This is how my new Song sounds, Guys I need your help!

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by gompo, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Hi Guys,

    Today I just completed the production and mixing of my new song. I don't know what genre is it. It is just an idea as suggested by my mind, I followed it and result is now out.

    I just wanted to know how it sounds, the mixing techniques followed and every criticism so that i can learn more.

  3. avale

    avale Member

    Nov 2, 2016
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    It's a pretty cool track, maybe just slightly too repetitive. IMO you need to bring up the overall clarity of the song, too much stuff going on mid/lower mid/sub frequencies. The kick on first drop part sounds a bit muffled and can't be heard well enough (also in the last part). I like the part that starts from 2:20, it could make a great trap song.

    It's not bad at all anyway if this is one of your first songs. A bit more mixing and you got yourself a very decent track :wink:
  4. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Thanks for all your advice brother.
    In this mix my only idea was to cover low, mid, high with different frequencies so tried that way. The kick as original sample is rough, as i needed something like that to cover the drop. If in case you don't liked it, then please let me know, i will change it and also due to many instruments at a same time, kick might have the struggled through the muffed feeling.
  5. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Way too busy, muddy, and out of tune. Sounds like a bunch of random loops packs to me. Needs a lot of work. Sidechaning, eqing to help the mix. As for the out of tune parts, only you can fix that. Need to learn some basic music theory. Keep em coming. I dont want to come off as harsh or mean, I just dont like it when people "sugar coat" my critique. I believe in telling it like it is. It only stings for a second, and then you strive to learn more.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  6. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Thanks for your reply, a reply where i can fight. :P
    Let's start,

    Busy, yes i can feel that- any help to cut that, shoud i decrease the total individual instruments used?

    Bunch of random loops pack- maybe true as per experience, but there is no single sample pack used.

    Sidechaining and eqing - Yes eq was applied as per need, Sidechaining, brother where you felt instrument ot instruments were not sidechained?

    Out of tune - Well, which part of the song sounds out of tune?

    Sorry for a harsh reply, just needed some guidance so...

  7. samotest

    samotest Ultrasonic

    Mar 30, 2016
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    Sounds like 2 different songs, kind of disconnected. Lead synth sound needs work, it just doesn't sound really good. Too busy, needs more mixing. I like the pads and drums tho.
  8. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Just a question, what kind of lead sound will you prefer for this kind of mix?
  9. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    I'm getting older, but even I can hear those high frequencies. No one manages high frequencies anymore, it's like we just forgot how distorted and bad they can make our music. Let's high shelf the highs they say, god it hurts my ears.

    I don't think any of it's out of tune except maybe a sustained note during the first key change, and that arp, that's gotta go it's causing that mud. I'm talking about the lower one in the main motif taking about 200-300Hz.. You have made some interesting decisions, there is some static bass lines that border on clashing, but don't. I think I heard the bass line play the 5th in spots which is cool, not many people play the 5th on a strong beat anymore. I can understand how people would think it's 2 songs, but I think that's cool, who doesn't like a good key change.

    In that last key change I like how you give us a small taste of the main motif before dropping it, nice touch. So there are some good things. I think with that little hat line you could say this song is Trap. Not a big authority on Trap though so I suspect I'm about to get the usual internet beat down for it ;)

    There is definitely honky tonk mud though my friend. And it's that arpy type thing. 200-400hz is an enemy and should be eradicated with prejudice. There is just nothing that sounds good down there. It's probably what Sub was talking about being out of tune, it's really bad. Just get rid of it all together. If you don't know what it is I'm talking about the horrible thing that's the only thing going at 1:23, the breakdown.

    Just get rid of it, it's muddying up your song, and calm those high frequencies down. Don't just use an eq your master, go in individually and clear all of them up one by one. High's need space too. I hope you aren't offended, take the bad with the good :)
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  10. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Thanks for your advice brother,
    Will hit back with a new version soon.