Spectrasonics new product

Discussion in 'Software News' started by yabiss, Aug 31, 2016.


What you think will be the next instrument from spectrasonics?

Poll closed Sep 3, 2016.
  1. Vocal Synth

  2. Guitar Synth

  3. Modular Synth

  4. Orchestral Synth

  5. Kontaktlike sampler

  6. DAW

  7. Nexuslike Rompler

  8. Someting never seen or heard before

  1. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I suppose deep down it was inevitable. Still, knowing R2R, they probably had the thing cracked as Eric got up on to the stage and said 'the wait is finally over'

    Nobody isn't saying it isn't huge. 77GB??????? The thing is, 10 years ago, this would have been needed, now you probably will have to slim down half of what you own just to accommodate it.
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  2. LV4-26

    LV4-26 Guest

    Keyscape is not yet out of the box then you bitching already . In addition, there are no demos to listen.

    Wait and see if :dunno:
  3. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Claude, do you ever post anything or just go around disagreeing with everyone? :))
  4. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Plughugger said it best- 36 instruments for $399. That is a little over $11.08 each.

    I expect it is something that pretty much everyone who uses keyboards in their music will break down and get eventually. Some of the instruments are very rare and haven't been sampled before, I am looking forward to it.

    I think the 450GB Spitfire HZ Piano Abortion was a way worse case of hype than this.

    Eric (love him or hate him) always delivers. He is better at making instruments than everyone else. His standards are higher than everyone else's. That isn't really up for debate. His stuff just plays better and sounds better.

    I for one am glad to have these instruments available. Kontakt is getting worse and worse sounding. Modeling or a hybrid synth/sampler architecture sounds better to me. I thought sonic coutures rhodes and wurli where pretty great sounding when they came out and now they sound flat and lifeless. Kontakt needs a major overhaul if it wants to stay king of the samplers.

    Arturia V also sounded pretty good when it first came out, but I find myself going back to Omni/Trilian. Arturia just sounds thin and fizzy to me in comparison.

    I am glad we have so many choices.
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  5. LV4-26

    LV4-26 Guest

    Yep It's huge for a piano.

    Agree.I too am getting tired of Kontakt and its libraries. I work only with Cinesamples.

    I never liked Arturia. It's really too ... how to say? Superficial
  6. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I really wanted to disagree with ya :P but I cant. So much of what ya said is very true.
  7. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Boring, IMHO.

    I can see how it could be quite useful and I have no doubt that it's very well-done, but I don't find it that "unexpected" or innovative. I see it as a really solid piece of utilitarian bread-and-butter, but definitely not the vanguard of a new era in VST instruments or anything else.

    I'd have rather seen a competitor to Reaktor or even Kontakt. I'd like to see a sampler with a better workflow than Kontakt that also comprehensively models the sample rate reduction, bit-depth, ADC/DAC, and transpositional aliasing quirks of classic digital hardware plus the ability to color the sample before it hits the virtual ADC with the vinyl/cassette nuances of vintage analog playback equipment. You know, something like Kontakt's vintage mode, but ultra in-depth, like Decimort, Morgana, Sonitex STX-1260, etc. blended together and on steroids.
  8. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    You are not only assuming lots of things about me, you are also coming across ass being condesending and quite rude in tone. It is fine that you like modeling better for your purposes, but there is really no need to go on a rampage.

    The fact is that the jury is still out on Keyscape just like I said in my post. Why you feel the need ramble to me about modeling I do not even know. I did not compare sample based vs modeling anywhere, but since you brought Pianoteq up, I will give you my opinion.

    I have played Pianoteq 5 quite a lot and tried to like it, tweeked it to my best liking, but it is nothing more than a proof of concept to me. Maybe it will sound convincing in the future. For now and for me, Hammersmith is the way to go.

    I have also played the Zimmer piano. It is so poorly sampled it is laughable. For you to argue that it in some way would be an example of a high end sampled based vst makes me quite sure you do not now what you are talking about. The did not even bother to sample every note.

    I did not bring on this conflict between samples vs modeling that you seem to have perceived in my post. My only point in that post was that the verdict still is out on Keyscape since noone here actually played it. I suggest you take your love for physical modeling to some other people and try convincing them of its superiority instead of me.

    That said, since you are a recording artist I would happily follow a link to any of your artistic work online. If you have any?
  9. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Since this thing weights more than 400 GB, how is it possible?
    So why is this library that huge?
  10. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    By the way, I don't remember who talked about the Spectrasonics FB page censorship but he was 200% right unfortunately:

    Yesterday, there were tons of negative comments that just disapeared today. Not even a single negative comment regarding Keyscape on their FB page, way to go Spectrasonics!
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  11. I for one still have hope. Eric has his sampling and programming shit together and just knows how to do right. He is at the top of the field with what he does. I am not sure what hardware he uses, but I thought I saw a glimpse of a Schoeps MK21/22 (anyway, it looked like a CMC6U preamp) or such, one of the sweetest mics every to capture the realism of an instrument. I bet he also uses DPA 4012/4011, 4015/4016 and the tiny 4022 sweet babies too. Throw in a Neumann TLM 193 or 170, mix it with some Jim Williams or GML preamps, Forrsell or Gorden pres with correct mic placement, mix and match, shaken and not stirred, then wham bam thank you ma'am, realism magic! Like they say, like him or hate him, you just have to respect his sampling/programming chops. And even if those keyboard players in the video are all his friends, it does not preclude this collection of instruments of being nothing less than the finest collection they had ever played. I personally have never played these huge sampled piano libraries that are out there and of which some people speak, but the ones I have are so phasey, dynamically flat or just never put a great big smile on my face for one reason or another. I have played Yamaha, Borsendorfers, Bechsteins and Steinways, so know what it is like to have an aural orgasm that begins at the anvil of your ear and spreads out over your entire body, the atomic sized space between your fingertips and the keys actually aglow with the aura of the light of creation, and if Eric can take me only half of the way there...

    Well, that's all right, mama
    That's all right for you
    That's all right mama, just anyway you do
    Well, that's all right, that's all right
    That's all right now mama, anyway you do
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2016
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  12. You took the exact words right out of my mouth.
  13. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    It is because it has 16 (!) mic positions.

    But 8 velocity levels, alternate note sampling and on top of that, the samples are noisy. Stay away from Hans Zimmer Piano.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2016
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  14. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    I guess Spectrasonics was right in the end. They kept on repeating "not what you"re expecting" on their FB page. It proved very true.
  15. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    With such a HD footprint, there's no way I will ever consider this one. And beside that I'm not even sure that I would be able to hear the difference with a few 10 GB piano libs that I already use.
  16. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Does it really take 10 years to shove a mic in some crusty old keyboards? Pretty sure I could knock that out in a few months.
  17. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    There's indeed a demo. A 25-minute demo.
  18. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Yes, if you feel so frustrated about the new instrument of Spectrasonics being sampled based keyboards that you can't refrain from being rude to someone disagreeing with you, I think that you should refrain from posting in this topic altogether.
  19. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I wonder what the prospect of that looks like. Will you be willing to pay $400 without trying it? I recall there was no omnisphere demo. I would be seriously surprised to see a Keyscape demo, seeing as the library is 77GB. I wonder what digital download will cost (in addition to the $400 price tag). Ominsphere is $10 a pop. Will Keyscape be $20?

    For shame! Mr. Sensitive has turned ruthless in his condemnation of people who dare criticize a piano rompler! :rofl:
  20. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    What's the big deal? You are personal attacking each other - just because of a new rompler? Really? Sit down for a minute, drink a tea, smoke some, do whatever you normally do to calm down, then discuss again here with more dignity. Yes, I mean all that were involved.

    It's another rompler. The quality of the sampling process is a criteria for the quality of such an instrument. It seems to be of good quality. On the other hand - how many pianos do you need? You want the real thing? Buy it. You can get good used pianos for $1,500 and up, grand pianos from $2500 and up. It may be 5 times more expensive - but you get an unlimited number of samples per note in unlimited velocity parts, recorded with the best microphones available (your ears). Just sayin'

    That sample based instrument isn't bad at all. It's just not the first, but one of very many. Of course people are disappointed after such announcements from spectrasonic. And that is what can be read here. Disappointment. I understand that just as well as I understand people that want a new sample-based piano replica.
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