Why are so many idiots attracted to music?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Zenarcist, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Someone playing with a canister of laughing gas perhaps?

    It's true ignorance is bliss, and difference of opinion is what makes the world go around.
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  2. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Because music is a key component of culture and an essential expression of humanity, and it's fun to sing, and music can be profoundly enjoyable and moving, and musicians and DJs (there being a distinction) seem cool, and paychecks and percs for music stars (including DJs) are outrageously lavish, and DAWs and "construction kits" have made it easier than ever to "produce" music that's professional-sounding even if not musically astute nor a genuine expression of self and extension of talent, and Bob Dylan was a marketed sham but has gone down in history as an "icon" and the poet laureate of the ever-re-marketed Sixties, and all that one has to do to get famous for one's "music" now is to press buttons onstage or have a nice ass and sing about it.

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  3. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Agree with this. People long for beloning. It's why the Major Labels don't market out of their comfort zone. They market to children and the people who they won over when they were children. This usually coincides with generational culture changes.

    Agree but kind of disagree (Especially the Dylan bit, I guess Woody Guthrie is of no importance to you either?). So many successful highly regarded Artists never got the kind of money that the celebrities of today get. Copyright in the 30s was less than 10 years. Paul McCartney songs are going to have copyright lasting 150 years.

    People get into music because they think it's a shortcut to celebrity and it's not really the music they are interested in. They want power and money.

    Take away the fame, women, drugs, money and even battled hardened musicians who love nothing more than music find it pretty much impossible to do it solely for a living.
  4. coconut8

    coconut8 Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2011
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    Nope, I was hired, because my music taste, knowledge and because the atmosphere that I make. Also I like to go to gigs where the Dj is taking me to journey.
    I did also gigs that you refer to, on big party ships where everybody is drunk and 5-6 people request different music in same time.
    Fortunately, I'm in the position where I can choose where to play gigs for which I'm grateful.
  5. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Take away my food and I'll be hungry but ok. Take away my home and I'll be resting in the woods, frightened but ok. Take away my clothings and I'll run around naked, embarrassed but ok.
    But take away any chance of making music, take away any insturments, and I'll be dying within days.

    I know that sounds overly dramatic, but it is the truth. I had so many very hard times in my life. I wouldn't have survived them without my music. I can live without everything (already proved that), as long as you let me create music. I once made a song, "House of Cards", I think it was at the end of the 80s. I still know every word of the lyrics and when I hear that song I instantly fall back to the time I wrote it, and re-live what happened back then.

    It's this connection to music that so many of todays "music stars" never had. Look at the songs that make it nowadays. It's mostly sex they sing about. Music has become an empty shell, you can literally hear just noise that you forget about next week. And that is because so many people don't have a vision. They just want to "do something like artist A, she's so damn hot", and the like.
  6. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    "The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence."
    Charles Bukowski
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  7. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    I am 1 of those idiots.
    I go to concerts and, when at home, I pretend to be a musician. Nothing wrong with that, is it?
    But the OP post got me thinking (I know, I know... being an idiot I should not be able to perform such task but please... let's just imagine I'm thinking, for a moment, ok?)... so I was thinking... what makes you (most of you who posted here) believe you're not one of us?
    Many of you here seem to have "the knowledge", that "something" which makes you not an idiot.
    Could please please some of you upload some of that "something" so that all of us idiots can download it and be less so?

    You think this is too stupid?
    Well I did say I am an idiot. What do you expect!!!!
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  8. MrCrg

    MrCrg Newbie

    Sep 20, 2016
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    Seaside Hell
    a) If only it was that simple, and
    b) Isn't that the "gimme a preset for it" attitude which is often being referred to in this thread? :)
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
  9. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    It's this attitude right there that is the culprit for blatant stupidity. Like as if being a bad-ass virtuoso guitar player was as simple as watching a few youtube videos without doing any of the work. However, it as as simple as learning something new in your given craft everyday coupled with practicing everyday if only for 30 minutes.

    No there is nothing wrong with that, but the OP was talking about people who think they are smart. You seem to be self aware of your mental limitations which no one can really complain about. But that "something" you are referring to is just doing the work.

    One thing i've noticed about really dumb people. They get offended when general statements are made that aren't directed at them and also doesn't apply to them personally.
  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I blame NI and that silly maschine... now everyone thinks they can be Kanye... :bleh:
  11. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    That proves you're not. An idiot isn't aware of his status.

    Of course not. We all once in a while play air guitar or brandish the imaginary baton while at home.It's when you do that in public and expect fame, money and attention, that makes you an idiot.

    Yes we have, and it's no magic. It's simple. Don't pretend to be a musician. Be a musician.
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  12. Everyone in the world has the right to "do" art no matter if it's pure shit or exceptionally fantastic. If it was a night out at the karaoke bar that lit the fuse, who are you to say they're an idiot?
  13. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    With my post I was half jokingly pointing to the fact that many here should perhaps come down from that high stool they think they're standing on.
    The world is full of us idiots and many are indeed musicians.
    Sooo... live and let others live too.
    There's still space (just about) for all, I think.
  14. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!
  15. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    it is like that:
  16. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    ...please wear these embroidered skinny jeans and flannel shirt, with closely coordinated and accenting, iPhone7 case and oversized horn-rimmed glasses....

    taken from the How to Be a Douchebag manual
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
  17. insaner

    insaner Ultrasonic

    Mar 29, 2015
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    When do you think someone has skills or talent? Is it just because of the achievement(s)? like a contract? 10K followers? 999K bank account?

    To me it has all to do with, taste, luck, and your (my) point of view or perspective. So to me that is one of the reasons why you have a lot of ''moron's'' in everything in this big world.

    I heard from different professionals that they can't explain everything they do or every step in the process. Does that make them not knowing what they do? by Albert Einstein it is. But in the end it is about the results right? and if that person is happy with the result then it is good! or not?
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  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    tend to agree with @rhythmatist on this one.. you are already talking about compact subset of humanity, and even the ones
    with talent may not be marketable for one reason or another. Go to any large city and walk around, you will eventually
    find an amazing street drummer, or busker, for example. They are massively talented but could be such difficult assholes
    or unreliable for anyone to work with. Top one I can think of, someone like Jaco Pastorious, he had it all, yet he died
    a crack addict hanging out on the street, does that make him an idiot ?

    If your intelligence is normal there's no reason to classify yourself an idiot, tho others may go ahead and do so.
    If you have some inspiration and love of sounds that keeps you going, and wanting to learn to play or create new things,
    that's close enough for me ! Then you can join one of the sub-sets of musicians, other than "commercially successful musician"

    it's pretty much.. up to you

    the commercially successful ones are out there making bucks, banging babes, and catching waves...

    that's why here we only see Steve Fa-oki.. and not Steve A-oki :hillbilly:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2016
  19. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    When it comes to compressors.....a year ago I was a complete idiot and just picking a preset and randomly turning knobs. I ruined more mixes than, well every mix actually. It wasnt until @spencer26 held my hand basically and walked me through a rock mix of a local rock band I recorded on a thread here, when the light finally came on. When I finally realized that comps are also like different colors and knew what to listen for. Far from a pro yet but now my ears are getting better and I know what to listen for. Thanks again spence! I am forever grateful.....

    On a different note....
    If it wasnt for idiots, the for dummies books wouldnt sell at all
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
  20. I been thinking on this and a mention has to be made of Mr Hasil Haze Adkins. Easily the sanest mad man ever to try to be a musician. Spent his life writing and printing his own bonkers records on subjects like 'commodity meat' and his own hillbilly style which he called The Hunch. His musical timing was so eccentric he took to performing as a one man band.



    Today he's regarded as the godfather of psychobilly. The man had the muse in him, and that's what made him a muse-ician. He just couldn't keep it in. The one thing I really don't like on audio forums is when gangs of people shit on the newbies. We got KvR for that. The biggest mistake a musician can make is not to try and fail, the biggest mistake is not to try at all.
