Spectrasonics new product

Discussion in 'Software News' started by yabiss, Aug 31, 2016.


What you think will be the next instrument from spectrasonics?

Poll closed Sep 3, 2016.
  1. Vocal Synth

  2. Guitar Synth

  3. Modular Synth

  4. Orchestral Synth

  5. Kontaktlike sampler

  6. DAW

  7. Nexuslike Rompler

  8. Someting never seen or heard before

  1. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Lol Cav Emp trying to be smart, it is a sort of hit and miss with you.


    This time you are reading it wrong as so many times before. As was clear by context, a lot of people are disappointed with something noone here has tried. All I then said was that the verdict is out until some people here will try it and can tell us more about it. No need for a demo for that. The point was that bashing the instrument before anyone here even tried it obviously just mean you wanted something else from Spectrasonics and says very little about the quality of the product, something some people here clearly has got mixed up. You too?

    You are kind of a split personality, Cav Emp, sometimes insightful and friendly, sometimes a conflict seeking troll. You never know what your gonna get.

  2. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    When I first heard of "instrument 4" (that is now and forever in my mind called Keytard) I secretly hoped it wud b physically-modelled / smpl guitar hybrid. Guitarteq, if u liek. U can imagine that taking a decade 2 iron out kinks 4 acoustic / electric / whatevs. Maybe. If they were rly pacing themdelf. But, on hearing how and what they did 2 create this:

    I think Eric Persing heard Pianoteq (that's almost exactly ten years old? Coincidense!?) and thought: why not take this stellar idea of teh future, and do it in teh technology of 1998? I am an genius! To reinforce, let's get sum JD-800 samples liek we're rly taking teh piss! If I promise 2 stop saying I used 2 work 4 Roland, maybe that'll sweeten teh deal with them!!!11

    Actually, prolly the only 2 gud things in it will be the JD-800 smpls & that Wang Bell ship piano or whatevs. Which Spitfire wud rls 4 $99 each and still b ripoff *sigh*. I rly wanted 2b enthusiastic about this, cos they've done such gud wrk in teh past.

    Actually, I just looked @ "lite" thing 2 try 2 disprove, but it has 5 "real" instruments and is about 30G, so prolly =( Oh well, it's just 1 mic pos & lossless (AFAIK) also. Tech / sound shud b ok, but a lot of teh similar (ironic spinet #5471) key stuff is lil / very underwhelm on Omnisphere. Startng 2b a lil worried, tbh. Oh well, on plus side, there defo won't be any "server issues" 4 this release! :D

    Hmm. lil (!) subjective. But there's only 1 instrument (Trilian) 2 compare directly... Anyone else just play (imaginary) FFF on Trilian acoustic upright 1/2 (among other) and hear that 1RR borked slide-boing fakeness haunting their ears? I know I can! :P

    Yeah, it may even have smthn interest buried deep in the code! But ima not buy this ($400 lulz) 4 maybe 2 boutique / weird pias, and a loada dead horses, no way.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2016
  3. Mike3345

    Mike3345 Newbie

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Exactly, there are tons of squares out there. And the EDM bubble already burst anyway.
  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    guilty as charged
    Life is like a box of chocolates :)

    Hmmm... I think if someone accused you of being a crybaby you would call them rude/condescending. I was just pointing that out in my usual, charming way

    Well I can't argue with that. I have very little doubt that when the smoke clears it will be revealed that Spectrasonics have done it better than pretty much everyone else. Par for the course with them.

    But yeah, considering the way they hyped it up, a lot of us were expecting something much more innovative. I don't think we can be blamed when they were putting out teasers like "not what you were expecting" and "something completely new". I understand that in retrospect those statements make sense, but given their original context lots of people felt misled.

    Regarding your conclusion that the people who are disappointed must not be keyboard players... sure, that's probably a safe bet. But there's also the fact that Spectrasonics standard practice is high prices, no demos, and charging extra for every little thing (such as digital downloads of the products you alread paid 400-500 dollars for... or $50 license transfer fee if they approve it, and then no upgrade path for second hand licenses). That said, no one is perfect and there are many things I like about them. I own Omni 2 and I certainly appreciate that I can authorize it as many times as I want, but they have lots of customer-unfriendly policies as well. Then lump all that in with the fact that it's a keyboard/piano instrument, which can be found pretty much anywhere... and you'll have a hard time justifying Keyscape to anyone except dedicated pianists.
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  5. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Seems to me like we agree on quite a lot. Concerning above qoute though...

    The distinction I would like to make is that if you are calling out a behaviour several people are having as childish this is not being rude or condesending as much as if you would accuse a specific person. And accuse or calling out a specific person I did not do. You, Cav Emp on the other hand... Somewhat of a speciality of yours, I'd say. :bleh: :rofl:

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  6. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    All this keyboard sampling was just a 10-year cardio exercise. :hahaha:
  7. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    ...at the end of the day, it's just a little hard to be satisfied with a "me too" product that was hyped like the second coming. I bet it sounds pretty good, but whatever... those who want it will buy it, those that don't, won't, and those that can't decide will be happy when r2r releases it... but if it took 10 years for this "mind-blowing" product, ... my friends, I believe we have seen the end of Mr. Persings's run as a good developer... he asked for this crap from us the second he okay'ed the hype machine.

    this should be page 7 on KVR, and a 2 sentence blurb in sound on sound/keyboard magazine whatever.

    and yeah, I'm sure the worship/gospel/shakedown pray for pay assfucks will love it, and that's probably what Eric is targeting, as they are the only idiots who will pay for it... and get a write off...

    f it, moving on....
  8. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I wouldn't judge about this product before listening to it.
    I'm especially interested in the Wurlitzer 140, an instrument I've been looking for a sampled version for ages since I once saw George Duke play it!
    If it's a future purchase or not will certainly depend on how much the whole collection will add to my existing library.
    I surely wouldn't shell out $400 just for the old Wurly but I guess there's more than that :bleh:
  9. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    this might be intersting, a discussion on "virtual" Pianos (interesting Keyscape comments!)
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  10. For those not into listening to the whole Matt Batt prattle, from approximately 19:40 or so for a few minutes Keyscape is discussed. The rest is informative as well about other things audio.