Convert Reason 5 synth patches?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by miaik, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. miaik

    miaik Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    I have things done with Reason 5 synths like Malstorm, Thor, SubTractor,
    i need to convert those patches if its possible. I already google it, no luck,
    thought maybe someone here got some ideas? Also if someone could tell me,
    if I end up recreating those patches in other synts, whats the best ones to
    try and recreate them? For example could Serum be good match to recreate
    Malstorm patches or maybe Sylenth or something else? I guess it could be
    done in any synth, after all they are all synths right? Am not that into synths
    and how they work, just pick a preset and press buttons and twist the knobs
    untill I get something nice :) I know Serum has wavetables but I dont know
    how that works, is it possible to create Malstrom wavetables and how? And
    would that make any sense? Also I dont know what to do with NN19 and NN-XT
    sampler patches, is there a way to somehow export those wave files and
    get them into Kontakt or is it just a waste of time? Tnx guys :guru:
  3. dashfiss

    dashfiss Kapellmeister

    Jan 30, 2014
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    At least Thor and Maelstrom have features you won't find in any other synth, not all of those features together anyway... In any modern VSTi tho, you can probably make something fairly similar, but if you want 1:1 you're gonna have to use Reason itself as a VST with Rewire.
  4. miaik

    miaik Member

    Apr 17, 2015
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    Yeah, it doesnt need to be 1:1, just close enough :) i really want to get rid of Reason.
    Still trying to figure out whats the best synth to use, would really like if everything could
    be done in just one or two synths, tnx man :wink:
  5. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Miaik,

    In case that you absolutely want to get the exact results that you get with all your used Reason's Synths, the best way is to 'sample' their respective Outputs (their Sounds - all the Presets that you have created with these and that you'll to get into another VSTi Instrument), then to use all these collected Samples within any other Sampler Engine, as for instance, 'Kontakt', 'Serum',... , in fact all these VSTi Instruments that rely on 'Samples' ('Waveforms').