Watch Live: Julian Assange WikiLeaks Press Conference 4AM EST

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Moogerfooger, Oct 4, 2016.

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  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    this guy lost tons of cred with this crap... wiki troll.... someone offered not to drone him if he kept his mouth shut...

    you aren't an American right ? If you are .. you would probably get it..

    i sort of doubt Jones could have forced himself on wikileaks.. sadder still, they just decided
    it made good business sense to use his media access and notoriety to get more people
    to watch... wiki shill ...

    what a fart party for this site that actually seemed to stand for something
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2016
  2. donniekq

    donniekq Member

    May 7, 2015
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    I don't think it's about releasing sensitive shit anymore, when it comes to these high-profile leaks. It just makes no sense to do that given the state we're at. Releasing new top class shit would just push the boundaries of people's apathy and inaction. I mean, just look at what's going on globally, there's plenty of shit we KNOW FOR SURE is fucked up and not getting fixed, you think a leak on a site could bring the whole establishment down? Lol.
    My point is, the actual reaction is strikingly mild and ineffective. What happened after Panama? What happened after all the wars we found out were bullshit excuse to make money? What's happening with police liability? NOTHING.
  3. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Those people who were disappointed with Assange are still asleep. The way he conducted that conference was absolutely correct and true to the name and purpose of that conference - he did the right thing by re-introducing himeself onto the stage and thanking people who had invested time and thanked some who even lost their lives for the cause. He basically set the stage for what is to come. He wanted to show that he is an intelligent man with a well-ordered mind, instead of acting like a sensationalist tabloid moron like that infowars actor. That idiot and the idiot with him didn't even take the time to comment on the good things he said, making it obvious to any observer that he was planning to attack him no matter what. That infowars orangutan is a plant, an actor working for globalist elite. How can anyone bare more than 2 minutes of that pathetic hoarse voice (probably part of the act) and those OTT anger fits. He behaves like a retard, and he has enormous appeal. Join the dots. His fans must like him because they are just like him. I have nothing but praise for Assange. He will deliver.
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  4. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Win the election. Overcoming the democrat voting fraud machine is going to be quite a challenge.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
  5. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I was tired and cranky last night. Looking at this from an awake & alert POV I agree with you. However I cannot understand how TRump & Hillary are even remotely close. He's a businessman with loud opinions & doesnt care if it hurts your feelings. Facts don't care about feeling. On the other hand Hildo has a #-_ _ _ _gate sheet longer than a Dickens book. She's a pathological liar & should be in jail along with her husband.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  6. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Damn their audio.Plug it in man, don't use the F:suicide: camera mic
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  7. They both lie through their teeth. Trump is a pathetic choice to lead the country, Clinton is a pathetic choice to lead the country. Honestly, they both are untrustworthy and we will ALL be up shit creek without a paddle come Friday, January 20, 2017 whatever the outcome. Trump to me is one if the greatest assholes of all time, this coming from a born and bred New Yorker. The only timeI I ever cheered him is when he got the ice skating rink in Central Park built after the City cluster fucked the whole thing. He has always been an obnoxious, irritating low-class low-life with which no amount of gold gilted Corinthian columns in his living room nor how many billions on paper could ever overcome (he always reminds me of a guy like Don King). He will only do what is good for Donald and proves it every chance that is offered. He will not change if elected, it is just not in his makeup. Clinton is of course totally engrained in and bought and paid for by the powers that hold the monetary reigns, has lied to us just as Trump has, but would in my opinion be a better choice for the country because at least she can speak logically and can argue a point intelligently without resorting to ad hominem, straw man or by means of ad nauseum tactics, all of which Trump uses to garner support of the great many ignorant of his methods, non of which, if in an actual debate would count at all in his favor and leave him the greater loser of the two when judged in reality and not in the polls or by talking head pundits from either tainted side. This is just of course my own opinion and means nothing outside of the check marked box on my ballot that hopefully arrives in my mailbox before the election here in Switzerland, and hopefully giving me time to mail it back to the States. Heaven help us either way it goes. The country will be ripped a new asshole come mid January and it is going to hurt, man oh man the pain of a country so divided with nothing left as a fulcrum for balance and the slightest tilt one way or the other kipping the whole lot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2016
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  8. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    @Thankful testify, brother! Also, I agree. The only distasteful thing about that conference is the mediocre sound and the abysmal, bolted-on, Yankee-doodle dipshit Alex Jones. I wanna see a version w/o any of that.

    The Donald King will defo sue for defamation.

    The worst thing about Trump, other than his hair, personality, judgment, self-control, self-righteousness, racism, sexism, nihilism, narcissism and tiny fingers is that everything he says, virtually, is non-sequitur. Usually with the words "tremendous" or "fantastic" attached, seemingly at random.
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  9. That is a good one, my Slut!

    I had just come out of the Dept. Of Motor Vehicles in downtown Manhattan one beautiful spring day after waiting in lines for hours (I remembered to bring Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum with me knowing full well my time needed to endlessly snake around waiting to register my car, funny the things remembered), and upon leaving the building and walking home saw Don King and a gaggle of news reporters atop the steps of the courthouse building, and so meandered on over to hear what the man had to say for himself regarding his woeful battle of the moment, Mike Tyson's suing him for stealing $100,000 000 from him. He was like one of his fighters as he deflected every punch thrown at him by the questioning newsmen, and at that moment came to the conclusion that he was brilliant actually brilliant because he could never be actually quoted in any of the newspapers, radio or television because every other word that came out of his mouth, really, was nigger, fuck, shit, muthafucker, asshole or bitch. He had all of us laughing, had us in the palm of his hand with his incredible showmanship and never ever once answered a single question asked of him. He turned everything into blaming everybody and everything and all on own his terms..just like his good buddy, Donald.
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  10. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    We are just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

    It actually looks like Don is trying to throw the election. He never meant for it to go this far.

    When TPP goes through no matter who wins even the illusion of democracy will be a forgotten dream.
  11. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    this is getting soul destroying now, we are seeing any daylight between the corrupt government and status quo vanishing every day. first sanders is gagged ( now, perhaps Assange... i still have hope he has something which can at least make people realize who they are electing. the thought of clinton is just utterly appalling and , i don't mind admitting, scary. trump is in this to make clinton a shoe in as onone will vote for trump, he is a buffoon and acts like a little kid. i cannot see which is the lesser of the evils, maybe clinton by a pinch. it seems to me there are so MANY people who don't want this shit anymore, so why is it still happening. ultimately if clinton wins, it is just confirmation of the horrible truth which is that democracy is a sham and it doesn't matter what the public think. in this country ( UK) blair shoving us into another war went untroubled even after a march in protest that was 1 million strong. no violence, mo one got hurt, just the corpus of the public saying no. and it happens anyway. as long as we are trapped into voting these people to govern us we can never ever change.
    i fell like weeping sometimes. there is one thing in this world which is really beautiful and that is art and music. creativity. the thing that politicians on all sides do not understand and so we will continue to live in a poisonous world where compassion and freedom of spirit are virtually extinguished. i cannot blame assange personally and i will wait a little while to see if there is something more to this we are not seeing yet. alex jones is a buffoon also and he just panders to whatever fear is abroad at any given time. i don't dislike the guy, in some ways he is fairly innocuous, but hs is a just an expedient fear-monger and merits no attention whatsoever i just want those crooks arrested and prevented from ever taking office but as the election gets closer the least like that appears to be..
  12. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Sad thing about any country's elections is when you don't vote for the best among them, but for the one that doesn't look so douche hoping that he will ruin your country in the least possible way.
  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    People giving Trump a hard time because he wants to close the borders arent exactly the brightest tools in the shed.
    I would vote for him in a minute if i was an American.Parasites living off working people and creating crime and anarchy....yea,that certainly has a good future,not.
  14. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    The result of this election was planned years ago by the globalists. First a black Pres. and next a woman - all the politically-correct stuff done. But Clinton will probably suffer a heart-attack or it will be declared offcially that she has dementia or Parkinsons and the time-traveller Andrew Basiago will be draghted in and he will give full disclosure on ETs and time-travel .... stranger things have happened at sea :bleh:
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  15. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    The solution to this massive problem is (in a dream world) not to block borders, but make each country a paradise.Then nobody would like to leave it's country for a better future if his living standards were good in the first place.But that's just a dream world that will never happen.It's all about the Benjamins
  16. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You're right. The only answer to people running away from poverty, or war or whatever, is developement. Nothing else works.
    Borders have been closed a lot longer than they have been opened and yet people always went through. My grand parents crossed half eastern europe more than 60 years ago with borders closed and people chasing them, yet they made it. Survival instinct gets you through.
    Only morons in the likes of Trump would think otherwise.
    Not of course that Clinton is better, they are two nasty faces of the same crap.
    Fortunately I'm not American, I don't have this awfull choice to make. Not that the choices where I live are any better. They are inspired by what happens in the US, unfortunately.
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  17. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Let then all people on this planet move to Europe and USA,why even bother to try and make your own country better.
    Why fucking bother to make their own place a story of success.
    My ancestors didnt flee, we fought the turks for centuries,defended Europe, survived many wars and we kept getting better.
    We didnt flee like these young assholes, leaving their wives and children at home, we fought for our lands and our future and made a place worth living.Cowards now want to live off the hard work or Europeans.
    There is fiction and there is reality, there is legal migration and illegal migration.
    Good people and bad people.
    If you are ok with feeding illegal criminals do it out of your pocket and in your house.
    The easiest thing to do is just play a couch humanitarian and letting other people pay,hey its not my money why should i care.
    This is the mentality of caviar leftists and hippies.
    Reality is cooperation, working for survival, being an asset to the community, not a parasite coming to a place and living off work of other people,contributing to nothing but crime.
  18. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    I don't think that was his point @Von_Steyr .I think he just agreed with my post, that people would never left their counties if everything were ok in the first place.Or did i misunderstood his post? :dunno:
  19. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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  20. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    you didn't understand Steyr's point, it seems. people shouldn't leave their countries "if not everything is ok", they should stay and help country rise.

    this could be possible back in time when there was no globalization. not the case now. now man's country lies where man feels himself good and safe. on what land it will be doesn't matter much.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
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