The world we live in..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAnonymous, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Sad isn't it. Even if you dont like the song, the video is spreads the message.

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  3. Those who are willing to lay down their lives for their country (politics notwithstanding) in my opinion are well represented in the song, as well, the telling of their story in this short form lends the credible near abuse of the contract between government responsibility and aftercare for the woman and men who see active duty and are physically and psychologically negatively impacted from their experience. The United States Military must as of yesterday come to terms with the need of taking care of their fighters who have walked headfirst into combat and risked their lives for the freedoms granted to all citizens. Music is, has always been and will continue to be that medium which can cut to the quick, raise conscious awareness on a visceral level and positively (as well as negatively as we live in a dichotomous reality, it all depends of course on the observer) create change.
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  4. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    @superliquidsunshine it probably is known by now that I'm from Germany. A few weeks ago there was a (not so serious) test on social media. It was about the size of your active vocabulary. While in German I was pretty good, the English test revealed, as it stated in the end, that my vocabulary equals the one of a 14 year old american teenager.
    In short: You use way too many non-teenager-words :bleh:
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  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @tulamide since your mode of expression vastly exceeds that of a 14 year old, I am fairly confident
    that expanding your vocabulary would be a simple matter of seeing the word in context a couple of times..
    and then pasting one or more into google translate to view them in your native tongue.
    Horizons would be expanded with minimal effort..should you choose to do so .. of course.. :winker:

    your snarly doggie is quite the fashion plate.. where did you get the shades?

    p.s. the world is sucky and getting suckier by the day... more atrocities of all sorts to follow... strap yourself in for the ride :yes:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    It's a terribly painful problem with many ramifications.

    @Herr Durr , as you know I always disagree with you but this time you nailed it. Simply because I'm the living proof of how much an ESL guy can improve his English amazingly fast (see my sig).

    Just an example, yesterday I just improved my English (again!) discovering that "handsome" only applies to men. It's true that the Irish girl I was speaking with won't meet me anymore :suicide:. But, hey, nobody said this was easy. :wink:

    PS. I don't know why but it seems everybody also knows Spanish is my mother tongue just by reading my nick.
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    If your Irish girl told you that.. she needs a good shagging... as "handsome" can.. and does be ( southern grammar)
    applied to females.. especially big, busty mouthy Irish lasses... :winker: ( I'm around 15-25% Irish so I can say that)
    if you have English doubts I suggest asking @superliquidsunshine and/or moi ( that's mexican for "me " :bleh: )

    She should meet you again.. so you can teach her a thing or two...sheesh

    @Xupito.. the X is the dead giveaway of course.. but I suspect it's your very subtle Don QiXote-ish irony at play here.. :rofl:

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
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  8. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    @Herr Durr where did I get them? You can't buy them. You are awarded with them. Just join the revolution :bleh:

    Regarding vocabulary, I built up a quite large one, but over the many years of not using English at all you also forget a lot again. But I gained confidence here on the forums. The first few posts I really checked each word before sending, but now I only write and hope I'm understood.

    My source of choice is which is a fast dictionary that I prefer over everything else.

    But I hope that my statement didn't hinder anyone to post a comment regarding the op? It's an important topic, guys!
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  9. Hey tulamide, your command of the English language is vastly superior to my measly guttural grunting and tongue tied twisted terrible take in my one man side show wrecking crew destruction of the German language. You are my hero to even attempt to carry on a conversation here at the forum. In all honesty I never noticed that you didn't grow up a native english speaker. You prowess might rank you at 14 years of age, though still, after 12 years...
    Ich bin verwirrend noch alle unglücklich, mich zu engagieren, während im Gespräch hier in der Schweiz. WIRKLICH!!
  10. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    You know what? You try! And that's what people like. I remember a tour to France 20 years ago. I know that french exists, grabbed a few words in school, but couldn't really speak in that language. So I wrote down some important sentences ("Je veux une chambre sans douche, s'il vous plait") and when I arrived at that youth hostel I spoke the sentence. The lady smiled and asked: "xÖfgh"% bÜi( HfSäZ§?" While staring at her I realized that the pause got longer and longer. In my desperation I simply repeated the same sentence:rofl:
    But, since I tried, she tried to. And so we continued in English.

    (That sentence means that I wanted a room without a shower. Back then, you could use a common shower on the floor, so taking such a room was 20% cheaper. And the hotel was just 30m from the famous Moulin Rouge. Oh it was such a nice trip!)
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