Things to come

Discussion in 'Education' started by Heisenberg, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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  3. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    And what happened after the last great depression?........ World War 1
  4. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    The war has already started.

    Phase 1. CIA and French Intelligence sparks the Arab Spring => Muslim Brothers are in authority.
    Phase 2. Iran refuses to stop his nuclear project - they think that all integrist muslims newly in power will help them in case of conflict.
    Phase 3. These two threats against Israël are untenable => Israël declares war against Iran with the support of the USA.
    Phase 4. Total was against Islam in the Middle East (Holy War).
    Phase 5. USA + EU are the winners and take oil's total control.

    What a wonderful world... :rofl: (I will order my Porsche tomorrow).
  5. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Are you guys living in the twilight zone? What the hell do you think wars are for?
    It's one purpose only = bankers making money. The USA GERMANY ENGLAND all made money from WW2 and the first one as well.

    to prove my point : How many royal castles got bombed? in germany, in england, in holland, in swiss.? Ya off limits my ass, there is nothing off limits in a real war, there are only rules in pre-planed wars.

    I dont hate the jews from Isreal, I hate the Ashkenazi Jews, the ones that claim they are jewish but are in fact NOT JEWISH.

    Ya those are the Rothchilds Bankers. from the early 1700's since this moronic thing called the stock market was thought up, they have been in control of the money supply.

    Why were american companies suppliying nazi death camps with chemicals and other equipment? Jet fuel additives from Imperial Oil for the german Planes. American Banks made billions of the wars on the backs of the german citizens who worked day and night rebuilding their country.

    Germany WON world war 2, but only 60 years later, by learning from the Jews how to control a continent called Europe, or these days called Germania without any weapons, just with monitery control

    Another thing. We went to the moon blah blah with tinfoil protected spacecraft in the damn 60's, anyone think it is a bit weird that no one has gone back, no public crafts, no landings no pictures of landing sites.

    Anyone feel like the "ones in command" do not want us to leave? This was the same problem during the 1500-1800 were millions or people migrated to the Americas on ships. How do you tax, kill, make sick, control, make slaves of, if they leave?

    Ya that is the true reason why we will never leave this planet, IT WAS OUR destiny to leave this planet since our inception. A revolution is coming indeed ww4 will be fought with sticks and stones.
  6. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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  7. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Norman Finkelstein - Political scientist - BBC HARDtalk, May 2012
  8. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    In my perspective, the most inportant factor is Dialogue.

    If there is no Dialogue in a or an society, things could get really rough.

    Dialougue is the language that needs to be thrown in these kind of unpredictable situations that we have never seen before.

    It's compelling, pushing, thoughtthinking, and understanding.

    Yes, i know.... but there is a long way to go....

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Yeah yeah yeah, the worlds a fucked up, terrible place -- Why sit around and talk about it all fucking day ?
    Does the current state of affairs on this planet truly have you; Sickened ? Worried ? Upset ? Then turn off the Computer once and awhile -- and Do Something.

    In the short term -- Create -- Make some Music, Art, or Love -- its good for the soul. Negativity breeds negativity. Work toward a positive state of mind.

    -- 2¢

    NOTE: This is not directed at anyone in particular, I say this -- because I am genuinely tired of people complaining about everything
    that's fucked in this world, yet motionless in their rage, accepting the atrocities of todays world while shaking their fists from behind
    their computer screens. You do have a choice; A) you can suck it up and take it -- continue your suffering and pointless moaning or
    B) You can refuse to accept it, stand up, and react (in reality, you have nothing to complain about - if nothing is what you have chosen to do)

    Peace. Love. Unity. Respect.
  10. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    :wink: Even if the above quote might sound a bit of a cliche, I'm agreed 100%.
    Turmoils are beautiful opportunities to prove oneself strength, maybe the starting point for creating a inner shelter (a tao te ching - wise one),
    or why not, a way of learning how let it go.
    A very proper thing to do.
  11. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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  12. karamuzas

    karamuzas Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Michael Scheuer talks about a religion war between US and muslims.He is not telling the truth to you.Once you are in cia,you never leave cia.He was an officer and he still uses diversionary way of talking.The wars that US begin,are about oil and other resources of the attacked country.And of course this is not for US people benefit.Everybody knows US people are suffering from economy problems.The benefit goes to the few.I don't know who they are.Is it Goldman Sachs?Is it Bilderberg club?Is it Bohemian club?Is it all these together?
    One thing is certain.In the name of money they make peoples to kill each other so they can supply their weapons.These days is so obvious that world is ruled by the new world order.They said it many years ago,we needed new world order.Father bush was the first one I think.All of them ,even stupid g.bush jr,used god in his speech just to have people to believe his lies about the Iraq war,Afganistan war,9/11.....THEY ARE HUMANFACE MONSTERS.Peoples lives have no value for them.ONLY UNITED PEOPLE WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED.
  13. karamuzas

    karamuzas Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    What a wonderful song with sensitive lyrics!It is composed by a human being.
    Thats the way I see things these last years.To explain myself:if someone hasnot good feelings for others I think he is not human.He is an animal,creature,monster with human outside characteristics.Beware of them.
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