Spectrasonics Announce Keyscape - Maybe the only keyboard instrument you'll ever need

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Amirious, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Heretic question: if most library have a 90% close sound, and this one is 99%, does it matter in a real song?
    Heretic answer: no it doesn't.
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  2. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    You can have too many Piano Libraries but,

    You can't have too many good sounding Piano Libraries.
  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I was severely impressed by what i have heard in this video.
    IMO this is THE release of 2016.
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  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    This sounds so much better than Arturia.
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    @Wurlie Rocker i guess Vocal is a lot harder to do, as you can see when it comes down to female computer voices in navogators like TomTom for example, now imagine they should be able to sign something, it will take as lot more to get there to a decent point and i think, you also have to consider if you can transform this into money somehow. i mean sure, the people, who will buy keyscape pretty much are in need for something like that to carry on their harddrive, why because nobody has all of these keys stored somewhere, plus they get older and older, recording takes to long for a real one.
    so now evaluate the vocal idea? these people, who will use keyscape have an easy way to get vocalists, most of the time they produce for them and the vocal idea needed to 1000% perfect to sell to generate a potential, which seemed more than seducing to go with a plugin to replace the real vocalists.

    so this was the real solution to come up with keyscape, well still us warez people it doesnt convince us much i know ...
    the youtube video were impressive, if thats really like that sounding! (well for me it doesnt create enough potential to buy it unless it shows someday up in the web, i will probably never get my hands on it)
  6. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    ArticStorm I know it's not an easy job by all means, but if we take 10 years! of product development into consideration, I think, in 10 years one could come up with something more impressive than a library of pianos. It's not that I'm complaining, as I said, I like vintage pianos so I'm totally ok with it, but when you tease people with words like "game-changer" and there's so much hype going on, all in all, I can understand why people got a bit frustrated with the final result.

    I think products like Realivox vocal libraries will be taken to another level in the future. Maybe we won't hear Eskimo singing in their hot smelly wigwams and all that stuff, like I was saying, but if they simply add more different style vocalists to things like Blue and Ladies, make male voice library as well, and improve their word builder so you could build any vocal phrase you want and make it sound clear and distinctive, this could be something big already. There's quite a lot you can do with Ladies 2 and Blue at the moment, yet there's a room for more.
  7. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    How is Falcon, from a pragmatic perspective, anyway? People say it is hard to learn, but from the demo videos it seemed pretty straight forward to me, just a lot of options/pathways.

    But do you actually use it a lot? I feel like the interface is just kind of uninspiring and would push me toward other synths even if i had it. What's your take?
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    well the teasing is normal in the age of social media.

    look at the example of Suicide Squad, they teased so much, people got angry as they watched the actual movie, because over the time the quality loss begun, it created to much desire to watch.

    they could have made a way less firework around that, but doing all the 10 days counter stuff, they really turned it upside down and this lead to lots of bad comments on their facebook and twitter, because people expected more simply.
  9. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    The whole thing about Keytard (as Keyscape is now known 2 my brain) is that it's liek that new album by Sophie Ellis-Baxter. U struggle 2 think of any reason 2 even pirate it.

    Oh, so ur the one, eh? XD

    There's essentially about 6 distinct things: piano, clav, pia, rhodes, wurli & vibes. So blisteringly, searingly original! Just nobody ever thought 2 sample those particular instruments, b4! Or charge thoroughbred prices, for a bunch of dead horses! Teh rest are just (very) slight variations, or else prolly reuse Dream Piano smpls from Omnisphere >__>

    Yep. Glaring oversight = Keyscape 2: check our massive organ! (it's actually Eric's liver). To be fair (& roughly ten year old tech also =) it wud give u 2x the options (prolly bttr sound 2 :D) of Keytard if u just buy VB3 & MrRay73 = ~$110. They also have demos! If u want the Keytard fx, just use (identical) Omnisphere fx! *sigh*. And 2 think how much I used 2 reSpectrasonics, b4 this debacle.
  10. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    There's a difference between a discussion about an upcoming product and its official release.

    If they're the same, why do we even have a software news section? to inform others about what's new!
    The writing alone may give me cancer. Really how hard is it to write "to" instead of "2"?
    I'm not saying you should write too formal or anything like that. its has nothing to do with me. but if you make it so hard for others to read something, they simply dont read it!
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
  11. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Good points.
    Most people thought its going to be something like Output Exhale. myself included.
    Lets hope for their 5th product. 10 years from now :rofl:
  12. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    That's why I wanna try it.
    It's really really good. I just bought it a few weeks ago. Honestly, I'm still learning how to use it. It isn't easy to learn, but it is far from straightforward. I have been using it frequently. The interface actually kinds excites me because of the complexity. I like something that can keep me busy for a while because I may have 11 years under my belt, I'm certainly not God. So some learning is always welcome on my end. It just has some really cool sounds. And you can load images into the waveform section. So if you wanna load up some naked pictures of your girlfriend into the synths to use as a waveforms while adding some cool UVI effects, you can surely do that. ;) I'd love to see the day Sylenth1 can do that. :winker:

    I made this song using mostly just Omnisphere 2 & Falcon. The only major exception is the drums which were done with Nexus2 & Groove Agent 4. Surely not the most interesting sounds out there. But it's not just a bunch of generic EDM-pop supersaw crappage, either. And I was still just getting the gist of Falcon. This was the first song I used Falcon in.
  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Nice song,though you burried the drums somewhere in the back,bring them forward and make them the 1st instrument that carries everything else.
    Also put some convolution reverb on the snare and hi hat.
  14. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    When you think about it, 10 years to develop something these days is very, very slow. When we first heard that, we should have known it wasn't going to be something groundbreaking or inventive. How can you predict the sounds people would like, want or need in 10 year's time. In 200 years time people will still need piano..guitar..drums etc. So in fact what he meant by 'unexpected' was that we were all expecting something new but we would not be getting what we were expecting. Also I think that maybe not enough serious musicians had even heard about Spectrasonics because his instruments were so far quite narrow market, the electronic music genre, and he needed an instrument with wide appeal to establish Spectrasonics seriously among serious musicians.
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  15. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Too bad they didn't expect the infinite amount of insults :mad:
  16. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Rly? Everyone & their dog uses Omnisphere 4 film / TV / whatev scoring! They had teh goodwill of almost everyone even vaguely interest in music / production / sound design. It (Keytard) has the same kinda feel as that Moog tribute thing. If they'd released it almost liek a freebie, no hype, it would've been a completely different story 2 this debacle! They could've said "to celebrate Omnisphere's 10k customer... we introduce teh Keyspace addon... $99". And everyone & their dog would've bought it. As it is... Way to piss away all that goodwill / support in 10 short days; reputation is smthn much moar valuable...
  17. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Come on ladyboy,dont embarrass yourself.That might have been the case way back when this song was popular.
  18. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Ima pretty much beyond shame, in case u hadn't already realise, bruh! Cool insight into ur music likes tho! XD
  19. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    anyone buying? anyone hoping and waiting?
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  20. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Nice launch party
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