Cubase Pro 8.5 - How Stable is it?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Zealious, Oct 19, 2016.


are you able to create all of your songs without losing any of your work and do features work?

  1. Yes and yes every feature works as advertised

    22 vote(s)
  2. Not able to finish all projects bc crashing, but features work as advertised

    1 vote(s)
  3. Yes, can finish my projects, but some features do not work like expected

    4 vote(s)
  1. shomyca

    shomyca Producer

    Jul 20, 2012
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    If OP doesn't mind for slightly off topic question... Why do you convert so many imstruments to mono? I do narrow them often with the cubase stereo combined panner but going tottaly mono on 99% of the tracks as you said... It's rather interesting ☺Is there a reason you don't use combined panner or such a tool (waves c1 for example)?
  2. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Good deal. Get away from everything and enjoy, life.
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  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Yes, it took me some time to get used to it.Reason is i can do more with mono files than stereo.Better instrument separation and hard pan of several instruments.If i need a stereo feel i just send the mono track to a stereo group and then add different tools, stereo delay, reverbs.Sounds beautiful.
    I do sometimes leave a stereo synth, pad or leave a VST intrument frozen though.
  4. shomyca

    shomyca Producer

    Jul 20, 2012
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    Yea, all valid stuff. I presume that you use predominantly dry samples, right? Because sculpting whole room info from samples like, for example, spitfire tree and amb mikes, into mono seams weird to me. I never tried though...
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Oh yea, mostly dry.But i do understand your workflow since you work for video games and such so you have to work really fast.
    Sometimes i would burn the kontakt`s 20th century IR reverb on mono strings since i know how it will behave.
  6. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    dead stable here, does everything i want it to do, money well spent 64bit windows 8.1
  7. shomyca

    shomyca Producer

    Jul 20, 2012
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    Ok, I think I got where the problem is regarding the render in place. When I select midi event and RIP it gets stuck on 100% very often, but not always... But when I select just the track with no midi events selected, then it renders fine.

    Could anyone confirm this? @Von_Steyr
  8. FerdinandIIIDeMedicis

    FerdinandIIIDeMedicis Kapellmeister

    Feb 6, 2016
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    It's very stable, one of the best (if not the best) DAW I've ever used.
  9. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Just catching up with the conversation here, and doing my word-vomit thing since I don't really get to talk about the nitty gritty of production and mixing with people in real life.

    I don't get any lag when loading the mixer with the default F3 command and I don't even have an after-market GPU. Lucky?

    I have experienced somewhat of a different issue with render in place. I works perfectly fine on first go, but sometimes I can't render, then make edits, then re-render. I don't know if that's by design, or something I'm doing wrong, or just a bug.

    Anyway, I'm noticing my Cubase projects get 2-3x as large as my Studio One projects because in S1 I was reluctant to open new tracks for things that could possibly be done with workarounds/automation/something else because the mixer felt a bit cramped and cluttering it up made me anxious... and yet Im still seeing less CPU load than S1 and less lag.

    To whoever mentioned Reaper.. If CPU friendly is your thing, then surely you couldn't go wrong with Reaper, and its stability is legendary. For me Cubase is the best DAW I've used as far as having a good balance of stability, feature-richness/configurability, and CPU consumption.

    As far as comping, Cubase is sharing first place with Samplitude for being a mile ahead of all the other DAWs I've used. Plus TrackVersions is such a beautiful feature for making edits with confidence. I really missed this since my days of using Revolver Tracks in Sampitude

    One last thing. I just grabbed a CMC-CH off ebay and I'm very happy with it. There are so many things in cubase to assign shortcuts to. It's nice to have a few things just immediately accessible. I like the Freeze, Toggle Folder/Automation Lane, open channel editor, and fader controls the best. Definitely a well spent $50
  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Let me check and get back to you.
    No such problems here bro.
    Though Render is a little buggy so i believe you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2016
  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Render still has some bugs.Should be fixed shortly.Should be.I sound like Rain Man.Of course im an excelent driver.K Mart sux.
    And Cav has the Steinberg fever, haha.:cheers:
    F3 + back to front is even faster than just F3, try it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2016
  12. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    I appreciate you all sharing your experiences and questions with the features
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