Ableton question, copying midi to a new track

Discussion in 'Live' started by Herr Durr, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    OK here we go again... for the Abletonites, and gurus out there.

    I have only dabbled in Ableton due to roadblocks and a fair amount of flat out ignorance,
    but I am dabbling again. Everything going smoothly, enjoy the flow.. then I hit the
    roadblock again with something seemingly simple.. that becomes complicated in this daw.

    Now simple ignorance is not the only culprit here, as I did search on this issue, and did
    not come up with a solution ( at least not an efficient one) but I did come across
    others with similar issues and sentiments.

    this little rant pretty much sums up my feelings, though I am not the author...

    Come on now... I braced some midi in the piano roll from a bassline, I want to copy it and paste it to
    a new clip (track ). Seems like pretty simple stuff to me. I want to keep the original track
    intact as an alternate in case I want to use some variants on that bassline later.

    No matter what I try, crop, or copy from the edit menu it does not work! I was able to paste
    one time using ctrl-c , v and I could hear it.. but not SEE it as midi data within the new clip !

    I know a solution, just chopping off the ends of a duplicated track to get the part I want,
    but this seems like a totally bone-headed workflow. Why should one have to jump through such
    hoops to accomplish such a simple task. So as the rant goes, either this program is stupid
    or I am !

    I praise Reaper all the time for being intuitive, and this is case in point, exactly. I tried the
    same operation in Reaper and it took me less than 1 minute to accomplish.

    After 20-30 minutes searching Ableton forums and complaints and yt vids..and here also,
    still nothing on this. So if I have to do it "Live's" way...maybe someone here can tell me what that is !!?

    thanks for listening... :wink:

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2016
  3. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Hit Ctrl Shft T to make a new midi track. Then lasso or select the clip(s) you want to copy. Then Ctrl+click and drag to the new track you just created, to copy it. Dont hit ctrl if you just want to move it.

    Oh from the piano roll? Never tried it like that. I think it only works in the arrangement. Like each section is edit specific? I know you can copy and paste from the clip view to the arrangement view, but not from the roll to the arrangement view

    Maybe you could deacivate the notes and try the variations on another midi track?

    But I know you can copy notes from one piano roll to a roll on another track

    So copy the midi in the roll. Make a new midi track, Brace the area in the new track in the arrangement where you want the midi. Sht Ctrl M to make an empty midi clip. Double click the midi clip to open the roll. Then paste. Whew. Got that?
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
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  4. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    You might have to re-enable Arrangement View with this button (in orange)
    You could also click the lighter grey play icon to enable individual tracks.

    Or your track needs to be switched from In (recording) to AUTO (playback)

    I think...

    Session View has the same button. It's called Back to Arrangement (F10).
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
  5. AntagonistHero

    AntagonistHero Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    I think subGENRE is correct with the arrangement being able to move midi around, they should add all work arounds in Ableton though
  6. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Just give me a friggin short cut for freezing and Ill be happy. Multi clip midi editing would be nice if it was native too
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    will give these a shot.. thanks guys.. not trying to rag on Ableton..
    it has a lot of powerful functions at your fingertips no doubt

    just trying to LIKE this point and be productive with it... :winker:
  8. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I'm probably missing something here but I just drew 10 notes into the piano roll in Arrangement View and copied the first 5 [CTRL+C]
    Went to another track, inserted a MIDI clip and pasted [CTRL+V] and I got it inserted just fine.

    Maybe your missing the Insert MIDI Clip part? Highlight the number of bars and Right-Click > Insert MIDI Clip [CTRL+Shift+M]. You can't paste MIDI notes from the piano roll directly into the track without having a MIDI clip in place. Creating a MIDI clip also gives you a piano roll.

    In the bottom right corner you should see your track name with a darker grey background. To the left of that is a light grey oblong (Clip View Selector) Click on that to bring up the piano roll.

    @subGENRE beat me to it.
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  9. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah I'm not sure I understand the problem. If it were me, and I wanted the same melody on another track, I'd just ctrl+drag the clip into the second track. That's probably the easiest way. But if for some reason I wanted to copy the midi notes themselves, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, then go to the new clip and ctrl+v. Note - if your melody doesn't start on the 1 then you have to move your cursor to wherever it starts. Seems like this would be standard practice but I only do midi in Ableton and have done a tiny but in FL but it's been a long while.

    I don't mean to treat you like a dummy but... we all have these moments, so I'm gonna float another possibility here. You said at one time you could hear the notes but not see them. Is it possible that because what you're pasting is a bassline that the melody is a couple octaves down the piano roll's default view?
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  10. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Me too. lol I woke up late.# this morning!!

    @ Herr durr Mornin HD
  11. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Sylenth.Will.Fall top of the morning as well Sir Moose... :yes:

    certainly possible, except in that instance I was looking at the arrangement view, where all the other midi was visible in a compact form, when I ctrl-v on the top track with another instrument I heard the notes played in a higher octave as you mentioned, but why wouldn't they display in this view regardless? You can't manipulate the notes anyway from that position, and it seems to merely be a visual indicator that the data is in fact "there"? no ?

    correction: was a ctrl drag

    as they say a picture is worth a thousand words.. if it shows me to be a "dummy" so be it.. it would be accurate to say I am dumb about Ableton, alternately I feel accurate in saying I'm dealing with some kind of dumb behavior internal to this program !

    here you go... for clarity I was trying to paste a selection of notes into the top midi track with Saw 8
    note: obviously the midi is not shown as selected in this view, but previously
    had been lassoed and copied, then undone for another try


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2016
  12. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I do like Ableton but every now and then it does behave oddly. Just yesterday after about 4 hours solid, the entire library went 'poof' and promptly disappeared. Music , presets. the lot. The only thing that remained was VST. Luckily I use Shadow Defender, which operates a snapshot when I switch the computer on. When I turn it off , that snapshot disappears and I get a fresh one after reboot, so everything was back again exactly how I wanted it.

    Odd because all I was gonna ask is how you were , and I got a bit sidetracked.
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  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Pinkman sorry just got back to your post... sounds like you are doing it right.. and I'm doing it wrong..
    let me try again following your example to overcome dumbness ,or stupidity or both...
    it's the frustration in getting there that rankles... lol

    what adds to it.. is that I checked the manual and other sources and found nothing of clarity on the process
    whereas with Reaper , if it is doable , someone has outlined how to do it in their forum, yt , etc.. ahhh :yes:

    that may be the issue, as with Reaper you have to insert a new midi- item on the track, but then Reaper from the beginning
    has totally neutral tracks, where in Ableton they are already labeled "MIDI" before you do anything.. with the default on
    opening with several tracks titled midi or audio...gaaaaaa :snuffy:
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  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Sylenth.Will.Fall thanks for the tip.. that deffo sounds like something essential for this kind of work..

    I''ll be hunting that one down..:winker: avail for Win ?
  15. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Best Answer
    I think what happened is you hit play in Arrangement mode but then switched to Session and played a clip in the 1Saw 8 Slow track.
    This will disable 1Saw 8 Slow in Arrangement but allow you to play back 1Saw 8 Slow in Session to be recorded into Arrangment.

    This can be a bit confusing until you get the hang of it.

    Session view is Live's clip launcher "mode"

    Arrangement is more like your average DAW tracking with side scrolling behavior.

    Session and Arrangement while somewhat conjoined are actually completely separate entities. You can hit record in Arrangement then switch over to Session, launch clips in whatever order you choose and this all gets recorded into Arrangement but if you look at the Arrangement view all your tracks are greyed out and can NOT be edited. If you find yourself in this situation Press F10 to enable editing in whichever view you're in and you should be good.

    You can drag a MIDI clip from Session into Arrangement (and switch between views) by dragging the clip to the HORIZONTAL Live icon.
    You can drag a MIDI clip from Arrangement into Session by dragging to the VERTICAL Line icon.

    Be aware that once you drag a clip from either view into the other, changes you make to one clip will NOT be reflected in the other.

    When you hit play, it may seem like Session and Arrangement are playing simultaneously but a MIDI/Audio track will only playback it's contents in ONE view.

    This is where the light grey play icon I was talking about becomes useful...
    upload_2016-10-11_1-41-4.png you can choose specific tracks in Arrangement to play back in a linear fashion while you launch off random clips in Session and it all gets recorded in the arrangement, copacetic like.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
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    Attached Files:

  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    wow @Pinkman... you should do a series for Groove3 or something..
    but make sure you let us be your beta tester audience here first.. :bleh:

    good stuff :like:
  17. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I've realised sommit. I can do most of the stuff on Ableton with my eyes closed, but as soon as anyone gets in to difficulty I'm like a fish out of water.

    I just posted you the link for it :P At least I THINK I did, I should really know my way around here by now.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
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