In regards to all the hipster snobbery going on when people post "pop" music. Watch this!

Discussion in 'Software' started by thethirdperson, Oct 22, 2016.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I love what tulamide said: it's just a business, there are no soul and any feelings, so I'm not interested. The whole of your post makes so much sense. Thanks, mate! :wink:
  2. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I hope I didn't appear to be rude!
    @thethirdperson Maybe you are having issues following my thoughts, so I tried to find an example. And I found one, and it is fitting perfectly. The king of pop, Michael Jackson, made good pop songs. Even I could dance to them, and I really don't dance much in my life. But there are songs from the king where I always thought that the lyrics and the music don't quite fit. Take Billie Jean as an example. If you read the text it is a tragic thing that involves desperation, fear and sadness. But none of it is reflected in the music. Instead, you have an iconic bass line "di do dum di do dum do da" and a driving beat.

    Here's another rendition. I don't say it's the best version of that song, but it transports all the feelings that I'm missing in MJ's version:
  3. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    My B to anyone over 30 I managed to piss off, nothing but respect. I'll be joining the club shortly =P

    I just get really exhausted sometimes because there are some people that believe that if music is radio friendly or resembles anything happening somewhat currently pop music wise that it equates to bad and that's not the case.

    There's plenty of shitty music on the radio and there's plenty of shitty music that never makes it there. I guess I've never stepped foot in a "real studio", having been of the first generation of people to never having any attachment to real gear. So I just thought it was pretty neat when I saw it.

    Still though, I was some 12 year old once (in a galaxy far far away) making beats on FL Studio definitely not knowing two shits about anything and I feel a certain responsibility to make sure that new producers don't get totally stomped on.
  4. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    As far as Billie Jean is concerned though I totally get what you're saying @tulamide . Thanks for taking the time out to say that.

    However, I think there's a certain beauty that you can put an experience that is so painful and turn it into a catchy pop song as ill fitting as it seems.
  5. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    @thethirdperson Hey bud. You can't let the world affect you. You take that sh!t head on and realize you are the it affecting the world. I admit a lot of what he produces isn't my cup of (green) tea (with honey). But that's just my taste. I'll also admit some of his songs are just catchy and made to be easily digested. There's nothing wrong with a catchy tune (says the illuminati).
    Just do what you do. If you find something useful or informative do it. We all process differently.
    Dude, I find meaning seeing two birds flying east and one loner flying south-west. Most people would just call that meaningless insanity.

    I also have to admit that while I never got into all the boy bands, that SexyBack track is righteous. That's what Timbaland will do, I guess.
    Though, the first time I heard it, I swore that was a woman singing.

    I'm 33 now and my tastes have... developed.
    Last open and honest admission:

    I still adore Roxette.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
  6. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Well. It might help if the newbies would actually make an effort to engage in some topics and get to know people a bit. Instead of "This is my new track. Check it out!" Remix of some shite for la la la remix comp" "support me!" "I made this Track. What do you think?" I mean I'm sorry, but this is a forum not Britain's Got Talent. And If you ask people what they think, then you best brace youself for what you yourself have asked for. If you feel someones making unfair comment, reply to them politely explaining the error of their ways.
    Now I do understand where you're coming from on some points, Like the people on here who live to comment on your work, but themselves have never posted anything they've done(these people know who they are), so I take their comments with a pinch of salt. It's the music biz love, have MTFU if you want to get through.
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @The Teknomage putting on my Robert De Niro voice.. hrrm.. "are you talkin' to me? I don't see anybody else"

    In all seriousness, there are a number of good music critics who don't make music themselves, at least not for public release,
    Lester Bangs comes to mind. Then some people actually do music, but feel they are doing a service by not inflicting
    their creations or interpretations on the world. :winker:

    Then you have people that post shoddy snippets and repetitive tripe and then ask for advice how to make it stellar... :facepalm:

    we all know who they are !

    @thethirdperson I don't see so much hate directed at newbs posting music, pointed comments yes, and oppositely, some
    just trying to say something positive instead of skewering the poor slob..
    people have been called out for being overly harsh as well..
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  8. GODSanAI

    GODSanAI Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Wahhhhhh there's not enough of xyz people in this field or that forum!!! Waaaaahhhhhhh!!! It must be because of racist whyte people!!!

    Newsflash!!! Anyone can enter any field or join any forum in Murrrica!!! It's illegal to discriminate! Could it just possibly be that certain types of people gravitate to certain types of fields? Gasp!!! Say it ain't so!!! You mean most women or black people aren't interested in electrical engineering?!??! RACISM SEXISM HOMOPHOBIA!!!!

    But you would rather whine your way into certain fields while dragging down those who excel because merit is racist and sexist. The irony is the racist way in which you refer to white people but let me guess, you can't be racist against whites, right?

    Where is your whiny rant about inclusiveness in the NBA? Ahh, you'll just say that black people are superior athletes right? Get real man and come out of your little safe space. I can see you in the far left of the human blockade at the Berkeley "protest" obstructing the evil white shitlords that actually care about their studies. You and your kind are just useful idiots to further divide people for you far left overzealous overlords.

    End Rant
  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    USA has been hijacked by the corporations and it shows in music as well.Big boys have the dollars to promote their shit while little players can make amazing music but people dont hear about it.
  10. DrumcodeX

    DrumcodeX Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Reality (virtual)
    I'm a bit surprised that nobody posted something like this about Dr. "Lucky" Luke yet:

  11. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    No, because I've never heard you banging about how you're the bees knees. You critique things on your own personal tastes, which is fine, as you usually state that too.
    And I think the main reason there's not many women in music production, is the fact that most of it takes place behind the camera not in front of it. (and before any accuses me of being sexist I'm not.)
  12. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Max Martin studied ABBA forensically :)
  13. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    You are absolutely correct. Today's pop music is fundamentally simple even in comparison to pop music decades ago. I have no problem with it. But I do believe it should be strictly categorized as children's music. Kids are the ones who idolize heavily. They want plain cheese pizza, and are the reason it sells. Kids sit in their rooms and listen to music all day, and take it with them wherever they go. It's no coincidence why modern pop is in the soundtrack of every cartoon movie. So the adults in the room need to understand when they try to argue from an adult perspective about whether pop music is good to "us" being a matter of taste.. it means you literally have to be on a lower intellectual scale to say it's good. If the majority of adults are shunning the idea of an adult who favors watching cartoons and listening to children's music all day.. that's not arguing a matter of taste.. it's a direct finger pointed at some of you to say "grow the fuck up".
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
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  14. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I'm not against plagiarism per se, as I see it as the reincarnation of a song that refuses to die :) The shelf-life of popular music was only meant to have been 5 minutes anyway :bleh:
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
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