Intel Kaby Lake & AMD Zen... (OMG)

Discussion in 'PC' started by thantrax, Sep 5, 2016.

  1. ShadowOfTheZ

    ShadowOfTheZ Ultrasonic

    May 30, 2014
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    beOS please save us and rebirth from ashes!
  2. rosko

    rosko Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    I should probably update my 2700k running at 4.5 but will these new ones be much faster? most seem slower clock speeds.
  3. banaan_j

    banaan_j Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Actually, I run both a macbook and a windows machine that has had 7,8,8.1 and 10..
    I think 8.0 actually allowed me to run the most plugins on the lowest latency. 10 is slightly worse, but only slightly. Maybe comparable to 7 although I'm not sure.
    My macbook is cool, but OSX has it's own flaws. I never upgraded to the latest version as apple is adding more and more "iOS" into it, where the user can't decide for himself what to do. At least in Windows you can still write whatever file you like.
    Besides this, OSX has some other things, mainly finder related, that I don't like.

    Anyway, my point is that from a user perspective I have not noticed a lot of differences between the versions. You had to install start8 with 8 though, but after that it ran fine. On my computer 10 is actually super stable/never crashes..
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  4. banaan_j

    banaan_j Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2016
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  5. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Although the start button loss in 8/8.1 kept me from trying it years ago. When I finally got around to upgrading it and giving 8.1 a chance I found that the start button started to seem like a hindrance and actually preferred not having one.
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  6. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Also, I'm sure some folks will/already have create a lite version of 10.
  7. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    yes there IS. but, there ISN'T someone creating it :) the fact is: compatibility. no developer ever will do compatibility for an unknown OS (they don't do compatibility for Linux, figure if they will do for some other OSes), and I think (but I am very ignorant) is not possible to create an OS which can have the same compatibility for software that runs on Windows. I don't know what I'm saying please kill me.

    @thethirdperson yes, I was (I am, actually) doing a "Pro Audio" Windows 10 version (starting from Enterprise 2015 LTSB N). I am working on it, I also wrote a thread in this forum about my work, but got totally ignored lol! still working, with WinReducer. if someone is curious, let me know :wink:
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
  8. Lepow

    Lepow Producer

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Guys, take a look at:
    AVL linux: Debian based (im a debian militant myself) - note it comes with a modified version of Ardour wich runs Windows VST (much like the squid bundle yakno). It comes bundled with all that, even i a control freak, didn need to fiddle much, jack is there, i installed MixBux Harrison, it can happen when the micropocalypse zomby comes...
    UbuntuStudio: this one x64 wich runs bitwig cool and fine... it`s ubuntu, so its bloated you can fine tunning the installation, but all those, config time ZERO. all setup already. you can even just run the livecd but performance isnt the same.

    im using them on a spare machine, but im pretty happy with results... im was once mind blowed by being able to run rebirth on wine, imagine now with lots os plugins being developed... big up to them guys.
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  9. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Win 10 needs to be modified and optimised for offline use only, with all the crap taken out :wink:
  10. This is the shit though runs on 8.1. Amazing drivers, plays great with all DAWs...too expensive for the vast army of the cash strapped.
  11. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    work in progress... will be ready very soon :wink:
  12. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Thanks my man, it may just become usable again :wink:
  13. pehierre

    pehierre Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    apple of , course, but apple don't communicate bout hackintosh
  14. nexusmusic

    nexusmusic Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    I think now that Google has gone doing their own hardware... if Google would put time & people behind and create the perfect OS for music production, man they would have tons of users taking jumping on board with them.

    And indeed, unfortunately, as much as Ubuntu or Kbuntu or whatever Distro out there... the problem is that setting an AUDIO workstation with all the Open source Distro out there, its a FREAKING hassle it's not even funny. Not at all.

    If you just want to run whatever Linux version to use over the net, playback movies with built-in soundcards or do administration or SERVE stuff.. then ALL THE WAY Linux because of its crazy stability. But for MUSIC production even though there are some Distro people putting amazing effort to come up with a Bundled Linux version for music but lets be HONEST here, Ardour or Bitwig are not the MOST used DAW out there and they are FAR to become the industry unfortunately and ALL THE MAJOR DAWs are fully supported on Mac OS or Windows.

    And I don't see any serious music engineer or music producer or Beatmaker or DJ who is doing music like a PAY JOB that would go on and start fully working on LINUX... There might be some... but man it must be a PAIN and a hassle. Because all the plugins developers are abroad on both major platforms OSX and Win.

    Not saying that it won't happened but the biggest Major Sound Card developers are way FAR from putting effort and MONEY to develop their drives for Linux simply because there are SOOOOO MANY Distro out there that it's ridiculoous. I'm for OPEN source stuff but when thr are too much, Hardware companies can't just go and SUPPORT ALL of them especially knowing that lots of the plugins Developers /Software etc.. are being cracked up and so forth

    So, it would take a big player like Google to "TRY" to go and work with GENIUS of OPEN SOURCE and come up with THE thrid OS that is fully supported by many Hardware developers and Software as well (because Google has the name) and these Software & hardwdare Devs will JUMP on board to develop their plugins etc.. for the NEW MUSIC OS. But its got to be a SERIOUS OS project for only musicians. Thats the only way I see it happening .. otherwise, It's gonna take a loooooong looooong run before that happens with whatever Linux Distro out there...

    Even with Ubuntu that seems to get some attention for Mainstream users, still dan buggy & a damn hassle if you want to configure with Mid-pro sound cards to use for AUDIO. IN that pace, I'll reach 80 years before seeing that happen. Sorry but it's plain truth and we know it.

    By the way i know whhat I'm talking about, because even though I'm running Win7 for my audio workstation, lately I told myelf I'm gonna give Kbuntu (Linux) a try and installed a Dual BOOT. Kbuntu runs perfectly for the adminstrative every day stuff, play music with buuilt-in soundcard etc.. but man, I wanted to SETUP my Pro Soundcards and man .. First there are NO ffreaking drivers for Pro Soundcards out there like Antelope/UAD/Apogee etc... so how that fuck do you want a PRO user to embark on LINUX???

    It took me now 2 weeks to find a way to get my Old RME soundcard to get it working and with many researches to find the amazing people that took the time to develop drivers that works with because simply because RME were kind enough to give their source Code to them so they can develop the drivers but of course RME ain't giving any support for that and totally understandabe.. So imagine the rest...

    Linux is the future but again TOO MANY distro's out there and the only way this will work, it's a BIg company like Google to get a brilliant TEAM behind, create a THIRD MAJOR OS player that all hardware developers willl join from Asus/Nvidia/Soundcard manufacturers etc.. etc.. and things rolling. Period

    Until then... I'll be using Kbuntu to stream my KODI etc.. etc...
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  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Hey @nexusmusic you don't need to develop a different driver for an audio interface for every Linux distribution. The difference is generally only in the desktop environment used. It took you two weeks to make your RME work?? It took me an hour at the most... but see, Linux ways are different than Windows ways and once you get that you will be able to do it much quicker. How much time does it take to download and install all the drivers in Windows? Yes, a lot. :wink: All OSes are just different shit - same package. :wink: You have to give it some time to "sink in". :winker:
  16. Lepow

    Lepow Producer

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Cant talk much about your sound card but i've seen native instruments drivers built directly into kernel... (Audio series).
    Sometimes it just a matter of recompiling the kernel and you're good to go. remember they're doing it for the lolz not for the money or whatever. in the context when microsoft/intel takeover happen maybe we have an cyberpunk alternative, hey for free.

    sorry for the bad sentences and stuff but you got the idea.
  17. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    probably the generation of CPU after ZenKaby will directly ask for your soul in return for compatibility

    making things even more "efficient"
  18. flashback23

    flashback23 Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2015
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    that is actually already part of the apple eula, i saw it on south park