Sharper vision at night?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ddoctor, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Is it just me or some of you feel the same - that sometimes, most likely at night you have sharper vision especially with lcd screens and fonts?
  3. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    It depends how late. Also how dark/light the screens are. If they're too dark it strains my eyes. Too light and its irritating. I find the longer I go at it the more my eyes and ears strain and get tired, no matter what time of day it is. I keep a bottle of natural tears type eye drops next to the workstation. It helps.
  4. This works a charm. We discussed it in another thread a few years ago
    It is free on Android. It is good. It will help save your vision and in addition reduces male pattern baldness.
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  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Musicians/producers come to life at later hours, its an artist thing.We incorporate the magic of the night into our production.
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  6. RedThresh

    RedThresh Producer

    May 26, 2016
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    Yes, everyone spending hours on a screen should definitely use f.lux, what you mentioned @subGENRE ; this little thing can help for this. It balance things and keep your screen light healthy at night. It also reduce a small (but very noticeable after a while) amount of blue light (which is produced by screens and harmful for our eyes).
    It needs some user tweaks for every installation though
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  7. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Actually different humans are just born with different circadian rhythmic patterns. Most social pack mammals are this way. If you are in a big group looking out for what is going to eat you or for something to eat, it is generally not an advantage for everyone to fall asleep and wake up at the same time all the time.

    Our contemporary enforcement of a regular cyclic clock and the 9-5 seems to be related to the stress some people feel from the 9-5 and this new world wide endemic depression epidemic as well as other health issues ( .)

    There are some regulating factors though, we are still influenced by a light dark cycle and still need some dark sleep time, all that means that we generally don't stay up till dawn but a bit later than most and that early risers replace those of us who were up late. It's not linked to artistry or creativity, it is just a regular human gene expression.

    Rene DesCartes, severe mathematician was famous for not getting out of bed till about 1 P.M. and though mathematics is a intellectual endavour it does not traditionally rely on artistry or creativity for its discoveries.
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  8. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I agree 100%
  9. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    mozee - your are plain full of shit and pretending to be educated while you are not! Even your primitive modern science has noticed 'the more intelligent people are the later they go to bed'. I did not mean any discussion about these things, but rather genuine answers regarding maybe influence of certain diet or drugs on vision sharpness.
  10. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Useless comment here: I have no idea. I see well in regular sun casted light, and in night... I don't have an optimal, only a few pessimal. When it comes to screens, it's about contrast and saturation that gives me "sharper vision", and right brightness that either allow me to go for hours or get tired/strained/fatigued at the minutes. I use a small bedlamp to iluminate the backwall so that my vision doesn't fuck up when i'm not looking at the screen an there is no pitch black in my room. I Think is about ease of transition from dark to bright.

    When I was a web designer, I hated the studio I was in, because it was all-walls and floor white, and since I was working on day hours and the window was directed at sun rise, the place was constantly illuminated... add that to the blank page on chrome that I had always open, and bam! instant blindness.

    The advice would be... set every light to a comfortable level, and match the screen brightness to it. If you don't need to see colors exactly as they are (for example, if you are not working specifically with colors, as in graphic design or video lookdev), it would be wise to have a polarized screen protector (that stupid acrilic that doesn't let high bright light pass throu)

    Cheap hack: if you cannot find a screen protector as I mentioned, you can use sunglasses... same effect

    edit: typo fixed and "cheap hack" added
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2016
  11. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Take it or leave it, if you are more comfortable at night or your vision seems sharper, my primitive modern science and what I wrote suggests that it is because you are just a night person.

    If you are adding drugs or voodoo to the mix, I have no idea what helps you out and if it actually does.

    I am not saying anything you can not verify using good old doctor google or the provided links to references in the post I made.

    If you have no stock in primitive modern science, then so be it, no need to throw a tantrum like a 2 year old and resort to name calling. Also if you are referring to this ( ) read it again. It doesn't conflict with anything I said. It is like walking, breathing and chewing gum at the same time. Seems really complicated, but it is not.

    #bless ?
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2016
  12. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Well in terms of LCD screens, yes. But if I'm gonna go take a midnight shit or make myself a hot coco, I gotta have either a flashlight or one of those life alert things because in the darkness, I'll more than likely trip over something & have one of those "Help I've fallen & I can't get up!" scenes. Except instead of a cotton-head with 206 broken bones it'd be a 23 year old guy with 10 broken bones, soiled pants & with my luck, probably have my genitals torched off by the hot water. Yup. Roasted nuts. Just in time for the holidays.
    My obituary would read "...And all he wanted was a fucking hot chocolate."
  13. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    @mozee has good points here. It really is more to it than you first think.

    Day-Night-Routine - that's just natural, right? Well, if it were, you wouldn't find any night predators, since they wouldn't build up enough melatonin during the day to have a healthy sleep. It is in our genes, but genes aren't written in stone - that's called evolution.

    Little errors in the genome that might give an advantage to some, are likely to be kept as a new characteristic. As any animals, we also face it. And indeed, some people don't need more than 4 hours of sleep a day. So they are active at times where other people sleep. Their body will adapt to this situation, and may even inherit it to the next generation. Like seeing sharper at night, maybe.

    When I wake up in darkness, then switch on a light that isn't so bright that you need to keep your eyes shut, I can literally see my blood pumping to bring my eyes up to working state. The view changes from lighter to darker with every heartbeat, until it is at highest light state. The effect doesn't last long, maybe half to one minute, but it shows that your body can influence the view greatly by supply. It's not just "see or don't see" and that means it can also become a characteristic, inherited through genes.
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  14. I disagree with you in your opinion that @mozee is "plain full of shit and pretending to be educated," because if he was just pretending he would not most likely have cited any or all research that he kindly spent time out of his day accumulating, reading and deciding which reference was pertinent and apropos to include in his presentation of ideas to help us all to make an informed decision based on this most interesting topic of discussion, that you ddoctor, have brought to the table. Mozee might be the one using an avatar of an orangutan to represent himself here at this forum, which in my opinion is in sharp contrast to his proven human intelligence and debating skill. However in your case, your truly pre-verbal simian behavior which you so startingly highlight by means of flinging verbal shit at someone because they might disagree with you, might just inform a thinking person that you were actually the uneducated one at this conversation, and that your moniker, ddoctor, might just very well might be the oxymoron of the year. It would be beneficial when looking to the future, that if you feel the need to either get something off your chest or to lead a discussion, that you would highlight the points that are important to your own arguments in support of a civilized conversation and in the high hopes that you might need not troll your own post, again.

    I maybe should not in retrospect have written my first post, I was droopy lidded and fading fast just prior to falling asleep. I saw the words night, vision, lcd screens and fonts so instinctively but falsely connected dots that were all but tangental to the conversation.
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