Cubase Pro 8.5 - How Stable is it?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Zealious, Oct 19, 2016.


are you able to create all of your songs without losing any of your work and do features work?

  1. Yes and yes every feature works as advertised

    22 vote(s)
  2. Not able to finish all projects bc crashing, but features work as advertised

    1 vote(s)
  3. Yes, can finish my projects, but some features do not work like expected

    4 vote(s)
  1. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    FWIW I've read that Cubase on Mac is more prone to graphics issues. Laggy UIs, jumpy cursor/playhead, etc. It might be the cause of the guy's aforementioned slow-loading mixer
  2. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I tried the trial version of 8.5 I own 7 up till 8.0.
    Fast CPU friendly. Wow not really.
    From 8 up has been a real burden on my I7 4790 k.

    Now do not slam me but I dumped it and went to Reaper. Reaper is CPU friendly really CPU friendly.
    Are there features in the midi editor that Cubase has that Reaper does not Yes.
    Am I missing Cubase and all the latency and extra burden it put on my high end CPU no.
    Have I been able to find work rounds ( JS scripts and VST's ) in Reaper to do the things in Cubase midi editor. Yes.

    Do I feel I have made a mistake by not purchasing Cubase 8.5 update and purchasing Reaper? 100 % no.
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  3. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    not at all .. which is sad because it sounds great, they've never been able to translate pc to mac since 5. I can only assume it's because their main coders are pc devs.
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  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    8.5 should fly with an I7 4790K.
    As long as you are happy and getting results, if Reaper works it works,
  5. shomyca

    shomyca Producer

    Jul 20, 2012
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    I'm on win10 64bit. You are right, I should keep the mixer always open, but still didn't quite find how to manage windows on my two 2k monitors as main project window, key editor and vepro/kontakt instruments are always open and very important to me because I edit them a lot ( i do orchestral tracks for games). And my mixer has a lot of tracks and its high as well as my inserts, sends, routings all are opened, and it's very practical to be able to see it wide across both of my monitors (not maximized because then it's just on one monitor and a lot narrower).

    I am not sure what do you mean as "always on top"? Did I miss that revolutionary long-waited mixer feature? :thumbsup: As far as I know it doesn't exist yet :dunno:

    BUt yea, always open mixer window, that's great, but then I have to be switching windows with alt-tab, or winkey-tab...but I never used to that as my windows count is always somehow big (hangouts, browser, ve pro, audio player, etc.) and did't quite get how to cycle between main project window and mixer in one click or one combination.

    What did you mean by this? "When i click mix/proj buttons on my faderport the windows switch instantly" Sounds very promising :yes:
    Would you care to tell more how does that works?

    And as far as render-in-place is concerned...Well, I kind of got that it's something with my plugs or samplers. What do you normally use? Do you bounce Omnisphere for example? I am getting mixed results with omni, some patches renders fine, others stuck on 100% rendering.

    Thanks dude :wink:
  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Im on windows 7, but i work a lot on orchestral projects as well like you.Kontakt,vsl pro, etc and a big track count :)
    Fired up Cubase so i dont talk nonsense.
    Anyways, when i said always on top i mean that you first maximize the mixer and then you can swith the windows.Always on top works for other windows not for mixer, my mistake.
    But the problem is when you hit the F3 for the mixer view, back and forth its laggy.When you hit F3 and back to front shortcut(needs to be assigned), the windows change instantly, no lag.
    The window views are automatically set up in the Faderport,mix,proj and trns + you can customize it.
    That way when you switch windows the mixer doesnt shrink back.
    Also you can arrange work spaces in your cubase and handle the windows via short cuts as well.
    Most important here is to always maximize the mixer when you fire up cubase and you can switch between windows with no lag.

    I dont use Omnisphere so i cant tell bro.I think the render function could be optimized and faster though.
    I bounce 99% of my vsts to mono,so this really pisses me off that i just cant render instantly without assignments to the mono output.
    Also sometimes it renders two files instead of one ,mono and stereo,its a bug.
  7. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I totally agree Von it should fly, it does not.

    What appears to me is that for some reason Cubase has a lot of over head.
    I do not know if it's shitty programing or some background process that Cubase is doing,
    but it is unacceptable with me. for $500.

    Also the latency even with my pro 40 turned to 32 buffer size creates so much latency it's really hard to play live guitar with it.
    Same pc, same plugins same project and Reaper is perfect.
    Also buffer size can even be 256 and live guitar play back is perfect, in Reaper.
    This is just what happened to me on my pc.

    Same PC same project same pluging's.
    I am trying to be fair about it since I did a full comparison with the same project in the two different DAW's.
    Obviously, my out come was not good for Cubase.
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  8. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    You need to add I was disappointed in Cubase 8.5 and dumped it and move to another DAW.
  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Wow, im sorry to hear that bro.Such a big latency is not acceptable i agree, something went wrong.I did hear some horrible stories about Cubase, rare but it happens.
    Though i can play with a 256mb buffer size in real time on my setup.
    Did you try on a different pc or hardware?Maybe cubendo didnt get along with your audio card drivers?
    Did you report to Steinberg?
    I can only imagine your frustration and disappointment :(
  10. shomyca

    shomyca Producer

    Jul 20, 2012
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    Thanks for reply. Switching between workspaces has even bigger lag, so that isn't solution.

    But the way you use Faderport is interesting. I don't get it how does it show/hide mixer without closing and opening it. I have a bunch of faders and buttons on my midi controller (kurzweil pc3x) and it would be great if I could assign that to it. Even better to assign it as key command so it's just show/hide mixer and not open/close. What shortcut is that?
  11. shomyca

    shomyca Producer

    Jul 20, 2012
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    That's so bad dude, but it sounds like some interface/driver problem. Not that your interface is bad but rather some wrong settings or something.
  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    File--key commands--type in the search box;bring to front.
    Assign a key command to it, since by default nothing is assigned to it.(faderport has it automatically assigned).
    After its assigned you can switch between the mixer view(F3) and project window.(lets say you assign it to F4).
    Now you can quickly switch between windows with no lag.

    Mixer view has to be maximized though.This is very important.
  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    If you get too much latency in Cubase, maybe you could try turning off the ASIO Guard. ASIO Guard is pretty much like Reaper's Anticipative FX Processing which makes the plugins use less CPU but adds a bit of additional latency. I have it turned off and turn it on only if I don't need to record anything or when I start to hear crackling due to high CPU usage. Also, it makes sense to turn it on then because that's the moment when you start mixing and using more plugins. So I recommend you to turn the ASIO Guard off, and turn it on when you've finished recording all the stuff that you need low latency with. :wink:
  14. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Hey bro, where the hell were you, didnt see you on AS for some time now :)
  15. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    What is weird is that the issue just happened in Cubase 8 So you tell me?
    Is it my computer? I do not think so since Reaper works fine.

    Out of respect if there was a driver issue it should effect reaper also. Reaper uses the same driver as Cubase does.
    Sonar has no issues also, but I do not use it.

    Let's think about this logically, driver is the same only difference here is the DAW and the way the DAW's programing uses the drivers.
    Now should I blame my Pro 40 driver?

    I gave up on support also. Since I had reported an issues with Cubase importing stems opening it up in the viewer and it not aligning with the beats of the song.
    It's was not fixed in 8.5 either. For example try this create a new project at what ever the temp of the stems you have. Import those stems and see if the line up with the view in the audio view.

    They do not. Strindberg support verified this with 7 and till 8.5 it's still there.

    120, 140 what ever should line up perfectly. I mean music is all about measures and timing, Right?
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2016
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  16. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Thanks for the info. I will give it a try, yet I really have tossed Cubase out to sea and moved on.
  17. shomyca

    shomyca Producer

    Jul 20, 2012
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    Gotcha! :wink:
    I had no idea about this feature. Although it's not a solution I was looking for because as you said, the mixer window has to be maximized... It's so snappy that I may try it maximized. Also, it is a solution for another problem that I have, the channel width in the mixer resets sometimes when I open/close mixer (I keep channel width very narrow, but it gets fucked very often, just gets back to the wider settings totally by it self).

    Either way, thx! :like:
  18. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I know man, its the only solution for snappier windows.We will see if version 9 adds more options for window views.
    Glad it helps :)
  19. BoogieMonster

    BoogieMonster Member

    Oct 15, 2013
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    Cubase 8.5 on Mac 10.9.5, the program itself doesn't crash. Some old VST(i)s can crash it. All of the crashes I had had something to do with those or the wrapped ones. Autosave (use it!) helps.
  20. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I've been on a looooonnng and soooo satisfying vacation, mate. Without any computers or tech of any kind. Just hanging out with my wife and nature. I had to recharge my batteries. :winker: Cheers!
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