income withdraw from a digital distributor

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Triple, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. Triple

    Triple Member

    Aug 28, 2014
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    I'd like to sell my songs in some digital store. Is there a digital distribution site which collects an artist's income from sold songs and the artist can decide when he wants to withdraw the money from the site to his bank account? I mean, I want to know how much money my songs have generated, and I want to be able to choose when the company will transfer the money to my bank account.

    I like Bandcamp but it automatically sends the revenue to the artist within 24h after a sale in made, am I right?

    (I want to have a control over when I produce an income due to some tax issues)

    Thanks for your help!
  2. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    You mean "withdrawal?" Try Distrokid. It's $20 a year to upload/distribute as many songs as you might, and you can withdraw funds at any time, after they have accrued, to your PayPal account. TThey have a balance page which shows exactly how much revenue has been generated from each source. I had to go through a few distributors (including, unfortunately, TuneWhore) before I found Distrokid, which is the most realistic and non-shady one yet.

    Bandcamp isn't a distributor, it's a vendor. They take up to 48 hours from the sale to pay to the artist, and it's done automatically. It had used to be immediate, until they changed their system. Now I am uncertain that transactions don't get lost or "underreported" or witheld as payments to Bandcamp – they seem kinda crooked, now. And they raised their rate from 10% to 15% so that they could develop a bunch of bullshit features and promote select artists (and what about the rest of us?).
  3. Triple

    Triple Member

    Aug 28, 2014
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    1) To upload music to the stores like itunes etc through Distrokid I don't need to have a paypal account ,right? Distrokid will ask me for my paypal accout or my bank account number only when I want to withdraw my earnings, right?

    2) What do you think about selling music through this: ?
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