load kontakt library from komplete dvd's

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by memzilla, May 12, 2012.

  1. memzilla

    memzilla Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    hi guys
    i have a problem here
    i can't load the kontakt libraries from komplete dvd's

    i download kontakt 5.0.2 relese separately and komplete 8 relese dvd 4 to 7
    and i don't know what to do to load or marage these dvd's into kontakt

    please help if you know
  3. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    This forum is not for discussing warez.
  4. memzilla

    memzilla Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i think this well work ^_*
  5. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ OneReason,

    Sorry, but it seems to me that nothing directly related to 'warez' is written along the 'Memzilla' comments (?), but maybe I'm wrong ?
    It seems that he's simply asking some help or assistance because he can't to properly install and get working some parts of the NI Komplete 8 Suite within his Kontakt Sampler Engine.


    @ Memzilla,

    As you're talking that you try to install the content of the DVDs 4 to 7 of the NI Komplete 8 Suite, if I'm not wrong these DVDs contain the Factory Kontakt Library as follows :

    DVD 4 - Kontakt Factory Library Part 1 & 2
    DVD 5 - Kontakt Factory Library Part 3 & 4
    DVD 6 - Kontakt Factory Library Part 5 & 6
    DVD 7 - Kontakt Factory Library Part 7

    Well, you should to try to install the full content of this Library (the 4 DVDs), then when done, launch your Kontakt Engine. On its left side you'll find the 'Kontakt Browser'. Within this 'Kontakt Browser', you'll find various little 'Tabs'. The second, named 'Add Library' is where you manage the 'import' process of the majority of the Kontakt Libraries.
    From there, just select 'Add Library', then you'll be asked to select the location of the Library. Locate it within your HD, select the desired content, then just wait for what happens. If the process can be done without any troubles, you'll to wait for a while (mainly due to the size of the Library), then when finished and if all is OK, you'll find in your 'Kontakt Browser' and under 'Add Library', your 'Kontakt Factory Library' ready to use...
  6. memzilla

    memzilla Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    thank you "studio 555" for such valuable information, i well try and see what going on

    and about warez thing i write like it seems related to warez then i edit it to make the topic appropriate to this forum
  7. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Wild West
    The problem is how to extract the files from the 4 disks. If you have all the Komplete disks including the installer disk then you just use the installer and it installs the rest of the disks. But I couldn't find a way of opening the Kontakt library disks alone so that you could import them.
  8. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Oisinn,

    I don't have downloaded this NI Komplete 8 Bundle Suite (mainly due to its size and also as it seems to me that the Kontakt 5 Factory Library doesn't change too much from the previous Kontakt 4).

    Now, for the Factory Kontakt Library discs (DVDs 4-7), I don't know exactly in which format they are provided, but I can only suppose that they're as the previous Kontakt 4 Library, so in this case, you should have something like that :

    The names of the folders are just taken as examples (I don't remember right now their exact names !)

    * Accordions
    * Bells
    * Organs
    * Synths
    * Vintage Keys

    Each of the previous folders should contain the Kontakt Presets (.nki) for each category, and within the last one, 'Z-Samples', are comprised all the samples needed by the Presets themselves.
    If after extracting the full content of the 4 DVDs you get more or less the same 'topology' as explained, just put all these folders (in fact, the Full Content) in :

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\Kontakt 5 Libray\... <-- here

    You must certainly create this 'Kontakt 5 Library' folder manually, so simply create it and put the Full Content extracted from the 4 DVDs (The Full Kontakt Library) within it.
    This way, next time you'll launch Kontakt, either it will find automatically the Kontakt Library or you simply have to indicate it the exact location where is placed this Kontakt Library. Kontakt will eventually ask you for 'rebuild the Database' (or something similar). In this case, press Yes. This will register all the necessary infos within its Database and will help you to easily get the Factory Library available at the next launch.
    Simply let it make its job ! As long that it takes initiatives by itself, let do it, this avoid you to be bored and it knows better than nobody what it does ! :rofl:

    Hope it help ! :wink:
  9. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Wild West
    Thanks for the reply Studio555 but the problem is not in getting the the stuff recognized by Kontakt but more fundamental -- how to get the stuff out of the format the individual DVDs are in so that you can then add them to Kontakt library. The only way I could do this was using the Disk One Installer.
  10. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Hi, maybe a little late here but..

    Okay weather you have the files on your hardrive as regular installation, or in ISO images it is the same damn thing

    Copy the dvd's ( if you already have burned them) into your hardrive as ISO images as you will not be burning them again. Grab POWERISO ,in thereo add a virtual cd rom, then add one of the copied ISO dvd images on there, what will happen is now that dvd image will be seen and act like a real dvdrom to the OS and of course KONTAKT!

    Please read more details on the PowerISO site.