My 1st ever solo EP. What do the Audioz users think?

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Johnny Mach1ne, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Johnny Mach1ne

    Johnny Mach1ne Ultrasonic

    Dec 17, 2015
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    So this forum has given great feedback over the course of my browsing here and I thought I'd ask you all for some advice/critique on my first ever completed solo project. I've produced for other people(occasionally written for others) and written some songs here and there for a few years and I finally decided to put some time aside to put together my own EP. 'd love to get some feedback on this project. I'm really proud of it and it took a few months. Everythings produced, written, performed and mixed by myself so criticism/critique on every front is welcome. Thanks a lot.

    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
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  3. Johnny Mach1ne

    Johnny Mach1ne Ultrasonic

    Dec 17, 2015
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    Bump/fixed link
  4. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Sounds good to me, continuity is good. You have some high end issues, around the 3K mark but nothing horrible. Only people with tuned ears would ever hear it except for the Dealer, that one is quite harsh. Great song though, fantastic even.

    Maybe something to think of for later projects is move the key around a bit, all your music is in the same/similar key. I get why you've done that, it's probably where your most comfortable singing. I'm just nit picking really, it's good stuff you should be proud.
  5. Johnny Mach1ne

    Johnny Mach1ne Ultrasonic

    Dec 17, 2015
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    Thanks for the reply. I understand what you mean about the high end. I think I need new monitors(I have rokit5) and headphones(sennheiser 280 pro). I need an updated setup for more acurate reference but this feedback helps. It lets me know my inaccuracies! And dammit you guessed it about the keys of the songs lol. The 1st and 2nd song have the same key but that's just for continuity. 1. Em 2. Em 3. C#m 4. Cm 5. Cm 6. Gm. Ok yeah I'll def. have to work on my vocal range and pay more attention to production key. Thanks a lot!
  6. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    In saying that though, Drake has built a career using one key ;) And I like Drake a lot.
  7. mat

    mat Noisemaker

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I liked overall. I expected more changes between tracks, I understand it's for consistency

    Congrats in your first EP
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  8. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    cool stuff!

    you took the mainstream and made it more mainstream
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  9. fedups

    fedups Noisemaker

    Jan 15, 2014
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    This is was dope thanks for sharing, had to hit you wit a follow as well keep it up.
  10. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Hey Johnny good stuff man. I really enjoyed it. You have legit talent. Keep pushing yourself.

    Ps: make sure to check your pm.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
  11. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Back and Forth+Trouble in Paradise is distorting here, but other than that? I wouldn't be disappointed if I'd bought this EP.
  12. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I really haven't kept up with any new music in years now, but if this is what is considered "mainstream" nowadays then perhaps, I should give the radio more of a chance =P

    I really wouldn't even pay mind to the mainstream comment. Seriously, I'm usually pretty laid back guy who rarely squabbles with anyone but I don't know if that was an insult or jab but if you want to put down someone else's music to make yourself feel better, go to KVR. You'll definitely feel more at home there.

    If someone's got the courage to share something as intimate as their own music on here regardless of how in keeping up with the trends it is or anything, it should be judged for it's production value in a healthy constructive manner.

    Regrardless, now that i've gotten of my high horse. As someone who has spent much of my life listening to and making different styles of "underground" electronic music. I've gotta say, this is seriously impressive and you've definitely earned my respect as a producer. These songs are both out there and experimental but also definitely hold commercial value.

    I'm definitely more of beat guy and usually prefer instrumental music and as far as the beats go, I might consider putting out an instrumental version or maybe even shopping the tracks around. Perhaps if the EP itself doesn't get signed, maybe someone big will want use your beats. The vocals also sound great and well done. The lyrical content, ehh. I'll just say I'm a big fan of the more conscious side of hip hop and I can tell that's not what you're going for though, so that's just a matter of personal taste =P

    Also, I would have never noticed the key thing had one of the people on here not commented about the key thing. I definitely would never have noticed but I did it would have been cool to here things in other keys too. That being said, I can only somewhat proficiently play the keys in C/Am and G#/Fm, so it's not like I would really do that either.

    Either way, I'd say that's incredible piece of work and I can tell a lot of blood sweat and tears went into it. Great fucking job :like:
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  13. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Also, I really hope I didn't create any bad blood between myself and one of the previous posters, I can tell English isn't your first language so if I took what you said out of context and that wasn't meant to be an insult I apologize.

    Most of my friends know me be their harshest and most honest critics however I always remain aware of the fact that someone I love and care for felt proud enough of something that they spent time and worked hard on and took the time out to share something with me, so I always try to be respectful of that.
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  14. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    IMO you're ready to pitch to publishers as is. I think if you want to hit top ten some of the lyrics you write could use a tiny push to exel to current pop standards, that being said this all is way ahead of some stuff that is being placed these days. Production is great! You are probably already rocking in the industry? Respect!
  15. Johnny Mach1ne

    Johnny Mach1ne Ultrasonic

    Dec 17, 2015
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    Wow thanks a lot! Pretty simple setup. Spark Mic, Mixcraft 6 Pro, Mbox and some 'aquired' softwares
  16. Johnny Mach1ne

    Johnny Mach1ne Ultrasonic

    Dec 17, 2015
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    I really appreciate the lengthy response. Very honest. Yes this took a lot of work so thanks for noticing especially as a an 'out of genre' listener. I would say the lyrical content could be better. I'm transitioning a little more into a singer from a producer so that's why there's a bigger difference in those skill sets. I hope with time my writing/singing can expand and match/catch up to my production. Thansk a lot @thethirdperson
  17. Johnny Mach1ne

    Johnny Mach1ne Ultrasonic

    Dec 17, 2015
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    @Sylenth.Will.Fall Thanks. Dammit I was trying to mix that song for daaaayyyyys. Well that's the extent of my mixing abilities haha I'm going to try to browse deeper into the mixing/mastering sections of our forums to get better at that. Thanks a lot though.
  18. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    @kjfarrell: i don't agree so much on that 3k thing. It's a bit harsh here and there, but that kind of 'modern' sound is widely accepted by the kids out there. Most 'popular' and commercial products share that 2k - 5k bump. I personally hate that, but that's how it is, and to fit in i wouldn't change that. I'd even say he made the perfect mix for that style.
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  19. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    You're Welcome.
    Going by how well you've done with the other tracks, I don't think it's a major thing. it feels as if you've pushed the compressor a touch too much. I did the same thing a little while ago, when it sounded great here but terrible on other equipment. Perhaps consider using 2 compressors, so you can even the load. If you do? leave -2 DB of headroom on the 1st one then -0.1 on the second (Brick wall)
  20. I think you did a wonderful job of it, this coming from someone who is not even close to being your audience. I know it is what it is, very commercial and pop-ish, but I would expect in your next project that you could raise the bar in regard to both the quality and topicality of your lyrics. Hopefully your focus will change as you mature musically and emotionally as you step deeper into adulthood, focusing on your emotions and less on superficial outward topics of adolescent popular culture.

    You have a good ear, and although I cringe at the process that you put your vocals through and always every time prefer to hear the artist's actual performance, your vocals sit in a good place in your mix. Perhaps if you can find a way of copping some better monitors your production chops can be even better. You cannot fix what you cannot hear.
  21. django

    django Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    This stuff is dope mate well done. You've got this nailed enough to be giving this to publishers and labels for feedback not pirates on the internet! ;)
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