How To Make This Solid Bass(es)

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by Doctor_Me, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Hey guys, I'm really needing help to achieve a sound, I'm at an average level at sound design but I've been struggling on the last week to found how this bass or basses are made... I've tried a lot of different things on different synth vsts but I didn't even came close... I've tried frequency modulation, ring modulation, a lot of wavetables, but nothing... If you guys could help me I would be extremely grateful. If you could explain with details, like how many layers are there, what waveforms are used , how they made that "snap dry percussive" top bass and how it's mixed it would help me a lot.

    Thanks in advance guys! :)

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
  3. DGWyler

    DGWyler Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Interesting sound there
  4. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Yes, any clue on how to make that?
  5. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    If you are after "percussive" bass (layer), like on 3:38 there is a standard trick /w the pitch envelope. Take a synth that has 3+ envelopes. I would do it like this:
    1 osc - a blend between square and tad of sine/ take an envelope, zero sustain and release, just a bit of attack and really short decay and modulate the initial pitch a fifth (or more) up-down/ make the same mod on a filter cutoff (4 pole lowpass should do) with slightly longer decay and a bit of sustain - adjust to taste/ leave the decay and release longer on main envelope. For even more percussive attack you can add a noise gen (again very short attack and just a bit of decay)
    This is the upper bass -treat the sound with some saturation and an eq that will emphasize the "snap". There is a layer of pretty standard sub below.
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