2 computers (or 1) Synced: Triggered Clips in Ableton/Bitwig recording MIDI in S1/Reaper Possible?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by thethirdperson, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I always feel like I ask wayyyy too many questions on here, if I do though, I'm really sorry =(

    There's so much knowledge as well as (raw and refined) talent between all of us on AS sometimes I feel like I can't help it though <3

    I'm really grateful though since some of the advice on here ended up helping me create a more efficient workflow for myself.

    Either way, I like making clips in Ableton but when it comes to using it as an arranger, I find it incredibly frustrating to use and I start to miss Studio One so fucking much!

    Unfortunately, rewire isn't an option for me since the 1st gen Ableton Push has kind of become integral part of my workflow and when Ableton is running as a rewire client, it's more or less useless as a controller for Ableton. Also S1 can only be a rewire host =(

    I'm hoping to eventually get comfortable enough with using Bitwig that I can just use a Touch Screen and surpass the use of the Push altogether.

    Also, I'm willing to forego S1 also and am definitely willing to use Reaper. I know there's a lot that it's really capable of in terms of being able to used as a Rewire client, share ASIO drivers on a computer without rewire, as well as the networking capabilities it has. You know, rearoute, reamote, all that sort of super fancy stuff you Reaper people are so lucky to have!

    Still though, I greatly would prefer being able to use Studio One. Since I spent a few months getting incredibly comfortable with it.

    Basically, I want to be able to trigger MIDI from Ableton clips and record them as MIDI into Studio One in real-time just like you would in arrangement mode in Ableton. Is there even the remote possiblity that I might be able to do that?

    If so how? I would really like to be able to use two computers to do it so I don't use up too many recources from one but that isn't necessary either.

    I'm guessing my best bet is to use something like a Word clock generator and sending audio and MIDI from one sound card to another. That being said I'm not really familiar with that technology in anyway and I would hate to spend more money on a pipe dream as well as I'm guessing that would limit being able to send more than one channel of audio out at a time to be processed in whatever linear sequencer for a DAW I'm using, unless I got some kind of super fancy sound card with multiple audio outs, that is definitely not something I will be able to purchase in the near future.

    Things I have tried already:

    I would love to use Vienna Ensemble Pro via Ethernet but it doesn't ever seem to want share it's host mode between two different DAWs on two computers. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong though.

    I've also tried using virtual MIDI between the two just to play them in sync with each other and send MIDI from Ableton to S1 but the MIDI compensation in Ableton always has a short delay especially at the beginning and is always off anywhere from less then one percent of a BPM to 5 or 10.

    I've also tried to wrap my tiny little brain around to using Jack and although at times it seemed like the most feasible option, it really is quite difficult to setup. Especially when using multiple different tutorials to try to piece together every step of the process.

    Lastly, but possibly most effective yet . . . The Serinity Prayer

    Thanks for any help that you can give, for real.

    Peace and Love
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2016
  3. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Hey bro. I wish I could be of more help but my main workstation has been down for a while now and I'm having to rock an old ass laptop till I get things sorted. Virtual MIDI with JACK can be cumbersome on 64-bit architecture and the only other thing I could suggest is rtpMIDI.
    I synced an instance of Live on my desktop with an instance of Live on my laptop using rtpMIDI.
    This is for Mac but with rtpMIDI the setup is exactly the same on PC: https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/209071169
    Theoretically you should be able to do the same if you substituted one of the instances of Live with S1 and enabled the MIDI there.

    Just a heads up: for syncing two separate sessions of Live you have to allow multiple instances in Options.
  4. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    You're my hero! Both on AS as well as on Breaking Bad =D

    I think I already gave this a go using virtual MIDI on one computer running both programs but it wasn't stable, I'll definitely play around with rtpMIDI again though since I might have tried something else. I just remember the synchronicity between two instances of Ableton and an instance of Ableton and S1 wasn't so hot =/

    My condolences to your workstation, that's never fun to deal with =/

    Hope things get resolved quickly <3
  5. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    I've recommended this before. Try installing COPPERLAN on both systems, and use a cat5 crossover cable to route midi to and from the PCs. You can even give wireless option a shot, but ethernet is rock solid for me.

    Copperlan is free.
  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Something must be wrong in your setup because it runs perfectly on my box.
    I would say MIDI should be the way to go, simply because usually it has very low latency and very low jitter, at least if your system has no other issues :wink:

    Are you sure you have played around with these settings in Ableton?

    Important: Make sure that any DAW that runs as MIDI slave and has not only MIDI but also AUDIO tracks will definitely need some time to chase up to the Midi Clock Master!
    Also make sure you don't use Midi Time Code because although it supports absolute positioning in the arrangement, it's not precise enough for rock-solid syncing.
    To put it simply: Make sure you give the MIDI Slave DAW at least 4-5 seconds to get into sync before the first audio track starts, e.g. by moving all tracks one bar to the right!

    I like this setup because it allows me to integrate hardware and software seamlessly.
  7. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    VEP Pro is the most simple and powerful, workflow is all. Version 6 is even better.
    Since its very light (more than any daw) and old computer can do the job.
    I use a hackintosh with 3 windows slave... so win and OSX plugins. Processing power is unlimited!
    Other suggestion: go for Logic X.
    Yes it can share resources, it was made for that.
  8. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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  9. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    An easier way out without the use of any routing would be this

    Open live with your session view clips...

    click on the red recording button of the transport playback recoding (make sure you have unchecked the start playback with recording transport button and that it's on off possition)

    then using Push do you thang... be groovy...

    when you are done...with your perfomance... click on the orange button... then Tab...

    You have all you tracks there midi files...

    after that using finder or explorer just clikc and drag the midi files into Studio One Pro

    Be a champion...

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  10. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Forgot to say load the same VST intruments that you have in Studio One

    But if you are using stock instruments of STudio One

    Then load a fake similar insturment in ableton to be able to feel the groove

  11. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I have to agree with @bluerover COPPERLAN works really well. A tiny bit harder on the resources but easier to setup. I've also used ReaStream over wireless and Ethernet to send and receive audio and MIDI. It doesn't require you to run Reaper, just install ReaPlugs on both machines.
  12. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Now that my "SURPRISE" final has ended and I've had a chance to recuperate after this most hectic mini-mester class, I can finally get around to trying some of these fixes, I'll let you all know how it goes =)

    @ovalf have you managed to sync multiple daws using VEP? Please Explain.

    @xbitz although I'm willing to try the reaper+playtime route. I'm definitely hesitant considering the Reaper+Playtime route, I've already got a complicated template for myself setup, using Maschine and Ableton Push together. As well as tons of things setup already in Live.

    I think the ReaStream and CopperLAN seems the most like it might give me what I want.

    Thanks for all the tips you lovely audiofornicaters <3
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