Is this one muddy or acceptable? Poll

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Backtired, Nov 5, 2016.


Is the track muddy and bad mixed?

Poll closed Nov 30, 2016.
  1. Track has some flaws here and there, but it sounds good overall and acceptable

    6 vote(s)
  2. Track has major errors and clashing in the lower region of the spectrum and you can clearly hear it

    1 vote(s)
  3. Track sounds terrible, stop making music right now!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I wasn't sure to post in Our music or not, but this is mostly related to how the track sounds and not its artistic side or if you like it or not. I usually don't ask "how's this?" "how's that" but sometimes you just need those expert ears. Also I'm making this for one specific reason: I can't redo the track!

    This one has 3 months, maybe 4. I lost the project file (and with it the will to redo it), but the structure was complete 100% and literally the only thing I had to fix was the general sound (mixing a bit better and a more thought out mastering).

    Now, just yesterday I picked this up again and it gave me an idea for another two tracks (with the same theme, so together in the same "EP"). The problem is, I want to include this as well, because it's a really nice track (I think); so...

    ...the real question is: how's this track?
    I made a poll, thanks for your time. I also had to upload a .wav because .mp3 kinda sounded bad on the website I uploaded it to. Now it should be best quality as possible on internet, I don't really want to make people download a .wav so this the best solution


    PS: Additional question is, how would you "fix" or "enhance" this without the original files, just the .wav?
  3. 9000k

    9000k Producer

    Feb 1, 2016
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    sounds good to me...

    on the side note I must say that this track made feel like I was in disneyland or something, idk, it has quite nice feel to it, "magical", like drugs... i like it :D

    I know I didn't give you the exact answer, sorry
  4. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    You could fix a few sonic issues with a few broad strokes of eq. I don't know if I woke up with super sensitive hearing today, or if I'm just grumpy but this is the second song today I've heard with high frequencies out of control. I think you have high passed the song too aggressively too. All the sub has gone. It's ok though straight after listening put on some Mefjus and I feel much better.

    Sonically it has some problems but musically, I'm really struggling to find the words that wont offend, maybe it's just not the kind of song for me?

    That one note arp though.
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  5. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    To kjfarrell: I didn't hi pass anything, it's both the kick and bass sounds that don't go lower than 40 Hz if I remember correctly. Besides I don't have a subwoofer and no way to test the track on a huge club system so I'm just gonna make a mess if I leave anything under 30 or 40. Also, how many people are going to listen to this with a sub? But maybe I should've let the bass or the kick go a bit lower, that's true!
    For high frequencies I'm usually like you, I don't like when they are overpowering; I don't remember but I even cut around 17 or 18 kilo Hz, and at one point, months ago, I thought the highs were really weak, lol :dunno: I've heard much worse

    To 9000k: thanks glad you liked it
  6. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Maybe a little M/S EQ and perhaps M/S comp if you want to tweak it further?
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2016
  7. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Before you do, can you do me a favour. Take the part from from 1:33 to 2:19 and put it through some music recognition software like one of these that Foster posted and check it. It sounds way to familiar to me, like from back when, but for the life of me I can't name the track. Just see if it comes up with anything to be on the safe side mate.
    Other than that I really like it. I find the key of the kick is too low for mt taste, very 808, but that could be because my memory of this other track. That or I've taken my brain to another dimension:rofl:.
  8. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I think it's your hearing today mate. I'm pretty sensitive to high frequencies and there aren't really any in this.
  9. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    High frequencies are bound a lot to the age of the listener. You are naturally losing the capability to hear the highest ones while your ear ages. At my age you can only sense freq up to 17k, which is 3k less than you can at the age of 18. Only an analysis per fft would reveal them (to me).

    Edit: It's actually 13k not 17k. Sorry
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2016
  10. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    HOLD UP Mage I wish you didn't say that ahah
    After I read your post I spent about a hour in my collection checking out older tracks and guess what?
    The one I posted is almost identical to Waterfall, by Atlantic Ocean... ugh, what do I do now? How come is so damn similar? The arp and the progression are almost the same.. I thought I made something nice lol. I totally removed that song from my mind until now. I copied unconsciously or what happened?
    Anyway, I'm not sure I want to fix it anymore now... what you think?
  11. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Well, it's not identical. it is similar, but to my reconing it is different enough, that I can't see it being a problem.
    Remember, that what we produce in terms of music will come from our past listening experiences. Just think of all the music you've listened to in your life. So, when your subconcious hears something familiar, it tells your brain, I like the sound of this. Unfortunately it doesn't usaully tell you, that it was a track you've heard before. This realization happens later, or sometimes not at all.
    I have a track, which I haven't recorded yet, not sure it's finished, but a part of it sounds very similar to Darude's Sandstorm. The actual synth sound is pretty much identical. The funny thing was, when I made it, I hadn't listened to that track for years, and the sound wasn't a preset, as I made it on the Electribe 2, which doesn't even have the ability to save presets. I went on Youtube to check, as I don't even have the track avaliable to listen to, and found that although it was similar it was different. Don't worry too much. I feel that if you do make something that is identical to something else, you'll probably realize.
  12. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Mine's somewhere just over 14k, but remember to have something that is only that range without putting a shed load in my range would be somewhat difficult, unless you perposely put in a sine wave that high. i have a chillout track that I made and it's much higher frequencey that anything in this track. If you see what I mean.
  13. Bill Vkerchi?

    Bill Vkerchi? Kapellmeister

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Yeah, it is muddy. But, you know, it's acceptable ;)

    Without the original stems i wouldn't even try to fix it. Some EQ may sound better, but that isn't a way to fix it.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2016
  14. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Damn it sucks finding out after I made it, ahah
    Thanks a lot and thanks to people listening and voting
  15. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Reminded me of stuff from this:

    (Or Sonic, or Mario Kart, shit like dat)

    It's a bit repetitive but otherwise, not too bad. You could process it a bit, but I'm not sure if it'd turn out better.
  16. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    sonically there is very little "body". and the kick is one of felons here.

    the idea is ok but you asked specifically so, the choice of sounds is weak. its mushy, flat. the toms and the kick sound the same. some perc sounds to loud for no reason, a simple volume/fader mix could make it a bit better.

    i dont wanna be a pain but this is the kind of "sound" i get when i dig up an old project where i only have midi left (nothing else) and just through in som vsts and samples to make it sound again, then it often sounds like this, unbalanced as hell. then i have to start picking what is going where.

    but that's the critique, apply your input and new thoughts to next project.
    this project has already done what is was supposed to do for you, im very much of that philosophy. some projects are not meant to be more than a step stone to the next, until you start reaching real production quality worth the dissecting.

    others would say keep hammering until perfect, it all depends what you expected of this track to begin with, that is pretty important to know, the kind of expectations you have on it.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
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  17. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Thanks both of you

    So here's a little more about the piece: I "finished" this about three months ago. Then I realized that of course it still needed mixing, so I kept it away for a while, it was a single track and I wasn't sure if I wanted to make more mixes out of it or not. Then I lost part of my hard drive, and with it also the original project, leaving me only with the version I linked.

    Some days ago I found it again, and it gave me an idea so I sketched out other two tracks to be released together with this one. So I was basically asking if this sounded like a finished track, and it looks like it has some problem. I noticed that too, that's why I opened the 3d.

    I honestly don't find it "unbalanced", but maybe we mean two different things. I'm more worried about the bass playing together with the kick (I don't remember but I'm not even sure if I ducked it or not) and other muddiness happening. I had a lot of fun making the loops from scratch (the toms + claps and other effects), and I used less pre-made loops as possible (I think there's only one).

    So yeah, this is it. It'll probably be the third track in order; I don't really want to remake it. Besides, I'm not a pro, and believe it or not this is as far as I can go, at the moment. I know there are some issues, especially with level balancing and bass regions, but I find it quite acceptable for my level.

    I also agree 100% on what you said here
    but I really like it, so I'd like to release it as it is, since I don't often redo stuff

    Thanks a lot
  18. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    understand. then i guess its ok.
    as you point out its very dependent of where one is for the moment as producer.

    also, sometimes when you are on a roll you can grow significantly on a short period of time. so keep doing what you are doing :thumbsup:
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