I'm thinking about buying Addictive Drums 2

Discussion in 'Software' started by tommykmusic, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Real pros for AD2, lots of things are mixed in the box, you can make everything sound very decent ITB. AD2's problem is the mic bleed and mic positions. They dont even separate any of the ride bleeds... As well as this the amount of content doesnt really compare to the amount of expansions for SD2; there are lots more articulations before repetitions occur. In comparison, SD2 has all the mic positions and mic bleeds, but it is very very dry (Which is good if you like going deep into drum sound design). The mixer only permits like 4-5 effects per mic so you might get limited ITB. I hope 2.4.0 comes out on sister site for AD2 but i doubt it.
  2. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    EZdrummer,ok,somewhat childish sounding,but usable,good for beginners.
    AD2,somewhere in the middle,can be used for pro work,good for beginners and advanced users.
    SD2,very pro,takes more time to learn,mostly for advanced users.
    Steven Slate Drums,mostly over processed,can sound childish,yet has some good sounding kits,toms and cymbals mostly sound horrible,imo buy only if on sale.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2016
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  3. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Ahh yes me too. In fact I have more drums than I can shake a stick at. That's also the way I play em.

    Oh and I tried those toms on SS4. They sounded like the sort of sound you'd get if you head butted an easter egg.

    I neally forgot "then i revise my advisory, and simply say.. patience or pay-tience... which do you prefer...?"
    that was clever how ya did that :)
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2016
  4. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Have you tried 'expeliamos?' Or it might be 'Alohomora' I'm never sure.
  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    bigger question here.. that has been mentioned lately.. is something going on with the teams?
    Did we pi55 them off again? or they just protecting their 'sploits for now ?

    not that I use AD a lot.. it has been quite some time since an update release...

    any insight upon this matter Sir Moose ? :winker:
  6. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Thanks for the info guys. With this new information i will definitely look into SD and compare it with AD2, to see which I like better. Or blend them...

    Personally,I'm not too worried about midi grooves, i write my own grooves 99% of the time.
  7. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I dunno m8. I know I haven't pi55ed anyone off, unless of course they hate bad jokes.. In which case I'm in REAL trouble.
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