DAWs: Why Do They Not Play Well With Win 10?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by superliquidsunshine, Oct 4, 2016.


Which do you use?

  1. Win 10

  2. Win 8

  3. Win 7

  4. Other

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  1. Supafly

    Supafly Newbie

    Sep 21, 2016
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    i find alot of the extras they keep adding can be disabled. but not all.its a pain in the ass spending a day grooming the os tho.

    i was semi-forced to upgrade because the laptop i bought secondhand didnt support win7, no drivers for the i/o. i should have checked b4 buying really, but what an overpriced undersupported piece of shit these asus laptops are, not as bad as apple but still pretty bad, they stop supporting and updatng their products/drivers after like 1 year. douchebags..

    but i found everything that worked in win7 worked in win10, with facy new icons, shitty new details pane on the right instead of below and extra shit to disable on a new install.

    oh and the fucking OS keeps reverting back from settings i make, registry entries and tweaks. for example i got rid of the extra duplicate HDD icons on the left hand tree under my computer, now weeks later they are back. fuck you microsoft
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  2. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Windows 8.1 Update 3 Embedded Industry Enterprise (x64) here.

    Performance wise it is the best I ever had. It loads everything extremely fast (faster than Win 7 and alot faster than Win 10)
    and with some (or some more) changes it looks and works like Windows 7 on speed. I tried Windows 10 on a plain disk test wise
    and it was slow as hell and needed too much time to boot or load programs. Then I re-installed it cause maybe I did something
    wrong while installing but the same thing happened. After that I tried Win7 on that disk and everything worked good and
    after a system crash, I tried Windows 8.1 Embedded and it was like adding 8 extra GB of RAM or so. Later I changed my
    Disk into a SSD and now it feels like I have a new PC.
  3. Galactico_B

    Galactico_B Ultrasonic

    Apr 10, 2016
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    Im currently on Q9400 Win 10 64bit 8GB RAM 5400 RPM HD, zero issues Windows 10 is much smoother and starts up *much, much* faster than Win 7, feels more lightweight than 7 and I did an UPGRADE install. Restart in fact is not a whole world off my SSD time.
    True the OS updates in background but its never bothered me or caused any glitching. But then I am from the master race that use REAPER :disco:and it may be that it is impervious to a dodgy OS, so dont take my word for it, or do? Lol

    Having a completely separate PC just to surf the net seems very cumbersome! :bleh:

    Windows 7 is a dead OS my friends whereas Win 10 will only get better :like:
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  4. Hey Brother. The computer I have came with Win 8, and because I never wanted this machine online never updated to 8.1, but which might be beneficial to the way it performs. Would you suggest updating to 8.1, and is it even possible to still do this without being highjacked and bottlenecked to Win 10? I don't want to have to reinstall everything from scratch if I can help it. And thanks for being such a mensch around here and for all the light you shine.
  5. trutzburg

    trutzburg Kapellmeister

    Aug 30, 2016
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    I would not recommend to buy an ix-xxxxU equipped Laptop. It's not worth the money performance-wise (comparable to a CPU of 2012), only if you need the U feature which means low power consumption for Ultrabooks, and slightly better GPU performance.
    Compare actual CPU's specs in the big list at notebookcheck.com. i7-6500, for instance, is now on place 141, i7-6700hq on place 42, which means roughly 50% more speed. You may need that later.
    Making music needs 1st) a fast CPU, then 2nd) fast SSD storage space, and 3rd) some RAM for sampling. SSDs are very cheap today (SATA-III), so get a 512G or even 1T SSD for sampling. SSDs smaller than 128G are for loading the OS. Big mechanical HDs are good for watching Movies, but will slow you down if you have large amounts of big multisamples, for instance. 8G RAM is ok.
  6. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    As a Mac user, I can tell you, OS X is not the way to go. From what I've read on this forum, Apple is just as bad as Windoze and possibly even worse. The only advantage that OS ... er, macOS has over Windoze 10 at this point is that there isn't constant, task-destroying updates running in the background. After installing, uninstalling and building back up to installing El Capitan, I can say that I myself haven't experienced a lot of problems running PT 12 or DP 9.12 on my MBP ... but there's the new OS, Sierra, that already seems to be adding problems to the pile. First and foremost, most people don't seem to be using computers anymore; they're using phones and tablets. And the computer manufacturers, including Apple, seem to be more interested in building computers and operating systems for this crowd rather than music, graphic and video professionals, which is why the new Mac Pros are basically oversized iPhones with Thunderbolt 2 and why both Windoze 10 and El Capitan/Sierra are almost indistinguishable from iOS now. Plus, Apple is waaaaaay into "forced obsolescence" -- there's a whole list of slightly older computer models Sierra won't run on (but El Capitan did), and a couple of computer models, including my more-than-capable MBP from 2011, that can run Sierra, but can't use all of its functions. Next year around this time, my computer may be "obsolete", and I'll either be forced to upgrade to a more-recent computer or make the switch over to Windoze.

    I was seriously contemplating buying a refurbished Mac tower for music production until recently, when a lot of people began talking about how far Apple has fallen in regards to music production and graphics capabilities. A lot of music professionals are gravitating towards iZ Technologies' RADAR servers, which run a modified version of Windows 8.1 Pro with all the bloatware removed (they are considering moving to a modified Windows 10, once it appears to be stable enough) and set up strictly for both audio production and "RADAR Mode", which converts it to a straight-up RADAR recorder. It can run any PC DAW, audio editor or plug on the market (unsure about VIs or MIDI capabilities). Without the RADAR converters, it actually costs less than the refurbished Mac Pro tower, has better specs than the new Mac Trashcan and can be modified like a PC (extra hard drives, etc.), and I can easily install PT cards or any number of third-party converters. Most importantly of all, it comes with 9 years of customer service and support.

    Learn more here!
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
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  7. poly

    poly Platinum Record

    Sep 29, 2016
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  8. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    What I find funny is the people that say that are happy running Windows 10 because it has exactly the same performance as Windows 7.

    Why the hell upgrade then? The massive security holes in W10 are too good to miss out or what? :rofl:
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
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  9. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Tried installing Live into a non-program files folder?
    (no idea if it will make any difference, but you never know!)
  10. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    And as for the original post, Win 10 since release, Cubase updated to stay at current version, Focusrite Saffire PRO24 DSP.
    Nothing on that SSD except windows , Cubase and my other audio stuff (i just switch drives and reboot to work vs my *play* drive with everything else on it)

    Figured i would keep my DAW completely isolated from everything else to see how long it would take till something breaks.
    So far, it's been 100% clear sailing.
  11. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Win10 has a few issues w/ drivers, a little sketchy support for even quite well-known soundcards. From (some) manufacturers at least - worth checking forums if u got an expensive card. Or an Asus one! No issues w/ myriad DAWs that I can see. Or hear. Performance wise, it seems more stable than 7/8 & seems quicker than 7.

    One (unhearalded) major advance is the wob (white on black) mode, for the "app" OS parts. Shame it's not universal. Eye strain fukn well is! The UI is much nicer, imo - far prettier than 7, as well as being a bit more desktop-friendly / less beta than 8.
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  12. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    I think that's the problem with Windoze more than anything else: that Microsoft has no control over the hardware it runs on. The same OS is running on a $200 desktop you can buy from K-Mart or a $10,000 Alienware machine. Meanwhile, Apple has no such excuse, since it's still living Jobs' "end-to-end" dream of controlling the software and the hardware it runs on, and their non-iOS machines and OS are steadily going downhill.
  13. mail22

    mail22 Ultrasonic

    Dec 14, 2014
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    I was using 7 for a long time and then I did the fresh install on Win8.1 I have built an incredible studio in my PC and decided to stop here in 8. It feels like a new PC every time I load it. It loads incredibly fast. And yes - I have removed all stuff and services that i don't need.
  14. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Get hold of the relevant updates and service packs, but keep the audio computer offline? I don't think AZ enhanced machines should ever see the internet :)
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  15. burgvogt

    burgvogt Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2015
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    I'm running a couple of PCs. Some refused to work well with Win10 so I fell back on Win7, which works beautifully and stable. Perfect for music applications. One PC is on 10 just for testing, but I hardly use it. I'm too familiar with 7 and its workflow.
    Besides I hate the automatic updating function, when you don't know WHAT is going on in your machine.
    "Get hold of the relevant updates and service packs, but keep the audio computer offline? I don't think AZ enhanced machines should ever see the internet". I' d love to keep my music machines off the net, but some applications demand it occasionally (e.g. Dante Via to keep your license working!) Which is bullshit but can't be helped if you need the stuff.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  16. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Contact Dante Via and tell them your audio computer will not be going online, unless they are willing to compensate you for a loss of earnings should your OS setup become less than optimal :bleh: and yes, it is bullshit :wink:
  17. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Since you use REAPER you should know that a separate PC can be used as additional DSP for VSTs over ReaMote, so cumbersome or not a secondary PC comes really really handy not just for browsing but for other things. When you get used to having more PCs, it's pretty much like more monitors - you can't go back! :wink: I think that goes for multiple OSes, too. Once you taste the freedom of not having to use antivirus and antimalware programs which slow down your OS considerably it is hard to go back. I haven't used an antivirus for more than a decade... since 2003.
  18. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I don't think any OS is dead for as long as your hardware works with it and you can make music with it. MS upgrades and patches are pretty much a non-issue for as long as you don't use Internet extensively with it.

    One should use the OS that works best with one's hardware. Like I have to use XP because it works best with SCSI, floppy disks, and the MIDI sysex software from 2003. MS support means absolutely nothing and it's even PITA in W10 case. And when you use Linux for Internet you stop caring about the updates completely, and updates on Linux are painless and even fun. I am only interested in updates for hardware and drivers in Windows, but those are very rare.
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  19. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I think it could be possible if you do it using a Windows 8.1 Upgrade dvd image or so, which you can download somewhere in the net (i can help you with that) but I don't know if it works with your Windows 8.0 key. In that case you could still use a kms activator like KMSPico but that would convert your legit license into a not so legit one (but for MS is shows as legit). I'm also not sure if it would increase the speed of your system dramatically because I believe you have some normal pro edition or so and that contains all the extras and apps, which comes with windows 8.1 and in my case I used an embedded win 8.1, which doesn't have any app or other stuff I don't need but what I know - it adds some nice improvements that Windows 8.0 didn't have.
    Oh and you don't have to worry about Windows 10 when you upgrade your OS offline, so turn off your internet connection before and after the installation you can use a little fix, which prevents MS from downloading any windows 10 related shit on your PC.

    But no matter what you do (or not) - make a backup of your installation before you try to upgrade. For that case there is a little insanely nice tool from a german computer magazine available (called "c’t-WIMage v2"). With that tool you can create a backup of your complete Windows OS with all settings, programs, etc. and pack it into a wim (windows installation) image.

    If you then fuck up your PC, you can format the disk and then install windows using your custom installation image which includes everything you had before. It's as simple as just installing a new windows and if you (for example) want to move your OS to a SSD, you don't have to care about alignment and stuff like that cause the windows installation does that for you. When I've finished installing all my tools and programs, I'll for sure create such a backup Image too so next time I have to reinstall windows for some reason, I just use that one and I'm done - with everything.
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  20. TheEnForcer

    TheEnForcer Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Of course nobody need 8/8.1 or 10. XP or 7 are enough.
    In my view the most naive people buy everything and haven´t knowledge about pc and operating systems.
    Jumping the Hivemind. This is funny and as a smart person i must laughing out loud.

    I use xp and 7 over decades and have no problems with it.
    xp is small, fast, stable and enough. Why upgrade to an other or upper version?
    Why should i pay for unnecessary things?
    Everything runs fine under my win xp pro x64. xp can be fast installed and don´t need much disk storage.
    Naive people think there are some security issues, but this isn´t true. First i must say that this is only
    marketing. Fear > people buy newer things = marketing strategy. I know what i´m doing and i don´t visit
    unserious sites, download everything or click on some things. I also don´t open mail attachments.
    Over decades my systems are virus free. The pc or the operating system aren´t the problem.
    The "USER" is the problem. So i can´t understand people who don´t think about it and buy everything.

    I´m tried windows 7 x64 Pro SP1 and must say that windows 7 is also stable and fast, but needs more
    installing time and disk storage. I don´t need an operating system which looks good. I need a fast and stable system.
    I also tried 8/8.1 and 10 and must say that those are totally overrated and system hungry.
    So i decided to get back to the old good, fast, stable and small xp Pro x64.

    I can run everything on the machine. Just fix some .dll files or copied needes things.
    If i want to run new games i copied and optimizied dx files. Sometimes i write little helper or patch some files.

    So, why should i buy a "newer" operating system or change the pc?
    "...never change a running system" is my advice!

    Does everybody know that the hardware and software industry are working together hand in hand?

    Native Instruments Installer (vst plugin) tells people that old operating systems aren´t supported anymore.
    At the website (system specifications/recommendations) are also some things written.
    But this is a lie! So the software industry forces you to buy new hardware. That is marketing!
    NI told me in a email that the os is unsafe and i must buy a newer system to make the installer running.
    The don´t tell everything that the program runs fine under old machines and operating systems.
    The lie to consumers/clients for making more, more and more money.

    I patched the whole NI things and within the installer is only a standard implemantation of proofing what kind
    of os you are running. If you patch it out or bypass it, the installer will install everything and everything runs fine.
    There is no reason to run the plugins under 7, 8/8.1 or 10. The plugin won´t work faster or "better".

    I also proofed and optimized some video software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, SonyVegasPro)
    and games (Just Cause 3 and so forth). Everything runs fine. So, why should i change the os? WHY?

    I´m a problem solver and i´m not running and buy everything only why companies or naive people say-so.

    Can 8/8.1 or 10 print better/faster?
    Can 8/8.1 or 10 make your work faster/better?
    Are you with 8/8.1 or 10 able to do your work better?
    I don´t think so!

    So i decided to stay with XP Pro x64 and for fun i installed side by side 7 x64.
    Everything runs fine. But XP are smaller, faster and stable.

    I would never ever understand why naive people jumping the hivemind and buy everything.
    Yeah, the most people haven´t knowledge about marketing, pcs, software and programming. This is sad.

    This is my opinion and fact.
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