How to contact Cataly5t Our former moderator of AudioZ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by LV4-26, Oct 26, 2016.

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  1. popeye

    popeye Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Why not let sleeping dogs lie...........
  2. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    : D
  3. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Catalyst ALWAYS treated me with the utmost Dis-respect.

    The thing is, he knew how to push the buttons with some people,
    so that the targeted person almost inevitably make fool out of them-self.
    being labeled as Troll, or to put it in his words: "a stupid childish angry child"

    If that wasn't enough, he would send pm messages threatening with penalty's he was not eligible give in the first place.

    oh I can't help myself with these quotes,:
    "We cannot allow moderators to be abusive, overly aggressive, threatening, or to "troll". This does not follow our rules."

    :hahaha::hahaha:That is why I forwarded everything that had happened to Saint :hahaha::hahaha:

    after he had been deleted I found, he intentionally kept me out of residency and Posted lies I could not read under releases.
    releases that where supplied by me or where redirected to him by me.

    But hey we are all humans after all, It's all forgive and forget I guess.:chilling:

    Ps. not to be a troll here or to stone anyone, but wasn't the OP in his communistic bromance?
    not that he really could know at that time, but didn't u guys read what was exposed after he dissapeared? If I remember correctly he was downgraded to "normal" membership but didn't had any intention to explain himself or defense his stance in any way .
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
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  4. LV4-26

    LV4-26 Guest

    I know why he left his moderator post I can't not tell you why in respect of our friendship. Just know that he was exhausted with all its responsibilities. So it's not worth breaking sugar on his back and mock at him.

    But it's probable that I'm made a mistake of moderator.
    How many and under what nickname have been moderator since opening AudioZ..?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2016
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  5. clamz

    clamz Newbie

    Jan 16, 2014
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    if you wanted to contact him, why not just ask how to contact him, instead of eulogizing him with a bunch of ass kissing fluff. The guy was one of the biggest douchebags I've come across on the web. He clearly had mental problems that eventually led to his self destruction on this site. I saw it coming from a mile away and reported his behavor about a year before he got booted. I guess some people are too naive to see people for what they are, even after their true colors have been shown.
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  6. LV4-26

    LV4-26 Guest


    Like a say: But it's probable that I'm made a mistake of moderator. :dunno:
    Because this is not the kind of memories that I have of this person.
  7. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    yup, cause nothing "kisses ass" more then LV4-26 simply inquiring about contacting and concern about the well being of a friend of a lot of ours here.

    He doesn't have mental problems any more then the rest of us, and has some real life stuff going on that I simply respect and feel for. He didn't get "booted" by the way.... no longer a mod, but can come here and go as he pleases. I won't claim to know the context of what you are talking about, and I won't deny your experience. But I remember and know those who had his back and those who were considered his friends when they wanted to burn him at the stake. Some of you had your issues. All frigging fair. I listen to anything with reason... Some love to pile on.

    And most of you give nothing. True colors? Catalyst would give the shirt off his back for someone he cared about. And perhaps some fell on the wrong side of things, and if he did something insulting or truly wrong to you, well... my bad. . but I didn't see it.

    things happen. But outside of a few here that really REALLY give something to this and the sister site, you can go away. You are welcome for everything you have been given by some of the greats that have been so cool.

    But I will not let you denigrate a decent man... and even SAiNT, (regardless of their differences on site points and other things, and I don't know crap about what happened, and it's none of my damn business),...... cares about the well being of him and his family... I imagine he does not think Catalyst is a "Nazi"... or anything else that vile.... A changing of the guard does not mean we have to lose decency.

    ....And the pissants that pile on.... well, you are the same pissants you always are....

    and I want to personally thank you for making HEXWARS retire and R2R re consider their public contributions at points.

    I try and show respect to everyone here regardless of experience, knowledge, success, or longevity. The only things that pokes my buttons are: vocal ignorance, hate speak, bullying, trolls, and mob mentality lynch mobs.... You honestly should be ashamed of yourselves for trying to throw crap on a past heavy contributor to this site that LV4-26 simply wanted to reach out to. If you got negative crap to say, plenty of other places to say it... start your own thread... (or are you too busy downloading trapstar sylenth packs and [REQ] Nexus...... )

    .. i think i'm getting pretty tired of this crap and I don't know why i bite on this bs. elsewhere...serenity now ....

    go buy something and make a record. ... and then sell it to someone... love to know the percentage on here of that that do that...

    internet tough guys.. .get real...
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
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  8. AntagonistHero

    AntagonistHero Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    hey sometimes a mod nazi is needed, do you guys want to be overrun by everything he tried to stop, i rather take 1 mod nazi, then hundreds/thousands + of every other shit out there
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  9. Bassmonsta

    Bassmonsta Ultrasonic

    Oct 12, 2014
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  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    so much that could be unpacked there, but I'll just stick with this one.. I'm not sure that the whole scenario you are describing
    was not precipitated, if not fabricated under false pretenses by the very person you are defending..

    I'm not given to conspiracy theories, and I have direct experiences of my own, but there has certainly been a turnaround
    on relationships with the teams, and the general tone of things at X and Z as far as I can see, then who is responsible for that?

    Just because a correlation can be seen, does not establish cause and effect... I respect you as an intelligent guy, but
    I would say.. just look at the results, then and now... you might decide to add some further considerations,
    if not add some doubts..

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  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    It must be said that Catalyst have been the person who make the ingredient of AudioSex transform into coherent sauce. Everything was here already, but he took it to another level. Think mayonaise here .
    He was much more than a moderator here, and many of his initiatives still live.
    When He and Saint broke, I sent several PM to both insisting that they were the ideal pair for this site's dynamic. But it was in vain.
    Time after when Saint ask me to be the Mod on both sites, I thought I would never be able to bring half of what Cat brought, and it's still true.
    I was not part of any fight, so I don't know in detail what happened, but honestly, I invite who ever had a problem with him to measure in the balance all the positive he has done too, before judging him. We all do error some times.

    I will always remember Cat's time a as a golden one for this place.
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  12. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I can read I was very soft yesterday.... But is enough for me to know that there are many other people that had not a good relation with this child and also that he went out from here for not going back. I donĀ“t know the past years because I was not in the scene, so, obviously, silence from this site of the planet.
  13. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
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    La Belle Province
    How can you know the guy and have so many good words about him when you only joined June 22, 2016 ??
    I think I'm gonna cry... Honestly... Please !
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  14. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Some people complained that the threads should have to do with music, so here you are:
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  15. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Drops the mic and smirks :lmao:
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  16. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
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    La Belle Province
    Thanks tulamide for the share... What a great song :wink:
  18. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    A personal love letter in public to the person that split the community into two raging mobs. What a brilliant idea!
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  19. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Damn, I love sarcasm if it comes straight to the point and dry as a martini!
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  20. BumBcL0t

    BumBcL0t Producer

    Oct 14, 2014
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    Catalyst had nothing to with R2R and their releases - where has this ridiculous rumour surfaced from?

    What R2R decides is their own personal decision, I'm almost certain they couldn't give a flying fuck what Catalyst thought or what his opinion was.

    The man that used to talk about releases being 'stolen' and the public not appreciating what releasers provided actually STOLE FROM HIS OWN FRIEND AND COLLEAGUE. AudioSex's own moderator, Andrew, paid out of his own pocket for the first AudioSex album and sent Catalyst a copy or two. Catalyst promised he would pay him back - but he never did. The irony.

    And in regard to Hexwars, I think Catalyst brought out the worst in Copylefter. He made him a very bitter, angry and arrogant person towards the end of his time here at AudioZ. I will always appreciate what Hexwars provided for the Mac scene, but you don't see releasers like Platensesoul and DiGiTALMACHiNE act in the way he did. I know many share this opinion.
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