Ehud Barak interview, BBC, 11:29, 9/11 2001

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Heisenberg, May 26, 2012.

  1. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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  3. anton

    anton Newbie

    Mar 20, 2012
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    I'm sorry but why the hell do you post this shit on a music forum?
    Ok to post stuff like this once or twice. but I've seen that you post tons of conspiracy crap and videos. why?
    And half of them are bullshit anyway.
  4. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Shit? Heheheheh :)
    Shit you do on the toilet :)
    We could talk there...
  5. anton

    anton Newbie

    Mar 20, 2012
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    shit can also be a metaphor for something bad.

    "it has many meanings, including: nonsense, foolishness, something of little value or quality, trivial and usually boastful or inaccurate talk, or a contemptible person. It may also be used as an expression of annoyance, surprise, or anger, and has other usages as well."
  6. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    doesnt work :)

    Tell me a time and place, i'll be there.
  7. anton

    anton Newbie

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Do you make any music at all?
  8. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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  9. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    My purpose in life is to help people.

    Maby i can help you.
  10. thc9

    thc9 Newbie

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Why attack people because they're posting stuff ??? ... If it doesn't interest you just don't read ...
    (Why)Do you find it disturbing that a certain kind of information is being spread ? ...

    ... As musicians shouldn't we allow more outside of the box thinking ?
    as far as my definition of musician goes, crazy theories(technical or not ...) on a music forum = :wink:
  11. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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  12. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    LMFAO why are people so crazy with each other lol

    Just to let you know of what is coming up I am in Canada and we are about to plunge the world into a big ass mess.

    I will explain: In Canada during the last 2 years we have had a massise real estate boom and the rates the banks gave were around 3% for 5 years, guess what those rates are now at 5.5% then the mortages open up people are going to lose their homes it's very simple their payments will almost double!!!. We are going to end up with a 1+ trillion $ massive housing bubble.

    And here is why that is a dangerous thing, if you know fractional reserve banking you know that In canada it is even worst than the US as banks here are allowed to keep just 4% of deposits, so wtf does this mean?

    It means the bubble is this 1 Trillion x 96%= 1.96 trillion dollar mortgage crisis. As most people only have a few thousand in their homes this is going to shock the world once again.

    But don't call that a conspiracy . I call it reality as almost all the people building $400,000 homes are retires that pulled all their RSP's from the banks into their new homes and a shocking number are young people that will lose their homes!!!

    Get ready for this as it is a train that no one can stop.

    Conspiracy theories don't exist there is only the reality of this fucked up planet

    Think about this for one second.

    1969- okay we go up to the moon, okay all is good, then wtf happened since 1972 to 2012?

    I feels like we have all this stuff around us to entertain us away from the exploration of space.
    But why did NASA and mostly Russia work together behind the scenes to stop the civilian exploration of space?

    What happened on the moon? Perhaps the 80% of the world in 1969 was in the dark? and now a mission would be insanely scrutinized? And that you would have millions heck maybe a billion high powered telescopes pointing at the moon?

    Look at NASA itself... it is almost as if someone wants NASA finished or have Space wiped out of our minds.
    This is the same mentatity that pushed millions of people from Europe to the Americas during the 1500's.

    How can you tax, kill, cheat, enslave humans if they are out exploring space? The only way to do it is to keep them prisoners here on Earth.
    Look at the early America's. People came here with the clothes on their backs on wooden ships risking their lives just to get away from slave like European lifestyle, where you pay to keep thieves and liars in power so that in the end they make you call them Sir, Sire and other titles.
    Look at the british they came all the way here to again try to tax, control and enslave citizens.
    This is the Reason why the European Monarchies and elites did not want to explore the oceans as they knew what would happened as people would migrate by the millions in which later they did. In fact the gay ass Church of rome and their inquisitions just interesting right about the time of the discoveries of new ocean lands kept pushing the idea that there was nothing out there, just to keep the slaves controlled.
  13. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I worked in a way or another :)
    You are right.

    One guy told me....The Russians just put on a bandage to fix the problem :)


    Let's wait :)
  14. anton

    anton Newbie

    Mar 20, 2012
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    How do you help people?

    I find it disturbing when people make up things and see those things as truth without having any proof. It's very similar to religion.
    I did not watch the video about 9/11. Why are people still talking about that? Everybody knows that the US is a corrupt country.

    haha wtf is this place? a gathering for crazy and paranoid people?
  15. thc9

    thc9 Newbie

    Jun 24, 2011
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    I fully understand your position, but the poster is merely forwarding information he's not trying to indoctrinate anybody ... In my eyes you are free to either discuss it (agreeing or not + argumentation) or dismiss it as BS but then what's the point in a comment such as yours ... don't know if it was meant that way but it comes across rather cynical,personally offending (do you make any music at all ?) and rather authoritarian (he should simply stop ...right ?)

    I was merely asking why? :dunno:
  16. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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  17. anton

    anton Newbie

    Mar 20, 2012
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    I use google reader to subscribe adiosex posts and those heisenberg post are popping up all the time. the drip that caused the beaker to overflow was this post.

    What is your point? What are you trying to tell us? You don't write anything except for smilies and post a link or a video. If you truly know what you are talking about then write about it and maybe i can take you more serious.
    You give the impression that you think that you know a little bit more than anyone else, that you are more enlightened than others. but to me most of your post are mumbo jumo. read some books and you will see...
  18. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    @ Dan
    I don't like America to much but thank god they rose up against the British empire and got them the fuck out of here with their monarchy shit.

    A truly independent country wouldn't you think that it would have its own monarchy?
  19. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    yes of course we will always have pimps around, but since I came here I never had to call anyone sir this, sir that and I am only 33 as my old country still has the moronic mentality of treating the rich with titles

    Hence why my family left Europe and came here in 1991 and thank god I will never go back to that piece of shit lifestyle. I love Canada and will die protecting this land that gave me more in 20 years than my old country would of gave me in a 1000 lives.

    Hence why that country is now bankrupt, too many thieves and sir's.
    The problem is not withe country, the rivers, the forests. It is humans that are corrupted by greed.

    And if you want to know why the smaller countries in Europe are bankrupt just look at the imigrants out of those countries like me.. Do you think for a second I am sending money back home? LMFAO you must be dreaming man.

    The people in those countries deserve everything that they are getting.
    Taking month long vacations and having dozens of national holidays will get your ass bankrupt in the end.

    I am just sorry that Germany won WW2 they have now full control of Europe. And if anyone argues against that than god help you, you need a brain.

    I just hope France gets out of the euro. That is how Germany won the war. They got everyone to accept the euro . Surprise surprise the printing of Euros is done in Germany. Gee I wonder why , suckers.

    The euro is a joke, it destroyed currencies that were fought for hundreds of years, it removed borders and now control of people now. It made countries bankrupt and it has put europe under Sieg Heil Merkel control.
  20. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Anton, I want to be your friend.

    Can i join your organization?
  21. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    The question is, did they land on the moon.
    Why is there no camera in space that shows us the flag that the americans planted on the moon?
    With so many tax "dollars" they could show us some more...

    I think that they want to hide the real story so that we continue with religion and stuff. Controll is the engine.
    To have a real free and open society things must be layed out on a table to see for all humanity.

    I know that there is more that they like us to think.
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