Kontakt missing sample. Need help

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by modelarmy, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. modelarmy

    modelarmy Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Hi there,
    yesterday i started working on my new mac. I try to use Spitfire Sable for example. The library is on a hardrive.
    I put the .nicnt in my library with no proplem. But then Kontakt told me 10.000 samples are missing. Then i start
    searching. In the next 10 min he finds 10 Samples. This morning he finds 7000 Samples. This is no way to work. I delete it and start again put the .nicnt file in the library. Same proplem. When i try to put the file directly into Kontakt same proplem. I know there is a way to save the file, but must i wait for every instruments maybe
    String 2 Days before i can save it new?
    Software is Yosemite. Intelmac 32Gb Ram. Logic ProX 10.2.4.
    Thanks in advance. Dee.
  3. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    Just drag and drop the .ninct and wallpaper.png into your Spitfire Sable folder which you have in your hard drive.Open Kontakt....Add library.Done.If you still have a problem, then contact our Kontakt Guru ,Introninja.He will guide you.All the best:wink:
  4. modelarmy

    modelarmy Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Hey beatroot. Thanx. But the .ninct and wallpaper.png is on my hardrive. I add the library but all samples are missing. They are in the right place, but Kontakt needs 2 Days to find the samples. Btw when i do the same from my internal harddrive with the same folder. in this case Sable, everything is ok. But i have not enough place. The Hardrive had USB 2.0. This must be fast enough. But thank you. All the best for you.
  5. modelarmy

    modelarmy Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Beatroot thank you for the tip. I found a treat with Introninja and i try it out. Hope that solves my problem.
  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    How was your problem solved? And what OS are you on? I move from studio to studio with 2 different sample drives etc a lot, and I will get the missing samples thing, I usually just tell Kontakt to search the filesystem or use spotlight on OSX, and it takes like 3 seconds or so... (per instance), and then it finds it, .....
  7. LV4-26

    LV4-26 Guest

    When Kontakt search for missing files and analyses the folder concerned, there is a function that must be ticked (at the bottom left) and that says: remembering every time where these files are.
    You can also compare the size of the folder directory, with that of arrival. Eg: Sable Vol1

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2016
  8. modelarmy

    modelarmy Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Software is Yosemite.
    I came not to test it. Most of the libraries needs 3 or 4 seconds as you described it. But some libraries needs hours and more.
    I next try what Introninja describes.

    you need to start fresh, I believe you used the same .nicnt file(library name & SNPID) when you made the library correctly. Now the library is competing with itself and not showing up in kontakt.

    Here are some tips to fix your problem:
    open your Content plist file(from your Hard Drive's Preferences folder) and delete your custom library info

    go to /Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Service Center and delete your custom library name plist(xml)

    Delete your old .nicnt file that is in your custom library root folder

    Start Fresh, New Everything(Keep the headache)

    Hope this helps, Cheers

    or what LV4-s6 describes.

    Thank you sisyphus and LV4-26

    that you took you time
  9. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    thanks for checking back with your solution modelarmy, as it may help in the future to others who encounter the same!

    Personally, this is another lesson as to why I don't use custom .nicnt's etc... may look cool, but more problems in the long run....

    no offense to anyone who does, or makes them,... just seems to bonk things for people at times... and maybe i just misread some of the thread...

    and @Introninja is the man, thanks to him for his continued coolness to a lot of us, it is REALLY appreciated...
  10. modelarmy

    modelarmy Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2016
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    I did the same. Before i started with my new Mac i have dozens of Librarys. Yes looks cool but i found nothing and Kontakt needs a long time to start. Then i use the quick function, but a Messie like me means to have anything:woot:. It needs to much time to work with that function.
    Then i go the long way and make a lot of folders. Voices, Guitars (electo, accoustik uso) Orchestra (String, Woodwinds uso) and put the librarys
    in there. For me!!!!! is this the best way to find anything with a fast Kontakt.
  11. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    cool, respect modelarmy, and to each his own... :wink:..
  12. Mushanga75

    Mushanga75 Newbie

    Dec 12, 2016
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    well i have a similar issue with some samples of the libraries. Some week ago i changed the main folder and of course the path changed too. I tried to make the Batch re-save method to load the library.
    After the batch re-save Kontakt shows again the windows of Content missing and i realized that it try to find the samples always in the old folder with the old path but that folder in that path it doesn't exist anymore.
    As u can see in the pic, the path in the yellow line is the old path... why this?

    how can i resolve this?

    Attached Files:

  13. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Well when you move libraries around etc Links get broken and Kontakt looks for the samples in the old directories. It's a real common problem with a lot of NI stuff and also causes problems with say Komplete and other things.
    Can also cause problems when you batch resave with samples missing. Best idea is just point Kontakt in the direction of the new path. You also on occasions have to delete certain reg data, xml etc but in this case you should be fine.
    However you've gotta tick the box Keep search mode etc otherwise every time Kontakt looks for a new sample the warning will come up again. Therefore Batch Resave (NOT batch compress) -> Highlight Keep search mode, can also tick allow alternative files but not neceassary -> Point kontakt to the new folder location. Hit re-save and it should relink NKI to the missing samples. Once you resaved should be all good. If samples are missing Kontakt will tell you. Don't hit skip missing or you'll mess library up and have to start over
  14. Mushanga75

    Mushanga75 Newbie

    Dec 12, 2016
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    I tried to follow ur suggestions but i realized that when i start batch re-save and i point kontakt to the new folder it starts to search for missing samples always in that old folder
  15. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Well then possibly something along the lines registry data etc telling it to search at that location.
    What library is it ?
    On PC etc, first thing to maybe try is remove library from tab and clean or delete appropriate registry data and then re-add the library and then search etc. Could be something else though like NKI themselves after batch resave.
  16. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    You could also try rebuilding the file database (and making sure the directory path{s} you want to use are set up in Preferences, something a lot of people forget to do). I also batch resave everything every time I update Kontakt. These two things take a lot of time initially, but Kontakt always loads right up for me. If you're on a Mac, you may also want to drag your k'd library folders into Permissions Reset, as some of those libraries have already been set up on other machines and wonky ownerships and whatnot can sometimes cause problems.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2017