Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Aug 13, 2015.


Is this huge thread really useful for you? Do you really want to see any news about REAPER5?

Poll closed Sep 10, 2016.
  1. Yes, I want to see all updates, betas, roadmap, other info about REAPER5, extensions etc.

    47 vote(s)
  2. No, f*kc that! Enuff! Stop collecting 100 pages for this thread! It is hard to read and useless

    5 vote(s)
  3. I don't care, I use REAPER 2.0 and older! and it is much more than enough!

    0 vote(s)
  4. Never! I want to see updates only for StudioOne, Cubase, Live, ProTools, FL, MOTU, Logic and Bitwig

    2 vote(s)
  5. hmmmmm....dunno

    5 vote(s)
  1. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.23 - August 14 2016
    + API: added APIExists() function, to test if a given API function exists
    + Accessibility: improve behavior with MIDI editor and media explorer buttons
    + Actions: "Move position of item to edit cursor" respects item snap offset [t=179652]
    + Auto-save: allow relative project auto-save paths
    + Automation: add actions to clear latch for all/selected tracks [p=1709294]
    + Automation: fix issues with write automation to time selection and zero transition time [p=1712349]
    + Automation: ignore latch reset on looped playback option in latch preview mode
    + Automation: optimize moving envelopes across tracks for large projects
    + Automation: do not reset send envelope panel size on undo/redo [t=175965]
    + Big Clock: support images (including animated .gif) backgrounds for visual click mode
    + Command line: improve command line help, add macOS support for -h [p=1709029]
    + Command line: improve handling of -cfgfile without paths, use default appdata path if non-portable install
    + MIDI editor: add default toolbar button for step sequencing
    + MIDI editor: fix 14-bit midi CC lane-presence indications [p=1708541]
    + MIDI editor: update internal state immediately on various API calls [t=180083]
    + Mixer: improve cursor feedback when ctrl+dragging sends [t=179414]
    + Notation editor: MusicXML import
    + Notation editor: support custom stem/beam direction [t=179602]
    + Notation editor: support pedal notation in MusicXML export
    + macOS: change various OS X instances to macOS
    + macOS: include edit menu for modal windows such as file open/save
    + macOS: fix possible incorrect timing of incoming IACbus MIDI events
    + macOS: remove option for VST unloading
    + macOS: restored 5.1x and previous behavior for separate default audio input/output devices [t=177035]
    + macOS: fix -renderproject command line option [p=1709058]
    + macOS: use resource path of command line -cfgfile specified .ini file specified (matching Windows behavior)
    + Open item copy in editor: ignore limit-to-realtime preference [t=179851]
    + Parameter modulation: fix application of parameter modulation when LFO/ACS enabled but with 0% strength
    + Parameter modulation: fix issue when manually entering LFO speed [p=1713856]
    + Parameter modulation: fix support for video processor parameter ranges
    + Project settings: improve layout, fix samplerate label [p=1654415]
    + REX: fix potentially incorrect item group creation
    + ReaComp: allow more than -150dB of gain reduction [t=179268]
    + ReaComp: improve GR meter behavior with large block sizes [t=96400]
    + ReaScript: allow Lua to access unknown reaper.* and gfx.* variables/functions [t=177319]
    + ReaScript: fix potential memory leak when calling Lua APIs with incorrect syntax
    + ReaSurround: brighten grid/influence lines
    + ReaSurround: improve parameter names
    + ReaSurround: improved pan gain behavior, deprecated old behavior with 'Normalize multichannel gain' checkbox
    + ReaSurround: increase zoom range, Z-axis scaling
    + ReaSurround: prevent context menu appearing when using marquee selection
    + ReaSurround: fix UI issue when displaying high speaker banks [p=1717649]
    + ReaSurround: correct speaker influence field display height
    + Regions: when copying regions, create new media item groups if necessary [t=179763]
    + Render: allow relative output directories, improve handling of blank render path
    + Render: display render-complete notification on macOS 10.8+
    + Render: improve recent render path menu
    + Render: include tail setting in output presets
    + Snap: more predictable behavior when snapping to non-grid points [t=179752]
    + Stretch markers: fix incorrect hit testing in inactive take lanes
    + Super8: add x-fade shortened loop action
    + Super8: improved auto fades when recording
    + Super8: improved sample length control behavior (shift for fine adjustment)
    + Theme: add latch preview toolbar icon, update other automation mode toolbar icons
    + Theme: allow WALTER layouts to position overlapping track index and bus-related buttons, if they desire
    + Time map: fix behavior editing tempo marker which transitions to time signature marker [p=1715727]
    + Timecode: add option for incoming MTC to be treated as 23.976ND/29.97ND vs 24/30fps
    + Timecode: improve display of LTC/MTC start offset in ND modes
    + Timecode: support sending 23.976ND/29.97ND as 24/30fps MTC
    + Timecode: relocate cursor in response to MMC goto/locate timecode command
    + Video: improve .gif preserve-transparency mode [p=1706823]
    + Video: auto-crossfade images by default (requires use of video processor preset for actual fades)
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2016
  2. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    5.23 released! Changes posted above (previous post).
    5.24 in progress!

    v5.24pre2 - August 14 2016
    + Dynamic split: allow generating transient guide markers rather than splitting
    + Dynamic split: improved analysis speed, disabled timestretch/pitchshift during analysis
    # Transient guides: visual tweaks
    # VST3: fix melodyne resize on win32 too
    # VST3: resizing tweaks
    # VST3: use updated container/resize logic for Slate Digital/Eiosis plug-ins

    v5.24pre1 - August 14 2016
    + API: add Envelope_GetParentTake and Envelope_GetParentTrack
    + Notation editor: assign user-created tuplets to a specific voice rather than MIDI channel [t=180150]
    + Notation editor: display quantization dialog defaults to the active track
    + Stretch markers: add transient guides, optionally calculated handles which can be used to quickly add stretch markers
    + Undo: prevent adding cursor move undo point immediately after project save
    + VST3: improve resize behavior with MeldaProduction plug-ins
    + VST3: improve support for Melodyne UI resizing
    + VST3: properly handle resizeView events [t=180334]
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.24pre3 - August 15 2016
    + VST: improved UI creation logic
    # VST3: more UI improvements, hopefully
    # VST3: re-fixed melodyne resize
  4. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
    Likes Received:
    transient markers will be fun sure


    hello Ableton Live
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
  5. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.24pre4 - August 15 2016
    + Render: default render path to blank (using default path)
    + Render: relative render paths override default relative paths
    + VST: fix UAD UI appearance on macOS
    # VST: always query view size before creating UI
    # VST: make scrollbars less likely to appear at certain sizes
    # VST: respond to more resize notifications from plug-ins that do not otherwise resize
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  6. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Those markers look more sophisticated than Ableton's in some ways. Nice.
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  7. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.24pre6 - August 17 2016
    # Transient guides: decrease maximum display density
    # Transient guides: improve appearance
    # VST: fix default plug-in UIs for plugins without UI [p=1719461]
    # VST: improve scrollbar handling

    v5.24pre5 - August 16 2016
    + ReaSurround: improve 3D preview projection, resize field sizes according to distance
    + Render queue: better handle 'silently increment' option [p=1717901]
    # ReaSurround: Adjust input diffusion display for input height
    # ReaSurround: improved behavior when starting to edit Z coordinate of speaker/source
    # VST: fix for UAD and other plug-ins on macOS
    • Like Like x 3
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  8. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.24pre8 - August 18 2016
    + Take lanes: do not unselect other items when switching takes of selected item via lane
    + Take lanes: obey multiple selected items/item grouping when switching takes via lanes
    # VST3: fix resizable vst3 scrollbars in generic view [p=1720020]

    v5.24pre7 - August 18 2016
    + Stretch markers: fix potential duplicate stretch marker at item extents [p=1718511]
    # Transient guides: make transient analysis output more consistent with tab-to-transient [p=1719849]
  9. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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  10. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    a bit more enhancements for VST and other stuff...

    v5.24pre10 - August 21 2016
    + FX browser: set item focus when selecting list via down arrow [p=1720400]
    + FX: auto-resize to VST/AU size on doubleclick in empty area of FX windows
    + Notation editor: autoscroll horizontally during certain types of edits
    + Notation editor: fix customized MIDI note double-click mouse modifier [p=1720711]
    + Notation editor: fix display offset for notes that span a measure boundary [t=180446]
    + Notation editor: support custom beaming actions for sets of notes on different staves (not cross-staff beaming) [t=180445]
    + Routing window: allow space to control transport when in text fields on macOS
    + Theme: draw overlay images for folder buttons in mixer
    # ReaPlugs: fix incorrect UI handling in reasynth, reasyndr, reasamplomatic [p=1720933]
    # VST: scrollbar spacing tweak to remove extra space when vert scrollbar but not horz

    v5.24pre9 - August 19 2016
    # VST: avoid scrollbars when extents are close
    # VST: fix for VST plugins which resize on create [p=1720154]
    # VST: improve initial sizing of generic UI
    # VST: re-fix UAD plug-in UIs on macOS, generic UI on plugins that require it
  11. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.24pre13 - August 26 2016
    + API: copy/paste, duplicate tracks generates new GUIDs for items, takes, and FX [t=175672]
    + Preferences: fix crash when very large recording update frequency is entered [t=180747]
    + VST3: improve behavior when scanning shell plug-ins for first time [p=1722349]
    # MIDI editor: do not deselect notes on click in CC lanes when piano roll mouse modifier is customized [p=1722650]
    # Notation editor: autoscroll when selecting time but not notes [1722650]
    # VST3: fixed support for UI-less VST3
    # VST3: re-fix VST SDK 3.6.6 examples, hopefully no bad side effects [p=1722349]

    v5.24pre12 - August 25 2016
    + API: allow SetCursorContext() to be called without envelope parameter
    + Automation: fix multiple-point editing corner cases [t=180363]
    + MIDI editor: do not deselect events unless piano roll left-click mouse modifier is set to deselect (which it is, by default) [t=177858]
    + MIDI editor: update channel usage indicator after any edit [t=180650]
    + MIDI: optionally export project tempo map and cues without any channel MIDI [p=1722360]
    + macOS: fix 'show full screen' menu item being added to Windows menu on macOS 10.11 [t=173120]
    # MIDI editor: fix context menu when default right-click mouse modifier is customized [t=172402]
    # Notation editor: fix marquee selection of notes and time ignoring snap [p=1722258]
    # Notation editor: fix right-drag mouse modifiers that select time but not notes
    # Notation editor: handle notation data during a bulk note move from API [p=1721838]
    # Notation editor: support mouse modifier to toggle selection for notes touched while dragging [p=1722258]

    v5.24pre11 - August 23 2016
    + Dynamic split: fix snap offset for final grouped split items [t=178123]
    + FX: updated bypass check image to have more contrast with dark themes
    + MIDI editor: actions to set channel for new events do not automatically activate the event filter [p=1721580]
    + MIDI editor: add filter checkbox next to channel dropdown [t=178256]
    + Notation editor: preserve articulation/ornament information when editing notes via API [p=1721580]
    + Notation editor: support autoscroll during marquee selection [t=180537]
  12. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    v5.24rc4 - September 2 2016
    + MIDI: fix note-off filtering bug [t=180966]

    v5.24rc3 - September 1 2016
    + Automation: separate preference for adding edge points when moving items vs moving multiple envelope points
    # Automation: improved handling once again of multiple points at the edge of seelected range

    v5.24rc2 - September 1 2016
    + MIDI: fix pooled item overdub recording possible deadlock [t=180935]
    # Automation: improve behavior when moving multiple points
    # Envelopes: fix tooltip/cursor when using bezier editing on a segment with 0 bezier tension

    v5.24rc1 - August 30 2016
    + FX browser: fix 'avoid loading undo state' context menu option
    # API: fix GetUserInputs() on windows

    v5.24pre15 - August 29 2016
    + API: support increasing GetUserInputs() text field width
    + API: support up to 16 fields for GetUserInputs()
    + FX chain: fix macOS keyboard bug [t=180852]
    + Render: fix issue with muted folder children and stem rendering [t=180359]

    v5.24pre14 - August 27 2016
    # Notation editor: fix initial time selection when dragging in timeline area [p=1723018]
    # VST: fix invalid scrollbar constraint nitpick [p=1721689]
    # VST: generic UI scrollbar/range tweaks
    # VST: improve scrollbar behavior when resizing
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2016
  13. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    take this!

    v5.24 - September 4 2016
    + API: add Envelope_GetParentTake() and Envelope_GetParentTrack()
    + API: allow SetCursorContext() to be called without envelope parameter
    + API: generate new GUIDs for items, takes, and FX on copy/paste, duplicate tracks [t=175672]
    + API: support up to 16 fields for GetUserInputs(), increasing GetUserInputs() text field width
    + Automation: fix multiple-point editing corner cases [t=180363]
    + Automation: separate preference for adding edge points when moving items vs moving multiple envelope points
    + Dynamic split: add support for generating transient guide markers
    + Dynamic split: fix snap offset for final grouped split items [t=178123]
    + Dynamic split: improve analysis speed, disable timestretch/pitchshift during analysis
    + FX: fix 'avoid loading undo state' context menu option in browser
    + FX: set browser item focus when selecting list via down arrow [p=1720400]
    + FX: auto-resize to VST/AU size on doubleclick in empty area of FX windows
    + FX: update bypass check image to have more contrast with dark themes
    + MIDI: fix potential pooled item overdub recording deadlock [t=180935]
    + MIDI: optionally export project tempo map and cues without any channel MIDI [p=1722360]
    + MIDI editor: do not automatically activate event filter on actions to set channel for new events [p=1721580]
    + MIDI editor: add filter checkbox next to channel dropdown [t=178256]
    + MIDI editor: do not deselect events unless piano roll left-click mouse modifier is set to deselect (which it is, by default) [t=177858]
    + MIDI editor: update channel usage indicator after any edit [t=180650]
    + MIDI editor: fix note-off filtering bug [t=180966]
    + Notation editor: assign user-created tuplets to a specific voice rather than MIDI channel [t=180150]
    + Notation editor: autoscroll horizontally during certain types of edits, marquee selection [t=180537]
    + Notation editor: display quantization dialog defaults to the active track
    + Notation editor: fix customized MIDI note double-click mouse modifier [p=1720711]
    + Notation editor: fix display offset for notes that span a measure boundary [t=180446]
    + Notation editor: preserve articulation/ornament information when editing notes via API [p=1721580]
    + Notation editor: support custom beaming actions for sets of notes on different staves (not cross-staff beaming) [t=180445]
    + Preferences: fix crash with very large user-entered recording update frequency [t=180747]
    + ReaSurround: improve 3D preview projection, resize field sizes according to distance
    + Render: better handle 'silently increment' option and render queue [p=1717901]
    + Render: default render path to blank (using default path)
    + Render: fix incorrect rendering with muted folder children and stem rendering [t=180359]
    + Render: make relative render paths override default relative paths
    + Stretch markers: add transient guides, optionally calculated handles which can be used to quickly add stretch markers
    + Stretch markers: fix potential duplicate stretch marker at item extents [p=1718511]
    + Take lanes: do not unselect other items when switching takes of selected item via lane
    + Take lanes: obey multiple selected items/item grouping when switching takes via lanes
    + Theme: draw overlay images for folder buttons in mixer
    + Undo: prevent adding cursor move undo point immediately after project save
    + VST: improve behavior when scanning VST3 shell plug-ins for first time [p=1722349]
    + VST: improve resize and UI behavior with various VST3 plug-ins (including MeldaProduction and Melodyne) [t=180334]
    + VST: improved UI creation logic
    + macOS: fix 'show full screen' menu item being added to Windows menu on macOS 10.11 [t=173120]
    + macOS: allow space to control transport when in routing window text fields
    + macOS: fix keyboard bug in FX chain window [t=180852]
    + macOS: fix VST UAD plug-in appearance
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  14. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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  15. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.25pre3 - September 8 2016
    + Take lanes: add option for choosing whether multiple selected items have their takes changed by clicking take lane
    + Timestretch: fix potential glitch on source loop [p=1727604]
    # MIDI editor: prevent drawing filled CC area to the left of item start
    # MIDI editor: properly round MIDI tick positions when quantizing in list view mode
    # MIDI editor: remove time selection dependent CC editing behavior, which didn't work properly anyway [p=1727451]
    # JSFX: support fft_permute(8)

    v5.25pre2 - September 7 2016
    + FX: add option to ignore FX chain keyboard shortcuts and send keys to main window
    + FX: improve bypass checkbox positioning [p=1727082]
    + JSFX/ReaScript: add fft_real/ifft_real (thanks Tale)
    + Media item properties: improve behavior with various scrollbar sizes
    + Take lanes: only gang take switches via lane clicks when grouping used, not from selection [p=1727092]
    + VST3: change program in response to program-change MIDI messages
    + Windows: improve behavior of single track send window with large fonts/scrollbars
    # MIDI editor: draw CC lane shading correctly when all events are selected [p=1727080]
    # MIDI: improve overdub/replace recording behavior with existing notes [t=180453]
    # MIDI: improve stopping overdub recording behavior slightly

    v5.25pre1 - September 6 2016
    + Automation: improved point paste edge case behavior [t=180798]
    + MIDI editor: draw events at their precise integer MIDI tick location in piano roll view [p=1726217]
    + MIDI editor: fix CC display with multiple overlapping channels [t=177453]
    + MIDI editor: fix duplicate messages when editing bank/program event channel [t=180005]
    + MIDI editor: properly round event position when editing via list view or event properties dialog [p=1726314]
    + MIDI: fix overdub/replace recording to MIDI items that ignore project tempo
    + MIDI: improve behavior when stopping overdub/replace recording with held notes [t=180453]
    + Notation editor: add actions to explicitly minimize or un-minimize ties for selected notes [t=180345]
    + Notation editor: add preference to minimize ties for all notes by default [t=180345]
    + Notation editor: automatically position beamed tuplets, improve bracket positioning for non-beamed tuplets [p=1726081]
    + Notation editor: change voice for selected notes if appropriate when creating/modifying tuplet [p=1726071]
    + VST: improve behavior initializing resizeable VST3 UIs [t=181147]
    + Wave: support reading .wav files with 0-length data chunk
    # MIDI editor: do not automatically enable channel filter on actions to set channel higher/lower for new events [t=181041]
    # MIDI editor: fix selected CC item fill
    # Snap window: fixed reversed selection/cursor snapping to markers/etc [p=1726315]
    • Like Like x 5
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  16. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Best Answer
  17. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Why discontinued? I always read this thread when it gets updated, it's very useful information :sad:
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2016
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  18. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Just so I understand it correctly: You get one (!) dislike and you go crazy? You talk in plural as if all of us were the same? I feel insulted by that assumption!

    And that all because of one dislike in a thread with 15 pages? A dislike from a guy who made only 15 posts in 2 years? Come on! Don't play princess.
  19. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Come on mild,i have been disliked just for saying hello.
    Some dumb mofo went trough many of my threads just to dislike that stuff.
    Most mofos who do that never post any thing,they just like to f-ck around with active members.
    Dont take it personally.
    I think this thread is useful for Reaper users and you are good man.:wink:
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  20. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Me too. Check out some of my negative ratings - I've received the "nasty" vote for helping a guy out. Mild Pump Milk - you know, some people around here are jackasses. They will downvote you simply because they're jackasses who have nothing better to do with their lives. I don't know what these guys were thinking, but look at it this way - they're status is still "member", even though they've prob been here longer than me. Then there are the "mighty" ones like you & me - who have nearly 1,000 positive ratings and like <25 negative ratings. You see, Milk, don't let the little guys get you down. Most of the people who do that type of thing are people who are very unknown or inactive on here, & they haven't contributed a whole lot of time/effort into making this forum a better place. So at the pace they're going now, they will not be remembered in the future. Whereas folks like you have left some sort of legacy/traces. You're a cool guy. I like you a lot. So I gave you a "winner" vote to erase the tracks of whoever downvoted you. Don't be angry, my friend. Some people are jackasses. They unhappy that they will never be as cool as you. Let them fade away, my friend. :mates:
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