Should SAiNT ban those with FAKE accounts to up vote their own posts?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Vader, Oct 30, 2016.


Should Audioz Admins ban those with FAKE accounts?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don't no/have no opinion

  4. Freeware should be only posted in Audiosex (It's free, right?)

  5. Delete those accounts and clean user rating and status

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  1. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Care to tell me what nfo was that?
  2. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    from what I can tell... the ONLY release/posts integral does are free ones... right?
  3. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Was that a tricky answer?
  4. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Wouldn't have a clue now and I'm not searching for them, but don't feel the need to take me at my word, ask around here if anybody else remembers reading about it.
    You could always ask the parasite why he can't post mirrors on r2r releases. I've asked in this thread and not got a reply. Good luck with that :like:
  5. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    thank God for those Deep East samples... I couldn't make a four-on-the-floor beat even... not until I started filling up my Recycling Bin... I, I, i mean my hardrive with Deep East samples... next week I'm opening for that douche Guetta. And stadiums full of mindless teenage children love my music!!
  6. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    I voted a clear YES! :cool: :chilling:
    And I strongly agree with Aliens.
    This so-called (wanna-be) "Contributor" Integral aka. ex Dj-Intel has sadly become a PARASITE!
    His miser posts show clearly how deep he's fallen into disgrace. Let me tell you: I have nothing personally
    against anybody here & there, no hate or whatever. As a very old contributor with thousands of posts & shares
    behind my back when i posted Freeware I always offered fast+free links without any hassles.

    No mistake, when someone uploads FREEWARE on money-maker hosting sites ONLY there is a clear intention
    behind it = making monetary profits!
    You can twist and turn it like you want but it remains the same.
    People have no need of such false rotten eggs claiming themselves to be messengers or informers about
    Freeware updates or releases, there are hundreds of better sites that do that without commercial
    interests. The other disgusting story about multiple FAKE accounts used to push up own posts is another
    sad mental deviation of the unfortunate subject in question. Poor, sad and miser!
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  7. jkst

    jkst Kapellmeister

    Oct 31, 2016
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    Had to register here just to vote a big yes for banning this parasite. Only been a member on AZ for a few months and noticed that all he ever posts is free stuff which he profits after. The yesterday 3 page spam was just the icing on the cake, if there was any doubt about his lack of morals.

    And if the ban is out of the question then at least an option to block users and to never see their posts again or a separate section for free stuff hosted only on free sites.
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  8. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Yeah... All the morals regarding a guy making a few bucks with paid links.
    People are very moral and upset whit this kinda of pointless stuff, and just don't care that this week, every single Steven Slate Plugin is freely available. He was completely FUCKED this past week. And no one talks about that, right?
    It's only fair to talk about some stupid paid links.
    We are all doing illegal stuff here. And morality is all very subjective.
    I'm not defending anyone, or anything. but AZ has rules. And he follows the rules.
    The rest is BULLSHIT.
    Get something to do with your time, damn it.
    Sorry my language.
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  9. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    :dont: Completely WRONG!! Don't mix up legal and law stuff. REMEMBER that those who fix what's
    legal or not are in many cases the most corrupted subjects or groups...of interests of course.
    Since when is it illegal to read & write on forums? Who said that all people are lazy or closefisted?
    Is NOT! You can make a choice if you want to pay honestly or download cracks. Point!

    The whole debate & talks have not much to do with morals but with respect, ethics & fairness.
    It's more about heavy SPAMMING! Not long ago folks used to advertise FREEWARE on AudioSex only and
    THAT was correct and fair, not using the warez site. This strange thing makes me think that moderation
    and supervision of AudioZ has deep cracks, lacks.
    One more: subjects using multiple fake accounts ARE breaking the rules.
    And: Rules can also be changed.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2016
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  10. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    You are joking right?
    Read and write on forums? We are talking about AZ, and what's posted there and when you download anything you're breaking the law.
    Morals, ethics & fairness? for who? for the people who download illegal stuff?
    The only point I try to make is that, you cannot possibly have any morals or ethics, after you download every single plugin for free, and come here to debate if A or B or C makes money with links.
    It's stupid.
  11. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Thieves also have some rules mate :winker:
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  12. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Yes. I get that. But that's the job of the site administration to decide what's good or not.
    And BTW, call someone a Parasite is against the rules.
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  13. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    The number 12 has serious spiritual connotations aswell.
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  14. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    You're wrong AGAIN! :deep_facepalm:
    Downloading cracked software is NOT illegal. :facepalm:
    Like using cracked software isn't illegal neither. Its public distribution may be illegal,
    it depends on the laws of the country you live in. AGAIN: we're talking here about that subject
    that uses multiple fake accounts and SPAMS AudioZ with freeware stuff posted only on money
    maker file hosting sites. THAT is not really okay + disrespectful. He breaks the law of sincerity.
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  15. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I'd take online "thieves" who seed information freely over the corporate leeches who only add to the separation between classes.
    Any day.
    And those guys standing in the middle, "working the system", they just help to maintain the status quo. Prolonging the inevitable.
    The system ether evolves, or the the system causes a revolt.
    1¢ pop-up adds may be a fractional amount; of time; of money; of bandwidth.
    But this creditory system we've put in place is a fractional system built on the mass collection of this negligible amount.
    That sh*t does add up. And they take it all the way to the bank in tiny, little nano-steps.

    There's two kinds of people in this world.
    Those that serve to keep the apparently functional system in place.
    And those that see a need for system change.
    Some act like there's a third group that sit arbitrarily in the middle doing nothing. No. They are keeping the current system in place.
    I'm beginning to rant.
    Maybe I'm just pissed 'coz I like the zippy links

    Uber-generalization, you say?
    Go FREE or GTFO.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2016
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  16. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    You know what really disappoints me in the discussion? I thought the scene would at least acknowledge those who offer their work for free, if not celebrating them. But no, the posters use them to make money from it and the users talk them down as if everything is shit that doesn't want to be paid. You know what the real shit is? All G-Sonique crap. Why? It's Flowstone modules downloaded from the forum, put together, re-labelled as original work and sold. And nobody complains about the shittyness of those, isn't that interesting?
    Do we have to sell our plugins, for the scene to recognize their quality, although we prefer to offer them for free?

    I don't mind free software on AZ, as long as there is only one original link without monetizing.
    I mind cheap tricks like Integral's seperated posts of one bundle download.
    I mind the scene's cockyness towards free plugins.
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  17. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    This is probably the best post of this thread so far.

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  18. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Well it's not for "scene" or groups too rate plugins. They more than anyone will know that the difference between many paid versions and free versions is often marginal. Added code will mainly be the bloated protections and a few extra features. That's not really what their about. In reality they spend many hours reversing elaborate protections on pretty Crap plugins. Let's face it in that many "free" plugins are used as a marketing product to gain attention and purchases. Nothing wrong with free plugins :no: There some fantastic free plugins out there.
    Look at some of the TDR, Vladg, Acustica, iZotope, Soundtoys etc,etc.
    Sometimes the free ones are better than many of the crappy end paid ones and it's always great to be told about new ones :yes:
    That's not really the issue here though I guess.
    At the end of the day it's pretty simple.
    We all have too abide by the rules of the site administration.
    Some as we know warp the space between the boundaries for their own purposes.
    In general I think the administration and moderators do an excellent job.
    Labels such as "thieves" are used all to freely and more often than not are used out of context.
    My own personal belief is that ANY monetary gain is morally wrong when it comes to taking freeware and linking to paid hosting sites.
    However it is a personal choice that the uploader, contributor, whoever has to make under the guidelines laid out by site administration.
    It's so easy to include a zippy link etc or just use free sites but again this is a personal choice.
    There's nothing "illegal" etc going on but we all have to make conscious decisions when it comes too such things.
    In this case it's pretty simple.
    The uploader is taking a "free" product from a Developer's site, without permission and uploading to paid hosting sites only and as far as I can work out in this case doesn't really give a shit about anyone or anything apart from himself.
    I accept it's probably a disproportionate view though even if partially bordering reality in some fashion.
    The Dev often has to pay out his own pocket for the traffic not to mention all real hard work that goes in.
    Its the "given" away in good spirit and sometimes for a specific reason.
    The uploader in this scenario then takes that spirit or reasoning and tramps all over it in my own little opinion.
    Some of the free plugins etc out there are fantastic imo and it's great to find new ones but in this case the only link I want is to the developer's homepage.However that's just me.
    My own personal view is that "morally" such actions are repulsive and highlight the nature and character of the individual involved.
    Again, that's just my own belief and I for sure ain't hollier than thou and all that garbage.
    Whilst exposure is great, don't "con" or "justify" such actions by saying were giving them exposure and all that rubbish.
    Just be honest and say I'm taking a free product and "gaining" something in the process.
    Simply take a look in the "mirror",
    realise what your doing and live with it or change your actions if you can't.
    I personally, like others have said, have nothing against any one but I can still make my mind up about the motivations of choices made.
    Personally I think what happened the other day was an absolute disgrace but it's only my simple opinion and it is what it is.
    If the person involved can live with it, cool.
    A stated earlier it's up to site administration and moderators who I personally think in general do a real hard job pretty damn well and we have to abide by their choices.
    Could the rules be different?
    Of course they could. :yes:
    Should they be different? :dunno: :unsure:
    Up to them I guess :yes: :like: :thumbsup:
    Peace all, be cool and that:mates:
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  19. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    an organism which lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

    The truth is sometimes hard to take, but find me a better description for money making off free ware and I'll consider using it. :wink:
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  20. Scarlett

    Scarlett Guest

    Man, I love the fact the you show thick skin. And despite what others say we ofc know we are not the same person nor account, lol. If there are 1000 haters I for one am a very thankful guy towards you. I bet you already are but have a great life.

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