Is there a way to reduce wasapi latency in Win 7?

Discussion in 'PC' started by meepmeep, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. meepmeep

    meepmeep Newbie

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Reason is Asio4all doesn't allow me to play guitar along with my mp3 player which makes it more inconvenient for me. Wasapi shared implemented in Guitar Rig does.

    So far the only way to reduce latency I found was to increase sample rate. My onboard realtek hd audio can go up to 96khz but even with that rate lag is still noticable. Almost as if wasapi is locked to 10ms input + 10ms processing + 10ms output. I would like to reduce the buffer if there is some kind of tweak.

    Tip for changing sample rate for wasapi shared driver in Guitar Rig is this: right click on speaker icon in windows tray choose playback devices, double click on speakers and go to advanced tab and set sampling rate (bit rate doesn't matter). After this go to recording devices and for your input device do the same, make sure sampling rate is the same (bit rate doesn't matter).

    If there is another more convenient way to play mp3s with using DAW or playing an ASIO driven guitar rig please let me know.
  3. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Download reaper and play the mp3 on one track and guitar rig on another.
  4. Evil_Burrito

    Evil_Burrito Newbie

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I am not a Reason user, but let's see if I can help. If I remember right, Reason doesn't even support vst. Are you trying record audio completely janky, like use Rig as a standalone and record the input?

    It doesn't make sense that 96hz processes faster. If anything, all that extra frequency should be more cpu intensive, thus potentially slower. And 10ms is very low, probably too low. Just during regular playback I use 40ms, but with live guitar processing it should be higher (50-60 is a good latency to try, but you want it under 80ms). Do you have enough cpu power and memory to run a power hungry vst like Rig?

    Try using basically any other major DAW. I am rather partial to ableton live. It has a function that will stress your cpu while you configure your audio latency.
  5. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Meep,

    The main question is : Do you only want to play guitar with GuitarRig along with a MP3 file in a 'Jam' way or be able to record it via an external DAW ?
    I just ask you that because if the only thing that you want is simply to play guitar and 'jamming' along with a MP3 song, you don't need any external DAW... I mean, within GuitarRig you have a TapeDeck engine (configurable either in 'Pre' or 'Post' position) that you can perfectly use with all the possible combinations of GuitarRig Presets ! You can also record your 'Jam Session' within GuitarRig (TapeDeck in 'Post' position - at the end of the Chain).
    And as it can be view as an 'all-in-one' package, you don't have to much to care about latency, it's managed by the GuitarRig engine itself... Hence my question ! *yes*

    By cons, if you want to absolutely use an external DAW to record your session, in this case it's totally different and the advice given by 'Willum' is perfect !

    As you're also talking about Reason, don't forget that within Reason, I mean if you have a recent version that also contains 'Record', you can use the included Guitar Amp Sim Suite that is really not bad at all... it's done in partnership with the prestigious company 'Line6', hey, hey ! It worth to try it... *yes* :wink:
  6. meepmeep

    meepmeep Newbie

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Evil_burrito I'm not using Reason I was just explaining my reasons why. :)

    Regarding live play of guitar, you just can't do it with 10+ ms latency, best is 2-3ms and lower otherwise it is too noticeable and is slowing you down while you play. Wasapi unfortunately gives 30ms latency.

    Regarding sample rate it is indeed true that you half latency by going from 48kHz to 96kHz. Latency has little to none to do with CPU power it is more how driver works. You can't lower latency by putting in faster and more powerful CPU. That's not how it works. And for some reason higher sample rate always reduces latency.

    The reason I'd like to give wasapi a chance is its shared mode where I can have multiple apps playing sound. Currently ASIO on win 7 just locks up the output and you can't get around it except loading mp3 into whatever app you are using, either DAW or standalone guitar rig or whatever.

    Supposedly wasapi should be able to have equal latency as ASIO does but I don't think developers have given it a proper go yet.

    Anyhoo the solution currently is simply loading mp3 into whatever app I'm using in ASIO. Guitar rig actually has option to load mp3 into tapedeck so you can play it while you play guitar I found out.
  7. chirp

    chirp Newbie

    May 26, 2012
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    Asio4all was created to be a fast audio-output so there is no mixer. Actually it bypasses the windows-audio-mixer for this purpose.
    There are two ways you can listen to other music-sources than your DAW.
    1. With a second physical output namely a usb auio stick (i use SB-play)
    you need to disable it in asio4all to use it in windows audio.
    (maybe you noticed it must be selected as standard device after you use it in asio4all)
    vice versa devices that must be active in asio4all can not be used simultaneously in win.
    And should not be routed to output in the respective device driver.
    This is tricky with the onboard audio if you want to record and listen ...and
    always turn volume down first!!!!

    2. Use a asio mixer before the DAW which you can choose as input-source in the DAW.
    I never tried this but i hear it can be done.

    the only inconvenient in 1 is that your amp needs two inputs but most actually do.
    If you want to dig your teeth deeper in the subject i included a link.
  8. Shadow34

    Shadow34 Newbie

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Hey, i found easy solution to use at once Guitar Rig, or whatever program you use with asio4all and for example an mp3 player like WMP or WinAmp on WINDOWS 7\VISTA.
    Ive readed yesterday many threads all over the forums, without any results, and then accidently...
    -Open your asio4all options, on the left you got WDM device list or something like that, there should be list of SoundCards you got on your pc or laptop.
    -click on '+' and on my SB Audigy i can see there 2 options: 'in: 2x 44.1-96khz, 24bits' and 'out 8x 44.1-96khz, 24bits'
    -on default they are both ENABLE, just turn off the OUT option by clicking on it, and voila... restart program that uses ASIO and ur done

    It allows you to use ASIO and mp3, youtube, whatever. Hope it helps, works on my pc perfectly.
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    WASAPI in exclusive mode also bypasses the Windows mixer.
  10. popeye

    popeye Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    You could always use Jack.............!
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