Christmas In Creeptown (final track/vid @ message #31)

Discussion in 'Collaborations' started by Beth, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Twas the weeks before Christmas, when all through Audiosex
    Not a creature was stirring, not even @Von_Steyer's avatar pecs!
    The DAWS were hung by the chimney with care,
    In hopes that a musical collab soon would be there.
    The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
    While visions of more cow bells danced in their heads.

    All the cheerful glitteriness of the upcoming holiday too much for you ???
    Maybe it would be nice to inject a little good natured creepy holiday gloom into the proceedings...

    Announcing The Christmas In Creeptown Collab !!!


    First there was 'Sounds of Irritation'. It's cacophony made our ears bleed and our neighbors beg for the volume to be turned down! Then 'The Intro & The Outro 2016' collab took parody and musical creation to a hitherto unknown plane of existence! Now in honor of the approaching holiday season the call goes out to friends, Romans, countrymen, creepy clowns, ghosts and ghouls, old collaborators and new to lend your ears and music making skills to 'Christmas In Creeptown'

    Here is a basic 3 minute rhythm and fx track. Download it, play with it and come up with a holly jolly Christmas stem or a creepy horror tone using anything you want...vocals, synths, instruments, sound fx. Send them to me and I'll add them to the final mix.

    PM me to get involved and I'll send you the links where to upload etc.

    (preferably in Wav 24bit 44 kHz through quite honestly anything will do lol. The holly jolly happy key of C would be good though of course we can have a creepy minor key change if people want!)

    We'll aim to have it all wrapped up nicely with a big red bow by Dec 24th 2016 and we'll open our gift of music to the audiosex community on Christmas Day !

    Thanks in advance to everyone who wants to have a little fun and take part !

    But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
    "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2016
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  3. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Ho ho oh yes! Count me in. :wink:
  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    "Not a creature was stirring, not even @Von_Steyer's avatar pecs! "

    What can i say, work hard, play hard.

  5. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    i honestly have no idea how to be helpful in this kind of production, but count me in!
  6. Beth

    Beth Guest

    thank you ! :like:

    it can be a joyous carolling synth melody/phrase ? ...a creepy percussive sound effect? ...jingle bells on a kazoo? ...a scarily monstrous bass line? ...a creepy or happy guitar part? ominous death piano? ...the sound of sugar plum fairies dancing atop of the Christmas tree? can be anything that the imagination conjures up :)

    if its vaguely musical, a master class in instrumentalism, an in or out of tune vocal, whether it's either scary or joyfully festive or a combination of both it will make it into the mix somehow :)
  7. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Actually i really hope some kind audiosex forum music maestro can come with a rendition of jingle bells on kazzoo ! I can hear it now in my will make the track into a ear worm that people just cant forget ! :)

    The call is going out ......all Kazoo affectionados out there......we need you ! ...if you only have tissue paper and a comb that should do :)

    Thanks to everyone who has volunteered their services up to know.....its looking like it could be good guys!
  8. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    A while ago I did some sinister Techno tracks, one being Celete's Basement. Funnily enough it's still programmed into the RM1x. I wonder how creepy it'll sound slowed down 9 bpm?
  9. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Hey we can give it a try if you want :)
    I have promised that every sample or stem sent in, no matter what it is, will find it's way into the final mix somehow and somewhere :)
  10. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    I could do this...I already did an epic intro with the Kazoo on one vid...

    But I am definitely interested in being a part of this...I have a history with Christmas music...;)
  11. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Well you definitely passed the audition then:)
    Is Dr Scythe an alter ego? :)
    I'll PM you !
  12. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    It wouldn't be very original I'm afraid...
  13. Beth

    Beth Guest

    we dont have to be too original with individual stems because after all it is based on Christmas music but add in the creepy horror twist for good measure and hopefully our whole track in the end should be quite unique :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2016
  14. I will lliw I
  15. Beth

    Beth Guest

    you're in !

    we may end up with a chorus of creative aerophones then ! )

    anyone play the xylophone or the chainsaw? :)
  16. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I'm just messaging to show my new avatar. Thanks to @Beth
    Only dark piano and some eerie sounds by a kemane was in my mind, but I think I can add some chainsaw too.
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  17. Beth

    Beth Guest

    would that be on a Stihl, Husqvarna or Black & Decker ??? ....Gas, electric or cordless ???
    Cant wait to hear it but please make sure you are wearing your full set of safety gear when recording OK! :rofl:

    and oh yes I love a touch of Kemane...very atmospheric !
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2016
  18. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Oh no, I'm about to use sample sounds. I didn't check yet but I'm sure I have many chainsaws in my sfx folder. And with melodyne, there can be exciting things :} I can start to work this weekend or next week.
  19. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Sounds good but still take care.....even though they may not have tungsten metal cutting teeth those samples need to be handled with care !

    Forget to turn your monitors down after a loud headbanging session then hit play on a chainsaw fx in melodyne and your hot coffee mug could go flying everywhere and you'll end up with 1st degree burns! :wink:
  20. Skull

    Skull Producer

    May 13, 2015
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    Are there going to be updates on the track like the one for Sounds of Irritation?
  21. Beth

    Beth Guest

    My bad ! I apologize to everyone who has already responded saying they will work on some stems.
    I have just edited my original post and sent messages to everyone already involved.

    It should have originally said 110 bpm and not 115 !!! (redface)

    And a big thank you to my eagle eyed and keen ear percussionist/drummer friend for picking up the mistake !

    Yes i think that will be the plan as soon as we start getting some more stems in :) Thank you for sending yours in so quickly !
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