What's With All The Popups?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by NYCGRIFF, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    and yet, you haven't made one single screenshot to report it... :deep_facepalm:

    my "loyal user base" has been registered for ages and don't get intrusive ads :no:

    this is now the third time i'm referring to the message i wrote on this matter, on the second page of this topic, which you obviously didn't read.:sad:

    absolutely true, i don't. like i said at least 5 times in this topic:
    1. you don't get popups as long as you're logged in. you don't want to register/log in - you will get popups and that will be your personal, conscious choice.

    2. Almost any advertisement network can be used to serve malicious ads and that doesn't mean they're doing it on purpose. These cases should be reported to me, i will report them to the advertisement network and they will take it down.

    You don't log in, You don't report malicious ads - i can only see it as your personal, conscious choice to receive popups and malicious ads. End of the story.

    it has been solved on the second page, weeks ago.

    i'm not sure what you mean in second part of your message, but we have to use popups to survive. being a popups hater myself, i at least don't serve them to registered members.
  2. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Page impressions from logged-in users, that's what I meant. At least you offer us a way out :)
  3. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    exactly. so it's not so bad at all :mates:
  4. CrimsonGuard

    CrimsonGuard Newbie

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Yeah, I think you're missing the point. It's clear to me now you don't take the issue of people visiting your site getting infected from ads/popups/redirects that hijack their browsers seriously. I'm sorry to hear that, but at least now I know that I can't possibly trust you or your site, and people who visit it shouldn't either.

    Your loyal user base ARE GETTING MALICIOUS POPUPS when they try to log in if they have been logged out for some reason. The message you wrote previously that you accused me of not reading, I did in fact read, but you fail to address this problem anywhere.

    Myself (and some others, I would imagine) have no problem turning off our popup blockers so that your site can make ad revenue, but NOT IF YOU SERVE MALICIOUS ADS, even accidentally.

    It is NOT A CONSCIOUS CHOICE to become accidentally logged out.

    It is NOT SOLVED, it is being ignored. Look at this thread. There are a lot of people concerned about this. I rarely speak up but I am doing so now.

    Anyway, best of luck with the site. I'm sad to see that I cannot trust you.
  5. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    I do take it very seriously and that is the only reason i repeat for the fourth time - these cases should be reported to me, i will report them to the advertisement network and they will take it down.

    ok. should i remove your account from AudioZ?

    even if malicious ads are there, there can only be a few. If so called "loyal user base" would care about that even a bit, they would report those ads and it would be removed immediately. But it so much easier to just complain, accuse admin and write nonsense, isn't it?

    that's not true, furthermore that's not right. nobody likes popups and if one knows how to prevent them from happening - he should.

    never happens to me :dunno:

    it is literally solved, because solution has been provided and the problem has been explained... should i repeat for the fifth time?

    then there is only one next logical step for you here... :winker:
  6. CrimsonGuard

    CrimsonGuard Newbie

    Sep 7, 2015
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    That's odd, I could have sworn that when I expressed concern you don't take this seriously in post #70, you said in your reply in #81 "absolutely true, i don't." But now you do? Or you don't? I'm confused.

    The thing is, several people are reporting it here. That's exactly what we're doing, we're reporting it. I've noticed they've gone away for now, so you must have done something. Thanks.

    That's not what I said, I said now I know I can't trust your site, it doesn't mean I can't visit it... it just means I have to be extra careful, and the things I click, or the things you post or say, aren't to be trusted blindly. I can still visit the site without an account. If you want to remove peoples accounts for pointing out the fact that there are dangerous pop-ups (not benign pop-ups, I'm talking about malicious pop-ups) and therefore they have reason not to trust the site, then by all means please do.

    Wow. Dude. Do you doubt there were malicious ads/redirects/pop-ups happening? I'm pretty sure there's proof in this thread, and if I'm not mistaken multiple people have independently confirmed that it's true and provided links and details. But let's just assume that you do believe it's true. The loyal user base DOES care. That's why we're here. We logged in and we notified you (and complained) about it in this thread. It most likely got heated because A) people are scared about losing their data, and B) it's happened more than once and I think people want reassurance that you're not doing it on purpose to make money.

    There may be another way to report it, but when it happened I noticed someone had already posted about it here, so I came here to investigate.

    I'm confused by this. There are quite a lot of people on the internet who whitelist certain websites that they like so that those websites can make money from ads. A lot of people do this, it's a well known phenomenon.

    Awesome! I'm not joking, that's really awesome. I'm just hoping that you don't equate that with it not happening to anyone else, either, because it absolutely does happen to some people. Me included.

    Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but that's not entirely accurate. The solution you provided (to simply log in) only solves the problem for some people. Being logged in only solves the problem if you're already logged in before the malicious redirects were put into place and your computer or the site hasn't logged you out. If you're the unfortunate person who isn't currently logged in and you try to log in -- SURPRISE! You risk getting hijacked.

    Get back to work and stop pointing out when people are missing the point and ignoring the facts? You're right, I totally should, so I'm gonna go get back to work now.

    Thanks for fixing the issue, the malicious redirects are gone now. I won't be replying in this thread anymore.
  7. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Sorry for posting in 2 threads, BUT If you use chrome you can be ad free (script free)

    My web saftey extensions for chrome.
    I use ublock origin with all the lists loaded and Ghostery.
    Plus scriptsafe that stops all scripts from running on a page without me allowing them (like noscript in firefox) You can allow the site just not the 3rd party/external stuff
    I also have tampermonkey installed with the anti adblock killer script by reek.

    Sometimes I have to allow the youtube or audio previews on the other site temporarily, but its a couple clicks Im willing to make to keep safe. Especially with the new resurgence in click jacking on pages again (the whole page is the hotspot or its a one pixel button that follows the pointer)
    I dont see any ads or tabs or windows popping open here, the sister site, or on peeplink. Not a single one at all.
    ......I know how to use my browser and OS, over 7tb local and more on the network. Not getting in here
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2016
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  8. That's good enough for me, old friend. And it has go noticably better over the last few days.

    The beat goes on.
  9. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    This works so nice thanks for this info.
  10. supersharpshooter

    supersharpshooter Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    Ublock for Chrome stops the pop-ups on audioz. I had the same problem and tried Ublock, it stops them all. Great add-on.
  11. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    maybe block cihnrhqwbcsq.com using your hostfile (add it as hostfile entry)...does that help?
  12. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I wanna be careful with this stuff.
    So, I bought an old safe and finally got a hole drilled for my computer's power cord.
    But now my bluetooth and wireless ain't working.
    I've installed uBlock, but wondered about the settings ("all the scripts loaded"?)
    I want to configure a safe way to access the sister site but your list is long and I am wondering which add-ons you'd consider mandatory and which are optional? (I was going to just add them all, but began to wonder when i looked at Ghostery -
    I'm pretty savvy about setting stuff up, but i wouldn't know what to do with most settings besides white/blacklisting,etc.
  13. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    this is what works for me.

    Attached Files:

  14. Gnib

    Gnib Producer

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Not in my Chrome. sadly
  15. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Thanks... I am seeing how it works now :)
  16. superwurm

    superwurm Newbie

    Jul 5, 2016
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    If peeplink opens in another tab, dont activate it with your mouse, use ctrl+a and ctrl+v to catch the links in jjdownloader, problem solved.
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  17. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    So i used to suffer from the very same problem...
    Like bigtime!!....
    Why of all fuckin places ,does popads .net have to do with audioz...
    It iritates the hell outta me and i got proper sick of the sex ads on links....

    So i toughned the hell up outta my browser "which you all should do too if you havnt done already"..Here>>https://vikingvpn.com/cybersecurity-wiki/browser-security/guide-hardening-mozilla-firefox-for-privacy-and-security........

    Thats only helpfull for you if you use firefox tho......
    I now run firefox with most of the settings in the above link....
    And with No script.....Ublockerorigin....DIsconnest...Https everywhere...Privacy badger...Add ons.....
    With a filtering sctipt another user very very kindly provided me with for use in ublocker origin...

    Jus ul,ng it for any of you.....
    For ublocker origin tho...
    Does take care of it if used in conjunction with those add ons...
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  18. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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