cause it's unbearable and can't finish my work this way :-(.
  11. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Trust me I have been in doing IT for over 30 yrs, and never ever have I experienced the level of support and down right ethics that I have from
    Justin and Schwa. All the time it's the programmers blaming this or that instead of addressing the issue.

    Post it to the best you can I know you will get positive feedback from Justin and Schwa.

    I own Cubase 7 up till 8 and have contacted them on timing issues when importing stuff they still to this day have not fixed it nor did I get half the effort I just did with reaper support.

    I am still im amazement on it was only $60 bucks.
  12. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
  13. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Are you aware that this is the daw/reaper-thread? You might not like Reaper, totally fine, but this post doesn't make sense at all. Unneccessary if only hating Reaper, and not helping at all, if you just wanted to be funny.
  14. big-t247

    big-t247 Noisemaker

    Nov 2, 2013
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    I see the funny irony in what he is saying reaper is killing me right now in other words lol..
  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I was trying to be funny, indeed. :) It is often really hard and confusing for today's musicians to cope with all this music-computer rubbish. First you have to know how to setup Windows, and then you have to learn the DAW. Loads of technicalities that are obscuring creativity. :/ And the worst thing is when something simply doesn't work! :mad: No matter what you do, even when you're a really proficient computer user like me. Some things just don't and won't work no matter what. :mad: Things should be more simple for us.


    I love Reaper and work with it every day, but what I thought but didn't post is that I'm not sure the Reaper team is doing their best and listen to customers as much as somebody would thought seeing all these positive posts. I've been on Reaper forums since 2007 and there are many really serious issues [features lacking that all pro-users would really like to see, just take a look at the useless "feature requests" part of the Reaper forum and what people say about it] with Reaper that are still not being tackled regardless of how many times and how many of us asked for it. On the other hand more/less useless features for the majority of us are being implemented all the time and Reaper is turning slowly into a bloated confusion of a DAW that still lacks some basic pro-features. The workflow should be made more streamlined, and useless options nobody uses just simply erased from it.

    On the other hand it is the best DAW for me anyway, most efficient of all, and I'm just used to it. :wink: But I'm not nearly as enthusiastic about it as I was 5 or 6 years ago [v3 was the best and v4 is not so bad either IMO, but that's when the developers lost it, I think]. I still recommend it to the people, though.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
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  16. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    That was a good insight look, @SineWave !
    I understand your motivation much better now. I agree to some parts, like the workflow (and would add the midi editor as a weakness of Reaper in that regard), and being with Reaper since 2009 I can feel the lack of enthusiasm.
    Cheers :cheers:
  17. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Well, they finially implemented VST3, and you can always extend/script it with 3d pty EEL/LUA/PY
  18. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    One thing I really really like about Reaper is the way how they implemented [some?] things, so you can really dig into it on a deeper level, like this scripting. But the thing is everything should be simple and complicated at the same time, to satisfy users who like to dig deeper and to satisfy users who hate to dig deeper and just want to play music. :winker:
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