1. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    My new track is up. I am wondering what genre would you guys think it is. For me although I classified it as Ambient, but its my own direction somehow. Maybe something of a Drum and Bass fusion with Film music? What do you think what it should be? Also please feel free to comment on the production and mix quality for possible improvements. Thank you!
  2. Beth

    Beth Guest

    @onekutcha i always base my opinion on music tracks posted on here with "Would I listen to this again and enjoy it?". The answer here is definitely yes! I really enjoyed listening to it. Specifically the hooky synths and lead stabs at the start and that nice driving beat. Most of all though I personally liked the end section from about 4.40 onwards. That is very atmospheric which I love. I don't like to label with genre names and generally prefer something that blurs the lines and is a mix of different styles. That to me is much more interesting.
    I will leave comments on the mix quality to others more qualified on here as I am sure they will chip in.
    Good work ! :like:
  3. I'd define this as mainstream Electronica. Mix quality? You need to roll off the sub-bass as there's a huge slurry spike at around 25Hz that's probably leading you to master the top end just a wee bit too hot. Where the arpeggiated bridge happens about two thirds through, this drops out of the mix, which noticeably opens up and sounds much less pressured. Low end roll-off in the mixing desk, before it hits the 2-bus on the kick and bass.
  4. I liked the artwork as well as your piece. I agree with what Mr. F Plange related concerning the mix. I was jostled by the volume bumps of the arppeggiation and would have preferred less of a wavy sea and more an ocean of bliss to return me to solid ground as I came down from your psychedelic offering .
  5. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    Okay, I get the sub bass roll off and I will give it a test run.
    About the Kick and Bass: Do you mean roll off around 40Hz or probably 30Hz? Maybe with an 18db/octave roll off?

    Thank you for your input on the mix! :)
  6. Probably go by feel so the lows don't over stimulate the compressor. You might try a dynamic eq if you have one and get 2 for the price of one.
  7. 18dB hhigh pass at around 30Hz sounds good. The Sub is so wayward you'd see it on analyzer like Voxengo's free SPAN. So if you don't have a sub driver in your monitoring, trim using SPAN whilst keeping the sound good on what you can hear.
  8. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    Excellent inputs guys! I hope to return the favour sometimes in the future somehow. I know I am getting better with my mixes, but I also know I am still not there. Somewhat close but not yet there. I actually admire those producers, engineers who constantly able to deliver professional mixes. It is not easy. Needs lots of practice and also good monitors and monitoring environment, but most of all good and experienced ears.
  9. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Sitting here listening on the laptop I wouldn't change a thing moosh. Its interesting and moody. The only negative I can throw your way is that it lost my interest around the 4min mark and caught it again around 4.40, then again I've got the attention span of a slightly retarded Goldfish..

  10. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Make an ambient mix, no drums, no percs, slower and make a hard fast beat one and put them together in the same release :)
    Or keep it as it is and save the idea for the next track.

    Now for the track itself I can't talk much about mixing because I'm listening on cheap desktop speakers - the sound is not fatiguing or anything and instruments are fine, nothing to say. Can't talk about the huge bass the others are talking about ATM. I really, really liked the variety of stuff and instruments dude, although I felt like song could have ended at 4:50 where you do that fade out. What comes next IS FINE but I don't know, for me it would have been the same. What I mean is this: the last part doesn't add MUCH and it's kinda MORE EMPTY than the other section of the song. It looks like you tried to stretch it out to reach that 7 minutes mark, but I might be wrong

    Overall? Definitely enjoyed it mate! Genre of your song? I'd put it under: music :)
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  11. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    I was actually thinking about the exact same thing, to make a pure Ambient mix without drums… etc. and you are kind of correct with the second part of the composition except I was not planning on stretching it out to reach or pass the 7 minutes mark, but was contemplating on should I continue with that mellower part or should I just make that a separate track. However since the first section finishes with a delay that is fading out with a long looping feedback I have decided to make that delay an actual groove and continue on that as a basis for the second part. It came out to be okay I guess, but it is borderline close to be a completely separate track., yet it still works alright as a continuation. I might try out remixing it with a bit different arrangement and instrumentation maybe to make it even more atmospheric possibly pushing it closer to an Ambient genre maybe.
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  12. gtripodi

    gtripodi Kapellmeister

    Apr 22, 2015
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    amazing track!!! i will tag as psynbient or psychill .. rembember me a lot of " Cell" and a little bt also "Solar Fields" ! im not agree to eliminate completly the drums.. listen from "solar fields - sol"
  13. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    Oh, I actually love Solar Fields and deeply respect the ingenious works of Brian Transeau!
  14. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Thanks for sharing!
    Very Pink Floydish at the beginning... a good vocal with a good story is missing IMO.

    Great track!
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