Something to put you in the mood for election day...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by aymat, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    interesting take... from a black rap artist..

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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Okay Herr: Fact #1: The Trumps excluded qualified black folks from their apartment complexes in NYC. Look up the historical record. What does "panderer" really mean to you? You claim that Hillary is a closet racist? List some details. Other than her comments regarding "predatory" blacks said in the '90's (which were and still are true IMHO) you cannot. Whether she is a "panderer" or not< Trump has never even bothered to address the needs of black people, man!

    Question: You got people, dude? Family? Folks that you give a shit about? Please let me know. I would love to hear your eloquent prose if some member (including you) of your family had to put up with the bullshit that "we" have had to endure. I suggested to you that you need... correction, you MUST walk a mile in my shoes before you can expound on our plight as black folks living in America.

    I have no clue as to whom you are, or what your interactive relationships with blacks (or others). But, the more you push back, the more my doubts are. Other than this forum, just whom am I communicating with? Are you simply a Trump supporter, or am I "rapping" with some guy with a hidden agenda? During my time spent at this site, I have no agenda (hidden or otherwise). I call it as I know (based upon personal history), If you can refute what I'm saying, please clue me.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    and how is that supposed to happen? Yeah so I don't even have a right to comment because I'm not black..
    sounds like the same old typical liberal tripe.. with all due respect. Just like the spokesmen do.. to shut up any their view is the only view because they are the victim, and an eternal victim at that..

    You may be a cool muscian, but it seems you have that "cop" mentality of having to be right in all cases, because of "authoratah."

    I don't have an agenda. But yeah maybe I'll just shut up..
    you and I are going "nowhere" but I sort of expected it to end up that way.

    That's what whitey is supposed to do in any matter regarding race.. just "shut up".. congrats..
  4. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I always get remembered of how far aways I am from the USA, when it gets to these white and black talks. That there even is the need to divide US-citizens into skin colors is so irritating.
    You don't need to walk in everyone's shoes to feel it. I never was a bear, yet I feel what it's like to be trapped in a cage and ordered to "dance" for the rest of your life. That's called empathy.
    Some people lack empathy, and that's where it gets tough.
    @Herr Durr you could start by acknowledging the victims. I still apologize from the heart to every jew I met and who wants to listen for the horror that happened long before I was born. Why? Because it were our people who were responsible. That doesn't disappear, just because years went by.
    @NYCGRIFF you have to understand that some people have a strong opinion that you won't reach by arguments. What Herr Durr says doen't need to mean he's flirting with racism. It might just be a passionate call against brutality of all kinds. However tragic the history, it does not justify violence. Neither white nor black violence.

    I know that I put my head above the parapet and I hope you both guys won't punish me for it. And I won't go any further for sure.
  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @tulamide very fine of you to be ok with carrying that burden of shame with you...but I think knowing is enough, and acting
    fairly to others in your own life is enough.. but for many of these victim classes, the story NEVER ends.. that's what I object to..

    and in the specific case you bring up.. will those people ever acknowledge the "holocaust" they are carrying out on largely
    defenseless people on the fringe of a country created out of nothing, and does nothing but grow larger by decimating
    and disenfranchising people for their gain and supremacy....? I don't want to start a fire here...

    so if you respond to me.. I will respond in pm only..

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Wow! Not at all, dude. I disagree with your entire premise, however I do respect your right to your opinion. As for us reaching a 'satisfactory' conclusion, as my late uncle was fond of saying, "don't worry the sun will shine tomorrow", brother.

    Take care of yourself...
  7. Reza73

    Reza73 Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2016
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    I'm not a fan of Hillary or Trump But what is strange to me is that I don't see Machiavellian characteristics in Tramp character. The first one who reached the presidency with these requirements. It's odd
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Trump won 60% to 40%.American people were fed up with higher taxes, health care reform that was merely a scam, jobs and factories being transferred over the Atlantic and the Hollywood ultra leftist agenda being thrown into their faces as the only solution.
    Just look at the movie industry in the last 10 years.Good stories were replaced by plain political propaganda/agenda.
    Newspapers with just one view, the other is forbidden, not just in USA in Europe as well.
    People were just fed up with the PC fake Clooney style of politics.

    It all comes down to money and jobs.Can i feed my family?Can i afford to pay the rent?
    Thats what it all comes down to.
    Ultra leftists glorified values that have little to do with daily life.You really think a lower class worker in Pennsylvania cares about LGBT rights in in Hollywood?No, he cares about putting food on the table and just surviving.
    Real issues have been buried deep down and the majority of people were forgotten.

    Democrats used the cheapest trick in the game to attack Trump and his supporters.Racism.
    Instead of playing fair, they played dirty and lost.Hell, even having 90% of media supporting Hillary didnt help.
    Now they are playing the same racism card and its gonna backfire even more.
    You have to respect the voting and all i see is the same pattern as with Brexit.
    "We`ve lost and we wont accept the therms under which we agreed to play this game."

    Obama forgot about his people, crime got worse.Look at Chicago, almost a war zone.
    Obama was all talk, he bent quickly to the globalist agenda, probably because he is a NWO globalist puppet.
    Im not naive about Trump though, because you newer can tell what is really going on behind the curtains.

    Lets see what happens.

    Just my personal views, you can disagree with me.
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  9. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Don't do that. It's embarrassing and we don't blame you (I guess you're German?).

    t. Jew
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  10. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Quick observations that maybe was already made by others. "I wonder" why Clinton pushed so hard diversity. Every sentence there is one of these words: "gay, black, latinos, women, trans, other silly acronym nobody cares about, etc"
    Instead Trump assumed we're all equal so he never made these distinctions. Don't these "diverse" people want to feel the same as the others? Are they being oppressed? Lol.
    Fact: in her speeches, Clinton was more "racist" (this word has lost its meaning btw).
    And this is a non-issue, real issues were pointed by the baron von Steyr two posts above me.

    Btw lol at the protests occuring

    EDIT: Oh this is not the other thread? Oh I see
  11. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Don't know if you guys watched this already

    But at this point I'm pretty sure the right person won.
    Fucking apes, sorry I'm a bit angry but how do you justify this?

    Full vid
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
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  12. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Yes I am German. And while it is good to see that people move on, there are still survivors of the horrifying years. And listening to their experiences lets me cry.
    My grandfather fought in the war, he was in the navy, machinist on a cruiser. He got into russian captivity, but returned home 3 years after the war ended. He never told me anything. So, hearing what people lived through is touching me - and knowing that people like my grandfather were a part of it (and he was such a lovely, calm, sweet guy, which makes it even harder).
  13. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    @Backtired could you please stop your propaganda? Don't say that the man who insulted everyone except white middle class assumes you're all equal. It's terrifying enough that this man is now the most powerful one in the world, don't try to whitewash what he stands for.
    Thank you.
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  14. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I'm not doing propaganda trust me, but this kind of attitude is kinda "weird", pass me the term.
    I still haven't seen words in his speeches where he's clearly saying something against other races.
    I'm genuinely looking for evidence but I can't find none (other of course than misquotes and leftists media talking about this as if it was the second holocaust or the terrorist attack on 9/11).
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  15. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Please dont use words like whitewash, its a hate term.Also 8% of black people and 29% hispanics voted for him and many white people who previously voted for Obama.Many Obama voters were plainly disappointed or forgotten, dont make this a racial thing.Also both candidates were white.You are simplifying things like the media.
    Dont fall for the stupid media syndrome.
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  16. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I didn't know about that word, I just asked for a translation of "beschönigen", and it returned that word. I'm sorry and won't use it again.
    So you're saying that 92% of black people and 71% of hispanics did not vote for him, but I simplify things? Better read a second time, what you just wrote.
  17. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    People voted, they chose their candidate,life goes on.
  18. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Exactly, and that's why I asked Backtired to stop it. Or does your sentence only apply to those that have issues with the Trump presidency?
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  19. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Sometimes things are harder to express in writing and things can get a different meaning to what was really meant.
    Peace. :phunk:

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Amazing. First of all, I never called this man a "racist" nor did I imply that he was "flirting" with that tag. I say "amazing" because invariably some whites appear to get extremely 'touchy' when a black person begins to talk about their experiences as a black person. Since you're apparently not black, you will never fully understand what that means. That's simply a biological fact, and not some abstract concept. As an observer and participant of things that has happened to me, I speak from my own personal perspective; as you do yours. I respect your experiences and subsequent conclusions, and ask that you reciprocate. Simple enough? I hope so.