Lock Browser Tab in Logic like S1

Discussion in 'Logic' started by Mostwest, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    One of the most import part of my workflow is the Browser, i find a little bit odd LPX's browser compared to S1. I was wondering if it possible to open and lock new tab in the browser like in S1 to quicly change directory while don't interrupt too much the flow.

  3. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    No extra tabs in LPX browser.
  4. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    there aren't alternatives to Logic Browser?
  5. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    finder in one screen, logic pro in the second screen and switch with ctrl+L/R arrows.
    or a narrower finder behind logic pro window

    i don't know what you produce but if you are the "sample surfer" type, it's unproductive regardless the number of tabs one can have in a sample browser.
  6. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    thanks, simply Logic browser can't do it.
    have to waste time while browsing different locations on different hard drive is simply unproductive. I will probably ise the S1 Browser and drag samples directly to Logic
    It's quite strange that and advanced Daw like Logic still has a shitty Browser, you can't even select where to play samples while previewing or play files tempo and host sync wich is strange in 2016
  7. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Finder has tabs too.You could use it that way.And is also very powerful when it comes to search.I use 4 desktops and jump around with a short key (Command+ arrows) to grab from my 20-30 finder windows and tabs through folders and drop them in LPX.Of course each one of us has it's own way of working more practical, which means that my way could slow you down or annoy you.On the other hand, you could try it and be pleased.My duty to spare different ways, your option to choose.
  8. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    ...and you use Logic because?...
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